The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 57

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 57

"Hey girls". Charlotte smiled as we got in the car.

A chorus of hi's and heys went around the car. My stomach was in knots. The car ride was silent and I was grateful. I felt a little awkward and I had no idea why. I liked his mom but I knew she was aware of the situation. She knew everything.

Scrolling through Facebook I smiled when I saw the tagged photo. Hitting the love heart I saved the picture to my phone. I was glad I met these girls. They made living here a whole lot better.

I was too busy playing on my phone that I didn't notice we had stopped. Looking out the window the first thing I noticed was how long the queue to get in was.

"Okay girls have fun but please be responsible". Charlotte said. "Oh and Leah are you available to come to dinner tomorrow?”.

Dammit! I couldn't say no to Charlotte.

"Sure". I smiled putting my phone in my bag.

"Great I'll see you at 6".

As we all got out the car we waved as she drove away. The music was blaring, I could feel the vibrations through my feet and that was from the sidewalk. "Please do not tell me we have to wait in that line to get in?". Lana groaned.

"No line". Alanna winked taking a hold of my hand and lacing our fingers together. "I can hear how fast your hearts beating, relax". She whispered.

I was anxious and nervous. I had that dreaded feeling in my stomach. What if he was in here with a girl in his lap?

Lacey and Lana had already disappeared inside.

"I'm fine". I smiled taking a deep breath. As we approached the front of the line the bouncer placed his arm out in front of us.

"This is for you little lady". Holding in his hand was a black card.

"No that's not-..."

"Boss mans orders". Placing the card in my hand he unhooked the red rope letting us in.

"Come on". Alanna laughed pulling us through the door.

Slipping the black card into my bag I had no intention of using it. I didn't need for him to buy me anything. I paid my own way always had.

The music was blaring, everyone dancing, the vibe and buzz was unreal in here tonight.

"Promise me one thing?". Alanna yelled as we approached the bar.

"What's that?".

"You'll have a good time and let loose".

"I' can do that". I laughed.

"Oh and another thing". She grinned signalling for the bartender. "Two tequila shots".


"You'll swipe that card like your life depended on it".

Nope! No! I wasn't using his money. That card was at the bottom of my bag and that's where it was staying.

"Let's go". Passing me the shot I took it. I didn't need the salt or the lime. "They've got a booth at the back". Following her through the crowd I was making my self aware of my

surroundings. So many people, so many faces. As we approached the table I tried my hardest not to glare. Why was Jessica here, we didn't like her.

Jake was sat in the corner. Pete on one side and Jack on the other. Beside Jack there was Carter. A few other guys were there but I hadn't been introduced yet. He was sat like he fucking owned the place. Everyone wanted to sit with him or near him.

His presence alone caught the attention of everyone in here especially the girls and I fucking hated it.

He was the king pin, the Alpha, but damn that smirk. When his tongue rolled out to wet his bottom lip I squeezed my legs together. The mating bond was working fast tonight. Someone up there had it in for me. How could I be angry at him when all I wanted to do was screw his brains out.

"You done eye fucking my brother?". She laughed pushing my shoulder. Feeling the heat rise to my cheeks I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip. Was I being that obvious?

"Bottle service, who the fuck owns this place because I like the special treatment". Lana grinned.

As we took a seat in the booth I couldn't help but steal sneaky little glances. I hated that I couldn't hear what was being said or what they were laughing about.

"Okay ladies". Lana grabbed the bottle of shots pouring out four. "I just want to say thank you for inviting me into your little friend group. I don't really have girlfriends other than Leah. You gals are the best and I love ya".

"Cheers". I smiled holding the shot glass up before taking it. It was like fire had hit the back of my throat and made its way down to my stomach.

"He's pushed the boat out tonight". Lacey smirked as she picked up the bottle of pink champagne from the ice bucket.

Ignoring her comment I took the glass she was offering. "Why is Holly friends with Jessica?". The poor girl looked miserable and it wasn't like Holly not to say hello.

"She doesn't really have a choice. Jessica is her cousin". Alanna said looking up from her phone. "She does what Jessica wants. It's a shame really".

"Who the fuck is Jessica?". Lana asked.

I couldn't hold it in, a laugh fell from my lips. She had said it that loud that she had caught the attention of everyone in the booth. Jessica included.

"What?". She made a face before turning her attention back to us. "Let me guess bitch over there with the glare?”.

"That's the one". I sighed.

"You don't know?". Lacey asked.

"Know what?".

"She gives Leah a hard time about Jake". Lacey took a sip of her drink. "I'll be back I'm going to see my mans".

"Thanks Lacey". Rolling my eyes Lana looked at me her eyebrow raised.

"Care to elaborate?". She asked.

"Not really". I smiled sweetly at her. "And she doesn't exactly give me a hard time. She just hates the fact that Jake and I-.." I stopped talking. I wasn't sure what we were especially after today. "She's a jealous bitch that's been trying to sink her teeth into Jake since middle school. She's desperate and it shows". Alanna placed her phone in her bag. "She just needs to get over the fact that my brother won't go there".

"But he did". I added. I'm very aware that there wasn't many girls left that hadn't been with Jake Taylor.

"Again". She said "I should have said again. Look why would he want anyone else when he's got you. Do you actually know how beautiful you are?".

I couldn't take a compliment I never could. I don't know why I was so against people commenting on how I looked. I didn't see myself as beautiful.

"I'm not even sure what we are after today". He wouldn't talk about it. He wouldn't tell me what I wanted to know. He shut me down the minute I asked which made me think he was hiding something.

"So you had a fight who cares we all have them. It'll work out on its own. The problem is the two of you are fucking stubborn and none of you will crack first".

Yeah that sounded about right.

"He started it". I huffed taking a sip of my champagne.

"Then be the bigger person and finish it. Put those big girl panties on and go get your man".

I couldn't hide my smile. It sounded so easy when she said it but the more I think about it the more I overthink about it. Trust was my biggest issue and I still didn't fully trust him. I mean I thought I did but that girl had totally flipped my switch.

"I know you want to". She sang.

I did I wasn't denying that but the strong, stubborn bitch inside wouldn't let me. "I do". I laughed. "But I can't". If I did then he would think everything was okay and it clearly wasn't. We both knew we needed to talk but none of us were willing to make the first move.

"I don't know how you do it. I haven't been able to keep my hands to myself". She smirked.

"Please don't". I begged. I didn't need to know about what her and Carter were doing. "Jake's finally met his match and I fucking love it". She laughed. "You are the only female to ever stand up to him and probably the first to tell him no".

Surely not.

"He lights a fire inside me so strong I've never experienced anything like it". I had no idea why I was telling her this but it seemed relevant. "The way he makes me feel, the way he looks at me when he thinks I'm not looking". I laughed. "He makes me want to dance in the rain with him, he makes me feel safe, he's home". Swallowing the lump in my throat I couldn't believe I was getting upset over this. Little did I know he had heard every word!

Taking my hand in hers she squeezed. "It'll all work out I promise. Come here". Placing her arm around my shoulder she pulled me in for a hug. "I'm so glad I met you". She whispered as she pulled back. "Same". I laughed wiping my eyes and hoping I hadn't smudged my makeup. "I'm going to freshen up a little".

"Want me to come with?". She asked. "I think someone else wants your attention". I smirked nodding my head towards Carter. He hadn't taken his eyes off her all night.

Leaving the booth I felt his eyes on me until I disappeared out of eyesight. Pushing the bathroom door open I smiled at the girl passing before entering a stall. I didn't need to pee I just needed 5 minutes alone. Putting the lid down on the toilet I took a seat grabbing my phone from my bag.

"You're playing it cool tonight"....

Hearing the voice I stole a glance through the small gap in the door. Holly and Jessica. Of course.

"I have to, I have to make him believe that I'm backing off". Jessica said. "I have to try and be nice to her".

"But why?". Holly asked.

"They're not getting along. I heard that Sarah girl has her really shaken up. I'm patiently waiting until he's done with her for good and then I can shoot my shot".

"You're so bad". Holly laughed as the door to the restroom closed. Once I knew they were gone I exited the stall.

So the reason she wasn't taunting me anymore was for Jake?

Fixing my eye makeup I washed my hands dabbing them on a paper towel. She was a real piece of work and now I wasn't so sure Holly was as sweet as I thought.

She thought we weren't getting along. I'll show her. Regardless if we weren't exactly on speaking terms just now that wasn't going to last forever. Storming my way across the dance floor I took a seat next to Lacey. To say I was raging was an understatement. Who exactly did Jessica think she was.

"You've got a face like thunder". Lacey whispered.

Oh I was already aware that I was wearing my feelings on my face right now. Glancing at her my eyes fell into slits when she smiled sweetly at me. She thought she was so smart.

"Oh who pissed you off?". Lana laughed as she joined the booth.

"I need a shot, pour some shots please".

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