The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 56

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 56

"What's going on with you bear?".

Leaning my head against the window I ignored Jake's call for the third time. Carter thought it was best he took me home.

"Nothing I'm fine".

"And Jake?". He asked.

"What about him?". I glared.

"Alanna told me what happened. Bear, you've nothing to worry about with Jake".

"I'm not worried".

"Fine if you're not going to talk to me about it then I'll shut up".

"I'm handling it". I said.

"Do you want to be with him?". He asked.

"Carter I'm-..."

"Just answer the question". He said cutting me off.

"I don't really have a choice do I?". I laughed sarcastically. "I'm his mate he can't live without me". Rolling my eyes I turned my phone off completely. He wouldn't stop calling.

"True, he can't live without you in a sense but there's always a way out. Could reject him". He shrugged. "And turning your phone off isn't going to keep him away. He's been tailing us since we left the beach".

Of course he was.

The thought of even thinking about rejecting him made my heart hurt. That's not what I wanted. I didn't want to hurt him. I wanted him to realise that if he had me he didn't need anyone else.

"Tell him what you want, what you need. He'll make you happy bear". As Carter pulled up to my house Jake took over parking in front of us.

"Okay so I may have overreacted". I sighed.

"Nah, I'm surprised you didn't hook the bitch". He smirked.

"So you get where I'm coming from?". I asked unclipping my seatbelt.

"I'll always be on your side Leah. Do what makes you happy. If Jake makes you happy then stop overthinking everything and just go for it okay?".

"He does make me happy". I whispered.

"Then what are you waiting for?". He asked nodding towards Jake's car.

"It's not that easy Carter. I want to be with him I do but that girl yesterday and the ones before. I don't know if I fully trust him. Girls are always fussing over him. They make me feel like I'm not good enough. I want him to show them I'm his".

"Look I get it but just be careful. The bond works in mysterious ways. If you need some time then take some time but make sure he knows you're not rejecting him".

"Thank you".

"Anytime bear and another thing. Don't be braking hands tonight". He winked.

Laughing I got out of the car closing the door behind me. Waving him off I watched as Jake got out of his car making his way towards me.

"I don't want to-..what are you doing?". I squealed as he picked me up throwing me over his shoulder. "Put me down". I yelled.

"Not until this is sorted". He snapped walking towards his house.

"Jake I swear to-...". A cry fell from my lips as he brought his hand down on my ass cheek. "You're an asshole". I hissed.

Another smack....

My body jerked....

"Keep talking princess and I'll take you over my knee".

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I couldn't think about anything else other than where his hand was resting. The need to have him touch me, the fire building, the tingles spreading.

He was so close to my core.

If he moved his hand a little higher he would be touching my most sensitive part, my sweet spot and I so wanted him to touch me there. Feeling the heat spread across my cheeks I giggled. I knew he would be able to tell I was turned on.

"Princess". He growled his hand moving slightly higher. My body tensed, he wouldn't dare touch me outside. Reaching his front door he placed me back on my feet.

I could feel him staring.

"What?". I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Feisty". He glared taking a step closer.

"What happened with Sarah?". I wanted to know their history. She obviously wasn't just an easy lay.

"You really going to do this?". He asked.

"Just as I thought, I'm going home".

"Then go home". He hissed his nostrils flaring.

I wasn't expecting him to say that. Swallowing the lump that appeared in my throat I took myself home before he could see my tears fall.

I didn't even know why I was crying but I couldn't seem to stop. My emotions were all over the place. My eyes red, my nose runny. I couldn't stop thinking about him. The look in his eye when he told me to go home.

Grabbing my pillow I buried my face into it letting out a scream. "Fuck you Jake Taylor, fuck you". I asked for space and for good reason and this is how he reacts. He wasn't getting to make me feel guilty because I spoke the truth.

Enough was enough. I wasn't going to sit around here feeling sorry for myself.

Changing out of my bikini I put on some running gear. I still had a few hours before they would would to go out so I had plenty of time to fit in an extra run.

Running like the beach was my escape only today the beach got ruined. Connecting my earphones to my phone I attached it to my arm.

Jake Taylor could kiss my ass.


The sun had set by the time I got back, nightfall approaching. Could say I took the long way home by walking. I could hear the music and laughter as I approached my back yard. What was she up to now?

Walking in through the back door I froze, the hairs on the back of my neck standing. He was here, why was he here. I didn't want him here, I didn't want to see him.


"Hey girl". Lana grinned as I walked into the kitchen.

"What's going on?". I asked.

"A little drink before we go out. Please tell me you're still coming?"...

I wasn't listening, the only thing I could focus on was the laughter falling from his mouth, that dirty laugh. Oh god! Groaning I closed my eyes trying to ignore what my body wanted. I bet he fucking knew the effect he was having on me.

"Leah?". Waving her hand in front of my face I swatted it away. "Go get ready". I wasn't even sure I wanted to go out anymore.

"Why's he here?". I hissed.

"Who-...Oh..OH shit I-..he came with Carter I couldn't say no to letting him in. He's intimidating especially when he's pissed off".

He didn't seem pissed off. He was probably sitting through there acting like the fucking king.

This was my house not his. Grabbing the shots off the kitchen island I poured one into a coffee mug and downed it. I was going to need a lot of that to get me through tonight.

"That's my girl". She winked. "Now go get dressed so we can go".

I basically ran up to my room. I tried not to look at him but one sneaky glance and as per usual his head was buried in his phone. My heart was still hammering in my chest. Just knowing he was in my house and he was close was causing that sweet feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It's like the mating bond knew we were fighting.

Quickly showering I had decided I wasn't going to let him ruin my night. I'm pretty sure the alcohol would take my mind off him. The girls were in my room by the time I got out the shower.

"I poured you a drink". Alanna smiled passing me a wine glass. Taking it I smiled at her.

I get that us fighting was hard on her. Alanna and I were close but Jake was her brother.

Placing my glass on my bedside drawer I pulled out a pair of jeans from my closet.

"Nope not tonight". Lana said grabbing the jeans from my hands.

"Hey". I yelled. I liked wearing jeans, they were comfortable and always went with any body suit.

"Now this". She smirked holding up my black mesh long sleeve dress. "This the outfit for tonight".

"That won't cover my ass cheeks".

"It's a mini it's not meant to". She sighed.

"Do you not this it's a bit puffy?". I asked running my hands down the bottom of the dress. The bottom half was faux fur and the top part was see through black mesh. It looked more like a skirt and a top than a dress.

"Wear it". Alanna smirked.

"The boys have arrived at the club". Lacey added.

They had left already?

"Jacks asking how long we'll be". She grinned taking a shot.

Rolling my eyes I took the dress from Lana. Fuck it I was wearing it. Picking out clean panties I put them on under my towel.

"I hope you picked a nice lace thong". Lana winked.

She knew me too well. I don't know what it was about lace panties or just lace in general. I loved how I felt wear it and how I looked in it.

"So instead of an Uber I asked my mom to drop us off". Alanna said typing away on her phone.

"And she said yes?". I asked. We were all underage and she was okay with dropping us off at a nightclub.

"Her golden boy is out so of course I'm allowed". She smiled. "She knows he'll look after us". She shrugged.

Fair enough.

It didn't take me long to get ready. My hair and makeup was done only a little red lipstick and I was good to go.

"He's texted me again". Lacey sighed.

Of course he had. Jack was very protective of Lacey. Everyone saw it.

"I'm nearly done I promise". Going to my closet I picked up the box. I was nervous about wearing them but tonight felt right. Taking them out the box I slipped them onto my feet.

Red lips meant one thing... Red bottoms.

"Yes girl". Lana laughed.

"My moms outside". Alanna said looking up from her phone. "But we have to get a picture before we go". She grinned. Taking the picture she uploaded it to Facebook. "Okay now we're good". Checking my bag to make sure I had everything I shoved my keys, perfume and bank card inside. I was excited. Tonight was going to be a good night and Jake was the furthest thing from my mind.

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