The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 58

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 58

For some reason I couldn't get drunk. I was tipsy, my head a little fuzzy but I was still aware of my surroundings.

"Let's go". Alanna smirked. "It's VIP time". Taking a hold of my hand she pulled me to my feet.

The VIP area wasn't so different from the main area. It had comfier seats and was a lot more intimate but that was it.

"I'm going to get some air". I wasn't feeling it anymore.

"You okay?". She asked.

"Always". I smiled as she pulled me in for a hug.

"If you get the chance please talk to him". As she pulled back I rolled my eyes. Speaking of Jake I hadn't seen him in a while. I wasn't even sure if he was still here.

"I will". Walking across the dance floor I grabbed my phone from my bag and made my way outside. The cold air against my face was welcoming. It was like a sweat fest inside. "Little lady are you okay?". The bouncer asked.

Holding onto the front of the building I pulled my shoes off a sigh escaping my mouth when I felt the coolness of the ground. "You can call me Leah". I smiled.

"Leah". He grinned. "Want me to call the boss?".

Yes, yes I did. I didn't want to fight anymore. I missed him, missed being around him and spending time together. But if he couldn't be honest with me then I had to stand my ground and keep to my word. I wasn't about to put my all into this if he was still messing around.

"No that's okay". Walking to the end of the sidewalk I took a seat on the kerb. I should have stayed in tonight. I wasn't in the mood anymore. I was starving and couldn't seem to get out this funk that I was in. Being here wasn't as fun as the first time. All I could think about was him. Did it even bother him that we weren't speaking? Was he thinking about it just as much as I was?

I was too wrapped up in my own head to hear him approach. Placing his hands on my shoulders I placed my hand on one of his. I didn't want to be like this anymore. It was hard being mad at him. "Think we need to talk princess".

We did but I was scared it would turn into a screaming match and I didn't really want that outside a night club in front of an audience.

"We do Jake but not here". I was ready to go home and get out of this dress.

"Let me take you home"...

Letting my hand fall from his I picked up my shoes and got to my feet. I at least had to make a little effort if we were going to fix this.

"Take me home then". I was glad his car was parked at the side of the club. That told me he hadn't been drinking. Clipping my seatbelt into place I could feel the nerves building in my stomach.

I wanted him to be honest with me and tell me about his past. I wasn't jealous, we all had a past. I just needed to know that we were on the same page and both of us were going to put 100% into the relationship that we make.

It's not that I didn't believe him it's just when you have so many different girls approaching you and filling your head with crap it makes you think.

"Did you have fun tonight?". He asked as he pulled onto the road.

"Was okay". I shrugged taking my phone from my bag. I didn't want to worry the girls when they couldn't find me. Sending Alanna a text I put my phone away my fingers touching the black card. I would be returning that.

"Just okay?".

"Not really feeling it tonight". I wanted nothing more than to jump into my pjs, get into bed and stuff my face with hot Cheetos.

"No broken bones though so that's good". I could see his smirk from the corner of my eye.

"No one pissed me off tonight". I said turning my head so he couldn't see my smile. I always did like the playfulness we had together. Being together was always easy. Well when we were alone it was. A chuckle fell from his lips. "I deserved that. You look beautiful tonight Leah".

It made my heart hurt that we had hit a dent in the road.

"Thank you".

The rest of the car journey home was quiet. It wasn't awkward but there was definitely some tension between us. As he rounded the corner to our street he passed my house only stopping when he was parked in his drive way.

"We need to talk and I don't want to be disturbed". As he unclipped his seatbelt and got out I tried to calm my breathing. This is what needed to happen. I just wasn't sure how it was going to end.

Unclipping my belt and grabbing my shoes I got out of the car. The butterflies in my stomach were going wild. This talk was going to determine what happened between us. I wanted to trust him but I still had a little bit of doubt in my mind.

I wasn't going into this blind. I jumped in with two feet and it was a mistake. The more time we spent together the more nothing else mattered.

I knew deep down he was going to be in my life whether I wanted him to be or not.

"You coming?". He asked knocking me out of my thoughts. Smiling I walked the short distance to his front door. "You want anything?". Walking behind him into his living room I couldn't help but stare in awe. His home was beautiful.

"No I'm good". My stomach rumbled, I was starting to feel a little sick.

"Grilled cheese okay?". As this point I would eat anything.

"I'm starving". I groaned. "Do you have any Cheetos?".

"That's my girl". He winked. "Snacks are in the far right cupboard. I'm going to change I'll be back in a minute".

I was already walking to the kitchen before he could finish his sentence. Reaching up and into row of full sized windows looking out into his backyard. The scenery that you could see for miles, it was a beautiful sight and I would never get tired of looking. "Beautiful isn't it?"...

cupboard I pulled the family sized bag out


em open. I loved

use was open plan. The

"Yeah". Making my way towards one of the corner couches I sat down tucking my feet under my bum. "I bet it looks amazing in winter". Shoving a few Cheetos in my mouth I could see him smile. "You'll find out soon enough. This will be your home one day to". His voice lowered as he took a few steps towards me. "Baby I'm sorry". The sigh left his mouth as he bent down in front of me. Our eyes now level.

"I'm sorry too". I whispered.

"You've nothing to be sorry for. I should have just told you the truth but instead I caused an argument that didn't need to happen. Sarah and I messed around a lot but please know I haven't been with anyone since you got here. Those girls are trying their hardest to get under your skin but trust me Leah I don't want anyone but you".

I believed him but I still wasn't sure I trusted him 100%. Not yet anyway.

"Do you know how hard tonight was for me?". He asked.

"It was hard for me too". Chewing my bottom lip I broke our stare. He had no idea the effect he had on me. These feelings were all new to me and yes sometimes I wasn't quite sure how to handle them. "And that dress". He groaned. "Please tell me you're wearing panties". I couldn't hold back my grin.

"I don't like this". I sighed.

"I don't either princess". Taking a seat next to me he slid his arm around my shoulder. "I can't do this Leah. Not speaking to you or seeing you is driving me crazy. I almost shifted tonight".


"Why do you think Jack was by my side the full night. Every guy in that damn club had their eyes on you".

They did?

A snarl fell from his lips his body tensing beside me. "I don't like people looking at what's mine".

"Jealous?". I asked.

"Fucking right I'm jealous. You're mine princess. I can't do this without you".

"I believe you Jake but I don't want to jump right back in there as if nothing happened. I asked you a simple question and you didn't give me an answer. What did you think was going to happen?". "What do I need to do to get you to trust me?". He asked.

I didn't expect that. I was expecting a screaming match and him trying to show his dominance over me. It didn't take much for him to snap.

"I don't know"....

"If you don't know then how am I suppose to fix it baby?".

"If you hadn't of slept with every girl in this town we wouldn't be having this conversation". I had no idea where it came from but it needed to be said.

“That's not fair”. Pushing himself off the couch he walked into the kitchen pouring himself a drink. “That was my past Leah”.

"Yeah and your past keeps raring it's ugly head. Those girls don't respect me and they never will. How am I suppose to help run a pack that I have no control over. Those girl could kill me if they wanted". "Do you want to be with me?".

"I want to be with you but not everything that comes with you". I didn't know how else to say it. He needed to know the truth and how I was feeling.

"My wolf is me". He bit out through clenched teeth. "You gotta want the full package babe".

"I'm not talking about your wolf. I'm talking about everyone in this town having a fucking opinion". I snapped getting to my feet. "I wouldn't get half the abuse I do if I was a werewolf. They don't think I'm worthy because I'm human".

"Who gives a fuck what they think?". He yelled.

"Me, I DO". He had no idea what it was like. He didn't experience what they were like when he wasn't around.

"I'm going out of town for a few days. It'll give you the space you need. Once I come back you need to decide on what you want. Bringing the glass to his lips he downed what was in it. "One minute you want me and the next you don't. Gotta make up your mind princess".

"Never once did I say I didn't want you". I glared.

"I know baby look I'm sorry". Running a hand over his face he closed the distance between us. "Whatever you want, whatever I need to do I'll do it. I need you in my life, I need to know you want the same". "I want the same". I whispered. "But I need to know it's just me". I know I shouldn't let those girls get to me but it was hard. I didn't want them talking about how big his dick was or how good he was in the sack. "It's only even going to be you princess". Placing his arm around my waist he pulled me flush against him. "When I get back be prepared because I'm going to show you just how much you mean to me".

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