The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 51

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 51

Strangely I didn't feel as uncomfortable as I thought I would. I met Jack and Petes parents. Both were nice, regular people. Well as regular as you could get.

Jake hadn't said two words to me since we sat down for dinner but the feeling was mutual. Charlotte was the sweetest just like always. I still couldn't get over how much Jake looked like his dad.

"I hope you appreciate how beautiful she is". Jane, Petes mom winked at me. Smiling at her I played around with the food on my plate. I didn't have much of an appetite, was always the same when I was on my period.

"She knows I do". Clearing his throat I ignored the hand he placed on my knee. "So Leah, what are your plans for when you graduate?". Carol asked, Carol was Jacks mom who was also the sweetest. They all were. I did notice though that the men were a little more reserved.

If I graduate I felt like saying.

"I haven't really decided yet but Yale could be on the cards". Her smiled dropped, Jake's hand slipped from my knee, the table went quiet. Did I say something wrong? "Dessert". Charlotte stood from her seat. "Jacob will you help me please?". As his parents disappeared from the table I felt the awkwardness. No one was talking anymore.

"Where's Alanna?". I asked turning my head so I could look at him. She had missed the full dinner.

"She's running late". Leaning closer to me he whispered. "When were you going to tell me about Yale?".

Was Yale an issue?

"I haven't decided yet and when I do I'll tell you". I could feel their eyes on me. Was university not something they did?

"Oh honey". Jane laughed. "Once you're mated it'll be hard being that far from Jake". For some reason I already knew that. I already struggled sometimes and we weren't mated yet.

But I couldn't stay here and do nothing. Did he expect me to stay here and do nothing?

"Like I said". I smiled. "I haven't decided yet". Because it was my decision not Jake's.

"I'm going to use the bathroom". Getting up from my seat I left the dining room and made my way upstairs. Reaching the bathroom I locked the door behind me. Everything was going great until university was mentioned. I could feel the tension in the air.

I was hot and my feet we're throbbing, stilettos were a killer for me. I preferred a chunky heel. Fuck this! Pulling off my shoes I sighed with the coolness of the tiles against my feet.

"Leah?". He knocked on the door, I could see him pressing the handle. "Babe open the door".

"I'll be out in a second". Lifting my shoes I unlocked the door pulling it open. "Can't I pee in peace?". "You okay?". He asked.

"Always now can you please move?".


"Not now Jake, not here". They didn't need to hear an argument and I wasn't having it in his moms house.

"But you're okay?". Closing the distance between us he brushed his nose against mine, his hand resting against my hip.

"I'm pissed you sent Jack to pick me up". I had to be honest with him.

"I know babe. I got caught up and I'm sorry". He whispered.

"That's twice today Jake. I know you're busy but a text would have been nice. I slammed the door shut in Jacks face, I feel awful”.

He laughed before placing a kiss on my forehead. "He'll get over it. We better get back down before my mom starts overthinking".

"We wouldn't want that". I grinned.

Hand in hand we walked back downstairs and into the dining room. Jake's parents had returned to the table, I noticed the chocolaty goodness on the plate in front of my chair. I always had room for chocolate.

"Jake, have you heard from your sister?". His mom asked, she looked worried.

"I tried to call her but no answer".

"She should be here for this". His dad stated. "Her future Alpha is officially welcoming his mate into the pack, but I bet she won't miss the party celebration". He muttered.

Hold up! The what? I thought the purpose of this dinner was to welcome me to the pack. Now there was a party as well.

"Jake call her again. She's never usually this late". As his mom excused herself from the table I took my phone from my coat pocket. His dad left next.

"I asked her for one night and she does this". He sighed. "Little witch will be on early duties for a month".

"Want me to try and call her?". I asked resting my hand on his thigh. I knew he was getting annoyed and I knew my touch helped.

"Yeah babe please". Placing his hand on top of mine he brought it to his mouth placing a kiss on my knuckles.

"I'll send her a text".

'Where are you? Your family is worried! Call me when you can please x'

"Leah, honey, it was so nice to meet you. We'll get a catch up at the celebration party". Jane grinned before pulling me in for a hug. "Don't be a stranger now". "Leaving already?". Jake asked. "We have to Jake and it looks like your moms got her hands full. We'll see you soon". Paul, Janes husband shook his hand. "Come here sweetheart". Carol pulled me in for a hug. "We'll see you real soon".

"It was so nice to meet you all". I smiled.

The house was quiet. Alanna still wasn't home and we couldn't get a hold of her. I was sat in the sitting room with a cup of coffee.

"I'm going to grab Jack and see if I can pick anything up out back. Why would she shut her link off". He growled.

"I'll send out a message and make everyone aware". His dad excused himself, Charlotte had went upstairs a little while ago. She was beside herself with worry.

Finishing off my coffee I got to my feet, my phone vibrated from the coffee table. Grabbing a hold of it I let out a long breath.

'I'm fine jesus.....but I do have something to tell you!! I found HIM. Ax'

"She's safe". I smiled. "But I think she found her mate". Showing him the message he took the phone from my hand and dialled her number. "Jake". I yelled.

"So you finally decided to fucking answer". He roared. "Get home now Alanna". Ending the call he pushed my phone back into my hand.

"Was that really necessary?". I asked as another message came through.

'Is my dad like Jake? I didn't mean to make them worry. I'm coming home now but I'm bringing him with me.Ax'

"She knows my mom worries". He sighed. "And she knows to check in".

"She's safe so go and let your mom and dad know she's on her way home".

"I'm sorry babe". Slipping his arm around my waist he kissed the tip of my nose.

"Tonight didn't go as planned".

"It was fine". I whispered. "I'm going to head home before she gets here. I don't want to be in the middle of a family dispute".

"You're family, you're my family". He growled. "You're going nowhere unless it's to my bed".

"I don't have any of my things". I didn't even pack a bag. I wasn't planning on staying because of school tomorrow.

"You don't need them". He smirked. "Please babe just stay".

Hearing the engine and seeing the brightness of her headlights I heard the movement from upstairs and the footsteps on the stairs. Charlotte with Jacob right behind her. "As long as she's safe". Jacob stated.

"She found her mate". Charlotte almost broke her neck as the words left Jake's mouth.

"She did?". A smile broke out on her face. "She found him".

"Mom". Jake sighed.

This was a big deal and she was excited.

As the door open I was anxious to see him. I was excited for her. The only thing she wanted was her mate.

I knew that face, I was related to that face.


"Little bear?". He grinned.

A growl ripped from Jake's mouth as he pushed me behind him.

"Wait you know him?". Alanna asked.

"He's my cousin". Placing my hand on Jake's side I shoved him slightly so he would get out of the way. That only caused another growl to rip from his mouth.

Seriously he was getting territorial over my cousin?

"Jake". Placing my hand on his back I grabbed a hold of his hand. "He's my cousin and he's Alanna's mate. Calm down please". I whispered.

"You're getting good at that Leah". Jacob smirked.

I wasn't so sure. His body was still tense. As he took a step forward I placed myself in front of him. "Babe". I whispered placing my hand on his cheek. His eyes locked with mine, the brown coming back, the black disappearing.

"You're mine". He whispered.

"I know. Wait a minute". The penny dropped. He was her mate, did she tell him about werewolf straight away? Did he freak out like I did?

"I'll put the kettle on". Charlotte grabbed hold of Jacobs arm pulling him away and into the kitchen.

"Are you-.." I couldn't bring myself to say it. It didn't make sense. Surely he would have told me. We were thick as thieves when we were younger.


"No". Holding up my hand I took a step back. I couldn't believe this.

"Babe". Jake placed his hand on my back.


"Just let me explain please". Carter sighed taking a step towards me. Alanna was right next to him, her hand in his.

"When did you know?". I asked.

"My sixteenth birthday".

"So that's why I didn't see you again".

"The fever hit, I didn't know what was happening either. Trust me bear I wanted to tell you".

"Does gran know?". I already knew the answer when he couldn't look at me. I felt like I had been sucker punched. What else were they hiding? "Bear".... I hated that he still used the nickname for me from when I was younger. Carter was two years older than me but we were inseparable.

"What, did I just not get the wolf gene?".

"It's from my dads side Leah. I'm half, you already know my mom isn't a wolf".

Carter's mom was my moms sister.

"So you just thought you'd cut me out of your family?".

"Dammit Leah that's not-....."

A growl fell from Jake's mouth. "You may be my sisters mate but Leah is mine. You do not disrespect her and you most definitely do not speak to her like that". The power radiating from him was overwhelming, even I wanted to bow my head and submit.

"Apologies Alpha".

This was to weird. He was my flesh and blood and yet it felt like I didn't know him at all.

"You're still my family Leah and please don't be angry at gran". I didn't want to be angry at her but I was. They had kept me in the dark for years and I've only now found out because of Jake, because I was his mate.

"Why are you here?". I asked.

"I was invited here. It's a big deal when a powerful werewolf next in line for Alpha finds his mate".

"The celebration isn't for a few weeks". Jake stated. I could feel his hand on the lower of my back. It was calming. I felt rage, anger but most importantly disappointment.

My own family had lied.

"Gran reached out when you first moved here. She said you were having a rough time of it". Scratching the back of his head his eyes locked with mine.

"I haven't heard from you in 2 years and suddenly you wanna be besties". I was being harsh but I couldn't help it. I couldn't seem to wrap my head around it. "I need a minute, sorry". I knew Jake was hot on my trail. Pushing the door open I stepped outside into the back garden.

"What are the odds of that happening?". He chuckled. I wasn't in the mood. A bombshell had just been dropped on me and I didn't find it funny. Member of my own family were werewolf's.

"Tell me something". I said turning so I could face him. "Does my gran know what you are?".


"Of course she does and let me guess George is a wolf too". I laughed.

"Come here". Sighing I took his hand as he pulled me onto his lap as he sat out the garden chair. "It was all going to come out sooner or later babe. Your gran knows because George is her mate. He knows my


Mind blown.

"Such a coincidence that I just so happen to be your mate". I said.

"That's not a coincidence". He growled.

"I know I'm sorry". I sighed. "It's been a long night".

"Do me a favour". He whispered kissing the side of my head. "Don't be to hard on Carter. It wasn't his place to tell you".

"Aren't you suppose to be on my side?".

"I am on your side always but babe-.."

"Fine". I didn't want to talk about this anymore. I would talk to Carter just not tonight. "I'm just going to go home tonight".

"Okay". He sighed. "I'll walk you home but tomorrow you're staying here. No arguments".

"Deal". I smiled

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