The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 52

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 52

I couldn't sleep. My mind wouldn't shut off. Groaning I sat up turning my bedside lamp on. It was 3am. Lana was passed out by the time I got home. I had showered changed into fresh pjs but still I couldn't settle.

I had school in less than 6 hours and I couldn't see it far enough. I still had to talk to Carter and I had the weekend before I needed to face my gran.

They lied to me, my gran had lied to me my whole life. She obviously knew uncle Zac was a werewolf. I couldn't really be mad at Carter. He did to me what I'm doing to Lana. A secret that isn't mine to share. I guess it wasn't his either.

Then there was the celebration. A celebration to celebrate Jake finding me. I wasn't really in the mood to celebrate. This was all happening and I had no control over it. It was one thing after another. I was still struggling with the idea that werewolf's were real and now I was related to one and a mate to the other.

Further down the line my children would be wolfs. Sighing I rubbed a hand over my face. This is what stupid shit I thought about when I couldn't sleep. I was an over thinker. Pushing my covers off I got out of bed.

Heading downstairs the first thing I noticed was the kitchen light. That wasn't on when I got home. Guess I wasn't the only one that couldn't sleep. She was sat with a cup of hot chocolate and a box of Oreos.

"Kettles on".

"Can't sleep?". I asked fixing my cup.

"It's to damn hot". She groaned. "Kinda nervous about tomorrow well today. New school, new start".

"I was the same but hey you've got me and Alanna and Lacey will be there to. I'll introduce you to Ryan as well". Sitting across from her I stirred my hot chocolate.

"Hold up who's Ryan?". She grinned.

"A friend". Taking a sip of my hot chocolate a yawn escaped my mouth.

"A friend huh, is he hot?".

Of course that's what she wants to know.

"I have to leave school early tomorrow. Got the hospital". I said holding up my hand. I had to change the subject. Ryan was a good looking guy but I didn't see him that way. "On my first day". She frowned.

"It wouldn't have been your first day if you went yesterday".

Making a face she shrugged. "I'm sure I'll be fine. Pete wants to drop me off. Boy can't get enough of me". She winked.

Rolling my eyes I shook my head. She seemed pretty smitten with him. I just hoped for Petes sake she didn't chuck him.

"How was your dinner?". She asked.

I wanted to tell her it was eventful. I wished I could talk to her about everything but I couldn't. Until she knew the truth I only had Jake to vent to and even then it wasn't the same as venting to my best friend. "It was fine". I smiled. "It's not the first time I've had dinner with his family. His moms the sweetest".

"Sounds like you had fun". She grinned placing her cup in the sink. "I'm going back to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Love you". She yelled as she headed up stairs.

"Love you too". I wasn't tired in the slightest. A few yawns but no stinging eyes yet. I wondered if Carter was staying with Alanna or if he was staying in a hotel. I knew my gran would make him stay here when she got back.

I couldn't wait to have that conversation when she arrived back home. She didn't know that I knew. I hadn't spoken with her since she left and she was yet to check in.

Unlocking my phone I opened up a blank message. I wasn't even sure if he had the same number. Jake was right I shouldn't be too hard on him and at the end of the day he was still my family, he was my blood.

'Will you be around tomorrow?'

After sending the text I emptied my cup, turned off the lights and headed back to bed. I already knew I wasn't getting any sleep tonight.

"Leah". I felt the shove but chose to ignore it. "LEAH". She yelled only this time she pulled the covers from my body.

I couldn't do this today. It felt like I had only just shut my eyes. "Your alarms been going off every ten minutes for the last hour and you're still not up. We're going to be late".

"I'm not going, my hands sore". It was a lame ass excuse but it was one I could get away with. I couldn't get up even if I wanted to. I felt drained.

"You're such a bad liar". She laughed.

Giving her the middle finger I buried my head deeper into my pillow. I was missing half of school anyway, a full day wasn't going to hurt.

"I'm leaving in ten if you change you mind". Hearing my door close I pulled my covers up and around my neck.

I wasn't going to change my mind.

It was the loudness of the knocking that woke me. Startled I sat up grabbing my phone to check the time only then noticing Carter had texted me back.

'Always bear! Give me a shout and we'll talk'

He sent that half an hour ago. It wasn't even 10 o'clock yet. Stretching my arms there was another knock at my door. I still didn't feel rested, I didn't seem to have any energy or motivation to get out of bed.

Another knock!

Pushing my covers off I grabbed Jake's hoodie from my window seat and put it on. Whoever it was wasn't going away. Rushing down the stairs I opened the door.

"Skipping school bear?". He smirked.

"Did you bring coffee?". I asked eyeing up the 2 takeaway cups.

"And some brownies". He grinned. "Still got that sweet tooth?". It always was hard to stay mad at him. Those big blue eyes and that cheeky grin.

"I'm still mad at you". Taking one of the coffee cups I went into the living room.

"Brownies and coffee aren't getting you off the hook so easily".

"I know". He sighed sitting in the arm chair next to the window. "Do you not think I hated not seeing you?".

"Could have fooled me". Making a face I winced. I was being a bitch. "I'm sorry I just all of this is hard for me to take in. I fainted the first time I saw Jake as his wolf". "Sounds about right". He laughed.

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all. I've been thrust into a world I didn't know existed".

"Kinda cool though". He smirked. "And an Alphas mate. You'll fit right in".

"I'm not so sure". Taking a sip of my coffee I avoided his stare. It wasn't easy to fit in around here, well for me it wasn't.

"Who's giving you a hard time?". He asked. "Damn near every girl in this town". Running a hand through my hair I shook my head. "Everybody loves him, all the girls want to be with him and he doesn't even notice".

"He's powerful Leah".

"Yeah I kinda guessed that. What use am I to him I'm human”.

"The beast wants what it wants and thats you. He's powerful without you can you imagine what he'll be like with you".

I frowned. I didn't get what he was trying to say. How can I make him more powerful?

"You're the other half of him. He needs you more than you'll ever know".

"Maybe". I shrugged.

"No bear not maybe. You're his lifeline, nobody will ever take your place".

"We're taking it slow but enough about me I want to know about you and yours". I grinned. "Alanna huh?". It was a perfect fit.

"We aren't taking it slow". He winked causing me to make a face. I didn't need to know that. "She's a cool girl, I got lucky".

"And?". I egged him on to continue. "And I'm not sitting here talking about my feelings with you. You got any plans today?". He asked.

"I've got the hospital". Holding up my hand he frowned. Just wait until I tell him how I broke it.

"Do I even want to know?".

"Probably not". I laughed. "I'm going to the game tonight with friends and then staying with Jake". I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. Carter and I weren't kids anymore.

"Staying with Jake?". He smirked. "Well seeing grans not home".

"You try saying no to an Alpha".

"Right I'm heading off to Alanna's parents. You want me to take you to the hospital?".

"I'm sorry for being rude earlier. You're my family and I love you. I hope you know that". "I knew you couldn't stay mad at me for long". Pulling me in for a hug I sighed against his chest. I liked that he was here. "Shut up and no Jake is taking me but we could hang later, you could come to the game?".

"Sounds good bear. I'll see you later".

I was making myself a toasted sandwich when my phone started ringing. Sliding my finger across the screen I put it on loudspeaker. I was nervous because I wasn't sure if Carter had got to her first.


"Hi honey we're just checking in. Was school okay with letting you go early?".

"Yeah they were fine. How's the cabin?". She didn't need to know that I skipped the day.

"Leah it's beautiful and there's a little lake right out back. You girls will have to come here one day".

I was tempted to tell her that I knew but it wasn't a conversation for over the phone. If I mentioned it she would come straight home.

"I'm glad you're having a good time". I had half an hour before my appointment and I still had to ask Jake to take me.

"Do you need me to send you money? Are you eating?".

"I don't-..." My eyes locked with Jake's as he walked into the kitchen. I didn't even hear him come in.

"I've sent you it anyway just incase of emergency. I'll check in with you tomorrow. Stay safe sweetheart. I love you".

The line went dead before I could respond.

"Why the long face princess?". Taking the other half of my sandwich I glared at him.

"You'll have a sore face if you don't put my sandwich back". Grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge I passed him one.

"Ouch someone's cranky". He laughed taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Am not". I grinned. "Can you take me to my appointment like now please?".

"It'll cost you". He smirked slowly making his way around the island. Taking a step back I tilted my head to the side my eyes raking over his body. I liked that we were playful. The little bit of flirting, how excited I would get every time he smirked.

"Cost me what?". I asked my eyes locking with his.

Grabbing me around the waist he pulled me close a low growl falling from his lips. "You're such a fucking tease". I could feel his hardness against me. The sparks between us were electrifying. My body felt like it was on fire, the need building inside. I could already feel the heat between my legs. "Fuck babe this is getting hard".

He didn't need to tell me that. I wanted nothing more than to spend the night with him between my legs. He made me want things I've never had, I wanted to be dirty with him. I wanted to explore his body, every last inch of it.

"I can smell you". He growled inhaling deeply. "Fuck baby let me have a taste, just let me dip a finger in". Lifting me into his arms he sat me on top of the counter his hands resting on my thighs.

"I want you Jake"....

"Why do I feel there's a but coming".

"There's no but". I smiled softy at him. "I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you but I'm not going to let you fuck me in my kitchen. Besides I have an appointment to get to". Placing a kiss on his lips I jumped down back onto my feet.

"Fucking tease"...

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