The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 50

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 50

Closing the door behind us I dropped my bag and pulled my hoodie over my head. I was hot. "I'm just going to shower quickly help yourself to anything". "Anything". He grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me to him. "Shouldn't say anything". He whispered burying his head in my neck.

Oh god.

Feeling his teeth against my skin I closed my eyes my teeth sinking into my bottom lip. He couldn't do this now, not right now. "Jake I-...-". What was it I needed again?

"You're bleeding"....

That did it for me. My eyes snapped open as I pulled back. Really? 'You're bleeding' fucking really. That was enough to make me feel slightly uncomfortable but more so embarrassed especially after what Lacey said.

"I have to shower". He wouldn't let go of my hand. Pulling me back to him so our bodies were flush he grabbed a hold of my chin.

"That drives me fucking wild". He growled. "It doesn't help that you're horny. You've no idea what you do to us". Closing his eyes he inhaled deeply.

"Does, does this only happen with me?". I was curious. I already thought the situation was a little strange.

"Princess". He smirked his eyes meeting mine. "Everything you do fuck, it's only ever with you and these". He groaned touching my glasses. "Your fucking beautiful". Placing a kiss on my lips I closed my eyes as I kissed him back. As I felt his tongue wet my bottom lip I pulled back a gasp escaping my mouth.

I really needed to shower now. Placing my good hand against his chest I pushed slightly. "Not like this". I whispered. "Not when it's time of the month". I had never had sex on my period before.

To Tommy it was disgusting.

"You'll change your mind once we're mated". He smirked stealing another kiss. "Go get showered I'll see you tonight".

I was still stood in the same spot when he left. I think I get horny on my period as well or maybe it's just because of him. Heading upstairs I set up my speaker before taking a shower. I still had to decide what I was going to wear tonight.

Wrapping the towel around my body I jumped when the bathroom door opened. "You almost gave me a heart attack". I yelled.

"Sorry". She laughed. "Going somewhere nice?". Lana smacked my ass as I walked back into my room.

"The question is where have you been all day?". She was lucky my gran had went away for the weekend.

"Here and there". She smirked taking a seat on my bed. "I think I really like him". Of course she did. The bond was working fast. "So you missed school and hung out with Pete all day?". Taking a seat in front of my mirror I watched as she pulled a face. "He's different Leah I actually want to spend time with him".

"That's a first". I teased applying my moisturiser. "Just go with it and if you like him what's the worst that could happen?". "He could dump me, I've never been dumped". Her eyes were glued to her phone, he fingers typing away.

"That's because you've never been in a relationship". I laughed.

"We're not in a relationship we're just hanging out".

"If you say so"....

"What are you doing tonight?". She asked.

"I've been invited to Jake's moms for dinner". I was a little nervous but I think it was more the unexpected than anything else.

"Oh fancy". She smirked. "What are you wearing?". Getting off my bed she went straight for my closet.

"No idea probably jeans". I shrugged taking clean panties from my drawer.

"As always". She muttered. "What about this and this?". She grinned holding up my black leather skirt with the zip down the front and my orange body suit. "Your orange stilettos will go perfect". "You think that'll look okay?". I had been to dinner with his parents before but something told me this one was going to be different.

"Eh yeah of course. Put it on". Handing me my clothes she threw herself back onto my bed.

"He's not picking me up until 8". I had plenty of time until I had to get ready.

"Where's your gran by the way?". She asked.

"Away for the weekend with George". I smirked.

"So we have the house to ourselves all weekend?".

"No Lana not after last time". I already knew what she was thinking.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad". She sighed rolling her eyes.

"My gran grounded you as well and you didn't even live with us".

She burst out laughing. "Fine no parties but what about a little get together Saturday night? A few friends, some food and drinks?".

"Fine but nothing to extreme". Lana got carried away at times. The last party we threw the whole of our grade showed up, the police arrived and let's just say it didn't end well.

"Small and intimate". She winked pushing herself off my bed. "I'm going to order pizza. Stay sexy queen".

Now I was nervous and I knew I had nothing to be nervous about. It was just dinner with his family. His family liked me. So why the hell did I have this dreaded feeling in my stomach. Shaking it off I took a deep breath before applying some gloss to my lips.

It was just dinner.

"Leah". She knocked on my door. "Can I come in?". First off why was she knocking, she never knocked. She had seen me naked more than I had.

"Why are you knocking?". I asked pulling the door open.

"Precautions after last time". She joked. "But wow you look stunning".

"Does it look okay?".

"Yes". She groaned. "Seriously even I want to fuck you".


Rolling my eyes I shoved her shoulder. "He should be here soon". Slipping my feet into my shoes I grabbed my black clutch bag. "Bag or no bag?". I asked.

"No bag". Hearing a knock at my front door my stomach tightened. "That's my queue to piss off. Have as much fun as you can". She smirked.

After she left I gave myself another once over in the mirror and smiled. Yeah I looked okay. Turning off my light I closed my bedroom door and headed downstairs.

Another knock.....

That boy had zero patience.

"I'm coming". I yelled pulling open the door. "Jack?". I frowned.

"Don't look so disappointed". He grinned. I couldn't help it. This was the second time in one day he had done this.

"You ready?". He asked.

I was but I wasn't going. I didn't care if I was acting childish. If this dinner was important and we all knew it was then why wasn't he the one picking me up?

"I'm not going".

"Leah he's-..."

"I don't care I'm not going". Shutting the door in his face I instantly felt bad. It wasn't Jacks fault.

"Fucking woman". I heard him growl.

"You okay?". Lana asked walking down the stairs. "Was that Jake?".

"No it wasn't". Walking into the living room I sat on the armchair by the window. "He sent Jack to pick me up so I said I wasn't going".

"Leah". She laughed sitting on the couch.

"Don't laugh Lana. He wants me to go to dinner then he knows where to find me". I huffed.

"You're being ridiculous".

"So". Folding my arms across my chest my stomach dropped as there was a chap at the door. Good I hope he was as pissed as I was feeling.

"It's my pizza". Getting to her feet she went to door. But of course it wasn't her pizza.

"Come right in why don't you".......

"Get your coat Leah". His tone was sharp, his voice low.

"Sure you're not to busy". Making a face I kept my gaze on the floor. I was being petty I knew I was but I didn't care. He couldn't keep saying things and then not follow through with it.

"You're being ridiculous princess".

"That's what I said". Lana added.

"Fine". Getting to my feet I smiled sweetly at him. His eyes pierced through mine, his nostrils flaring. This was on him not me. He should have just picked me up in the first place. Slipping my coat on I made sure my phone was still in my pocket.

"Have fun babies". Lana laughed as she closed the door being us.

Taking a hold of my hand he laced our fingers together. It was still warm, the rain had been on and off all day. It was humid, the heat horrible.

"Can you slow down a bit". I huffed my feet already starting to ache.

"You're lucky I haven't taken you over my knee". He growled his grip tightening.

"So this is my fault?". I fired back coming to a stop. We were still a few houses away from his parents house. He didn't answer, his eyes had darkened, his teeth clenched. "Whatever". I mumbled.

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