Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 84

Kapri's P.O.V.


"So, you finally look like a living person," Molly said.

Megan, Brooke, Molly, and I are all sitting on my floor in a circle. Maverick was thrilled that I was willing to have a girls' night, and come clean about everything. I feel even better about this decision after talking to Mom.

I ended up spending a few hours in Mom's room with her. We just talked about all kinds of things. Mostly reminiscing about our lives. Maverick ended up bringing our breakfast to Mom's room.

When I finally decided to go to my own room to shower and change, Maverick was there waiting for me. He was cleaning up my messy room, folding blankets he used the night before. I couldn't help but hug him tightly. If he wouldn't have pulled me out of that mental state, I wouldn't have been able to patch things up with everyone.

Who knows what I'd be doing right now, or how much worse things would have gotten. I owe Maverick a lot for helping me. Even if he is a big jerk face.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about the way I've been acting." I mumbled.

"You don't have to be sorry, Kapri," Brooke said.

"Yeah, we get that you were going through something terrible." Megan agreed.

"We just wish you would confide in us. So that we can help." Molly chimed in.

I smiled at them.

"I just.. didn't know how to tell you before. I still don't know how to tell you all now.." I admitted.

"It's that bad?" Molly asked.

I nodded.

"Kap, you know everything about me. All of the bad and the good. You can trust me," Molly said.

"Yeah, you can trust all of us," Megan agreed.

"I know that. I just.. needed to be reminded," I said.

"So.. what was going on? Please don't tell me that Maverick, like.. forced himself on you or something." Molly said uncomfortably.

I shook my head as my eyes widened.

"Oh my god, no Molly. Maverick wouldn't do something like that. Ever." I rushed out.

Molly crossed her arms, and looked me up and down.

"Have you two been.. seeing each other again?" She asked.

I gave her an incredulous look.

"What?" She asked. "You defended him a little too quickly considering the last I heard he broke your heart."

"Okay, well, he isn't a rapist or a molester or anything. He's just a jerk. And if it weren't for him, I wouldn't even be with you guys right now. He was the one that pulled me out of my head." I said. Molly's eyebrows shot up.

"What?" She asked.

I sighed, and rubbed my temples.

"Alright, I'm just going to say it. Brooke already knows, but.. My mom told me the truth about my dad. I guess he didn't run away when I was a baby." I told them. "What's the truth?" Molly asked.

"He raped my mom." I said as tears filled my eyes. "I was conceived from that r**e. Mom told me everything because he was recently let out of jail." Everyone was silent for a moment.

"That's why Brooke always had to have you back right away after school.." Megan said softly. "Why you told Josh that you couldn't hang out with him anymore."

I nodded, and looked up at them. Megan has tears in her eyes. Molly is staring at me with her mouth agape.

"Kapri.." Molly finally said my name. "I'm so sorry.. And I said those things about Maverick.." She said.

"It's okay. You didn't know. And Maverick is an a.sshole." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"No wonder why you were acting the way you were," Molly said.

I nodded as I chewed on my bottom lip.

"Oh my god.. You were probably having an identity crisis! You probably thought we would hate you if we found out! You do know that we don't hate you, right? That this doesn't change who you are in the slightest? You are still Kapri. My best friend for life." Molly rushed out.

"I know, I know." I said, chuckling. "But you're right. I did think all of that at first."

"What finally changed?" Megan asked.

My cheeks heated as I looked away from them.

"Maverick," Brooke stated.

"What did he do exactly?" Molly asked skeptically. "Please do not say that you guys are back together or something, and that having the man of your dreams has somehow healed all there is to heal."

I rolled my eyes at her.

"No, it's nothing like that. He just.. does what he does best. Stormed into my room demanding things from me. The jerk took care of me, held me while I slept, and force fed me. After getting some sleep and eating, I felt way better. Then I saw the twins and Brooke yesterday. Talking about it helped. I was finally able to talk to Mom today. Maverick said that the best thing to have in situations like this, is a strong support system." I told them.

Megan smiled at me, but Molly stared at me like I had grown another head.

"How on earth would Maverick know how to handle a situation like this?" She asked.

I shrugged.

"He said he did some research when I was sleeping. Whatever that means," I said.

Molly's jaw dropped as she stared at me.

"He's barely let her out of his sight. Should have seen him yelling this morning when she wasn't in bed when he woke up." Brooke mumbled.

Megan snorted.

"I'm not surprised," she said.

"I am," Molly stated.

"Same." I agreed.

Just then, there was a knock on my door. Before I could tell whoever to come in, Maverick walked into my room. He's carrying two large paper bags. The smell of Chinese food wafted to my nose, making my mouth water. Maverick set down the bags in the middle of our little circle. His eyes were on mine.

"Do I have to stay and force feed you again?" He asked.

I kind of wish he would.

"Nope, we'll handle it thanks." Molly replied to him.

Maverick just stared at me for a moment.

"I'm going to eat. We made a deal." I told him.

Maverick gave me a single nod before turning to walk out of my room.

"Maverick," I called out.

Maverick turned his head to me, and I gave him a small smile.

"Thank you. I'll let you know when I'm ready for bed." I told him.

Maverick returned my smile.

"Looking forward to it," he said before leaving my bedroom.

"Okay, uh, deal?" Molly asked.

"Let him know when you're ready for bed?" Megan asked.

I shook my head at them.

"Like Brooke said, Maverick has barely left my side. He even sat in the bathroom while I showered. I think he's just worried that I'll hurt myself." I told them.

I am really trying to avoid telling anyone that it's because I was hurting myself when he found me that he's acting the way he is now. I don't want to admit that I was that far gone to anyone. And I really don't want to worry anyone more than I already have. I know that I won't hurt myself again. I don't feel dirty the way I did before now. I still feel weird, but not nearly as bad. I have Maverick to thank for that.

"I made a deal with him that I would eat a lot for dinner as long as he left me alone with you guys." I told them. "And yes, I will let him know when I am ready for bed, because despite being all muscle, Maverick is so warm and cuddly.." I trailed off with a sigh. Megan snorted.

"Wow," Molly said. "Was he really going to sit in here with us?" She asked.

I nodded.

"The lengths Maverick is willing to go for Kapri are kind of insane," Brooke said.

I looked at her skeptically.

"Why not just let him join us if you like being around him so much?" Megan asked.

"Because," I said. "I have questions for the two of you. Questions that Maverick would never allow if he heard."

"The two of us?" Megan asked.

"That's right, Brooke and Megan," I said.

Molly's brows shot up.

"What could you want to ask us that Maverick wouldn't approve of?" Brooke asked.

"Oh, is it se.x questions?" Megan asked.

I snorted, nearly choking on my food.

"No, not s.ex questions." I said. "I want to know who Maverick is in love with."

Brooke and Megan froze as they stared at me. Molly looked between the two of them as she ate her food. Neither looks willing to speak up.

"Well," Molly said. "I don't know who told you that he was in love with anyone, but I don't think it's true."

"Why?" I asked her.

Molly shrugged.

"Trevor is always mumbling about Maverick needing to man up, and something about having the girl he never could? I don't know, but to me it sounded more like Maverick wanted someone who didn't want him. But if it was love, then what was he doing with you? Cause I saw that guy's face. He had some real feelings for you. Love or not, how could he be hung up on some girl he couldn't have, when he had you right in front of his face." She rambled.

A girl he couldn't have? Someone who didn't want him? I don't know one girl that doesn't want Maverick Penton.

Except me. Before all of this, anyway.

I looked between Brook and Megan, who avoided my eyes.

"What do the two of you know?" I asked them.

Megan shrugged.

"Don't lie to me. I'm going to find out the truth. One way or another." I promised them.

"Well, I'm not afraid of Maverick, but I don't want to tell you the truth," Brooke stated.

"Why not?" I whined.

"Because Maverick needs to tell you himself," she said. "However, I will tell you that Maverick has been desperately in love with the same girl for his entire life. Since grade school. Since the playground. Since before his mom died. He just.. was never good at expressing his feelings."

Grade school. Playground.

Maverick's words about how I was the first person he wanted to see after his mom died. Back when we used to meet up at the playground every day. Everything Mom said this morning came rushing back to me.

Maverick said that he never told the girl he was in love with, that he loved her. He told me it was pointless, and she was too good for him. Maverick said they were too different.

Am I the girl Maverick has been in love with?

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