Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 85

Kapri's P.O.V.


I snuck out of my room, and down to Maverick's room. I walked inside, but paused when I heard his voice.

"Dad told you to stop calling me," Maverick said.

A few minutes of silence.

"I told you that I'm not leaving Kapri again. You can fu.ck right off, old man. You no longer have control of my life, and you can't keep me away from Kapri anymore. You're going to pay for everything you've done." Maverick threatened. Who is he talking to? What does he mean this person can't keep us apart anymore?

I heard a loud thud in the room. It sounded like Maverick throwing his phone. I shut the door a little louder so that he knew I was there. When I walked into the room, Maverick's eyes connected with mine. His body slumped as he smiled at me. "I was starting to think you fell asleep without me," he said.

"I was just trying to wait for the girls to fall asleep." I told him.

Maverick walked up to me, and grabbed my hands. He brought them to his lips, and kissed my knuckles. Then he wrapped one arm around me, and brought me flush against him.

"I missed you." He told me.

"I was right down the hall, and it's only been a couple of hours." I said.

"So, I still missed you. Are you tired?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Yeah actually." I said.

Maverick walked backwards towards his bed, pulling me with him. He plopped down on his bed, and I sat right in his lap. I snuggled into his chest.

"I missed this." I whispered.

"I did too, baby," Maverick said as he wrapped his hands around me.

Did he? Everything that I've been hearing and noticing about Maverick lately is confusing. I don't think that if I asked Maverick if I am the girl that he's been in love with, that he would answer me right now.

It's not the time to get swept up in romance. I'm just starting to feel better. I haven't even been to school yet.

Still, I can't stop thinking about it. I just can't help it. It could just be curiosity, or it could be that I'm still in love with Maverick. Whatever it is.. I want to know the truth.

"I like it when you call me baby." I told him.

Then I pressed a kiss on the side of his neck. Maverick's body went rigid.

"Maverick.. tell me you missed me again." I begged.

"I-I missed you Kapri. So much." He said.

I pressed another kiss on his neck. This one was much sloppier. And then I pressed another, and another.

"K-Kapri.. what do you think you're doing?" Maverick asked.

"I love it when you sound like that." I said before kissing to the other side of his neck.

"Baby.. I don't think this is a good idea," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Kapri, you're still in a fragile state. I don't want to take advantage of you," Maverick said.

I pulled back to look into his eyes.

"You care about me," I said.

It was a statement, not a question.

"Of course I do." Maverick replied anyway.

"You did so well taking care of me. Just like always," I said.

"Yea baby. Always," Maverick said as he brought a hand up to cup my cheek.

I leaned into his palm.

"Don't you love me Maverick?" I asked.

I held my breath as we stared into each other's eyes.

"You're not ready for that yet, Kapri," he said.

I knew it. He won't tell me anything right now.

"Well, I disagree," I said.

"That really sucks for you, nerd." He replied.

I chuckled, and leaned in to rub our noses together.

"Just so you know," I whispered. "I love you, Maverick Penton. So much."


"Kapri.. you're.. in class today." Hayden said as he sat down next to me.

Maverick drove me to school today. He even walked me to my class, and told me to wait for him after. I guess he will be escorting me to every single class, and taking me home. I can't say that bothers me, because it doesn't. "Yeah, I'm feeling much better these days," I said.

"Good. I was starting to worry that your stepbrother had resorted to threatening you after Josh still wouldn't leave you alone." Hayden said.

"What?" I asked him, confused.

Hayden smirked at me.

"You don't have to play dumb with me, Kapri. I know you two have a little something going on. I mean, the whole school probably suspects it." He told me.

"Huh?" I asked, even more confused.

Hayden furrowed his brow.

"You mean, you don't know?" He asked, amused.

"Know what?" I asked.

Hayden's smirk deepened.

"That your brother threatens everyone that even glances in your direction. From what I hear, he was like that long before he became your brother. He threatened me too. Dude is a total psycho. I just thought you liked 'em crazy." He told me. My jaw dropped. Maverick did what?

"H-how do you know that?" I asked.

Hayden shrugged.

"The guys on the football team talked about it. I also pryed a bit." He admitted.

"And they told you that Maverick threatened them all?" I asked.

Hayden snorted.

"From what they said, Maverick has been threatening or paying off everyone since you guys were in middle school." He said. "They all talked about how crazy it was, since he never seemed to do anything aside from pick on you. Guess none of them cared really." I opened my mouth to ask him more questions when the teacher came in. I opened my book, and tried to pay attention, but... Maverick has been threatening people to not ask me out? Is that true?

If it is.. that means.. That I am the girl Maverick has been in love with.


"I need to ask you something," I said as I sat next to Savannah in our 4th hour.

"Ugh, what?" She bit out.

"It's going to be weird, and it's not like I like talking to you either, but I-"

"Just spit it out already." Savannah interrupted me, annoyed.

I took a deep breath.

"What kind of lover was Maverick?" I rushed out.

Savannah dropped her pencil, and turned to me.

"Don't tell me that he finally admitted it." She said with a scoff.

"Admitted what?" I asked.

Savannah looked me up and down.

"How long have you and Maverick been playing this game, huh? Did you guys even sleep together while we were dating? I bet this started the night of the 8th grade dance. Figures. He couldn't take his friggin' eyes off of you. It was disgusting and honestly embarrassing for me." She ranted.

I shook my head.

"Uh, okay. Not exactly what I was asking." I mumbled.

"I hope you don't think that Maverick really cares about you. He might have some weird obsession with you, but as soon as you get comfortable with him, he'll leave. It's not like he even cares anyway. Dude is an amazing lover, but a total a.sshole. He'll c.um all over you, and leave like you're nothing but a damn hooker." She continued to rant. "That's all I needed to know, thanks," I said.

I got up, and went back to my seat. That was just as painful as I expected it to be. I hate Savannah, but she did give me answers.

I guess I really am the only one Maverick has ever cared about. I don't trust a damn thing Sally says, and I think that situation is a bit different anyway. So, I'll avoid that. I'm about 85% sure that I'm the girl Maverick has been in love with. From what I overheard with that coversation last night.. Someone was threatening Maverick to leave me alone.

I have no idea who that person is, but it sounded like Liam was handling it for the most part. I just need to stay strong on my end. I've been thinking all day about what this is going to mean for Maverick and me.

Everything else aside.. If we decide to actually have a relationship, what does that mean for us? I don't want it to end when we go to college. Is Maverick able to get into a school near Harvard? Would he follow me if I asked him to? Only one way to find out.


"Hey Kap. I'm glad to see you doing better. Your teachers say that you attended every class this week." Liam said after I walked into his office.

It has taken me days to grow the balls to talk to Liam. By days, I mean the entire week. It's now Friday, and I have full intentions of seeing Maverick the moment this conversation is done.

I'm doing a lot better now. Which means it's time for my answers. And I am going to get them.

"I have a favor to ask. Well, a couple." I told him.

"Sure, what's up?" Liam asked.

"Well, one, can we keep this between us?" I asked.

Liam gave me a smile.

"Sure thing, Kap," he said.

I beamed.

"So, uh, I.. I was wondering if you would be willing to send Maverick to a college close to mine?" I asked. "As you know, I want to get into Harvard. That hasn't changed. However.. Your son makes me feel safe. I'm not sure I can go off that far all alone now.." I rushed out. Not a total lie, but not the complete truth.

"Have you talked to Maverick about this?" Liam asked.

I shook my head.

"Not yet." I mumbled. "I wanted to ask you first. We could share an apartment, and I'll make sure that he actually goes and does well." I rambled.

Liam smiled at me.

"I've already applied for schools out that way for him." He told me.

"Oh." I said stunned.

"Maverick insisted on staying close to you. Even after high school," Liam said.

My eyes widened. He did?

"As you know, your mother and I are leaving for the weekend on a business trip. Right after dinner. The twins are going to stay with some friends of theirs instead of being babysat by the staff. Which means that you, Maverick, and Brooke will have the house to yourselves. No parties, but maybe you and Maverick can take the time to discuss this," Liam said.

"Uh.. yeah. Thank you Liam." I said.

That dillhole better tell me the damn truth.


Maverick and I walked into his room after dinner. I told Brooke to go to her room because I needed to talk to Maverick about something. Mom and Liam just left to take the twins to their friends before heading to the airport.

I slammed Maverick's door shut. He turned around to raise a brow at me. I crossed my arms, and frowned at him.

"What's your problem, nerd?" He asked.

I scowled at him.

"Maverick Penton," I said. "Am I the girl you've been in love with?"

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