Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 83

Kapri's P.O.V.


"She passed out hard." Maverick whispered as he walked to my side of the bed.

Booke and I talked for a bit. Then she put a movie on, and passed out almost instantly. I've been waiting for Maverick to come back for over an hour now. "You going to carry her to her bed too?" I teased.

"Yeah right. I'd be more likely to just toss her over my shoulder," he said.

I covered my mouth as I snorted. Maverick bent down to my face level, and smiled at me. I missed his smile.

"I was going to let her sleep in here with you tonight." He told me.

My heart sank, and my face fell.

"Okay." I mumbled as I looked away from him.

I know that he didn't want to keep-

"I'm going to make a bed on the floor next to you." Maverick stated, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked up at him stunned.

"R-really?" I asked.

Maverick smiled as he cupped the side of my face.

"I don't want to leave you." He told me.

I grabbed his hand, and kept it to my face.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"For what?" Maverick asked, smiling.

I smiled back at him.

"For everything you're doing for me."


I wrung my hands as I paced in the hallway. It's really early. Way too early for the rest of the household to be up. Except for Liam, anyway. Not even Maverick was up yet.

I woke up very early in the morning. I lay in my bed for quite a while just thinking about everything. About what Mom told me, how I reacted, and how I felt better after seeing everyone yesterday.

That got me to thinking. I know that I can't avoid Mom forever. I also know that she would never force me to have a conversation with her if I don't want to. Because my mom is an amazingly understanding woman.

However, I can't run from this forever. This is my life. This is the truth about where I came from. I can't ignore it forever. Doing what I was doing was helping no one, and only making things worse. I don't want Mom to worry about me. I can't imagine how difficult her life has been given how she came to have me, and then raising me as a single mother for 17 years.

I need to make things better. For Mom and for me. Everything Maverick has pushed me to do since the other day has helped, so this should too.

I don't expect to go back to normal right away. I'm sure that some days will be better than others. What is going to count the most, is my support system. Maverick went on and on about how having a strong support system is key in working through these kinds of situations. These kinds of situations. Like, what does that even mean? Does Maverick even know?

Still, I've been pacing in the hallway trying to gather up the courage to knock on Mom's bedroom door. Honestly, through all of this, I really just wanted my mommy. I wanted her to hold me, and tell me that every little thing is going to be alright. I wanted to be a child again, with no worries, nothing to be scared of.


The sound of someone yelling my name had me jumping out of my skin. It's still pretty early. The only person that would be awake right now is..

Maverick came barreling down the hall. He looked around frantically. My eyes roamed down his nearly naked body.

I can't believe my life is the way it is right now, and I'm still able to gawk at Maverick's firm body.

Maverick's eyes found me. He blew out a breath, and ran a hand through his hair. Then he rushed down the hallway to me.

"You can't just leave without saying anything to me," he stated.

"You were sleeping." I said, frowning.

"Wake me up then," he replied.

I rolled my eyes at him. Wake him up then, what the hell is going on between us?

Maverick looked at me, then at our parents' bedroom door.

"You're going to talk to your mom?" He asked.

I nodded as I chewed on my bottom lip.

"I'm.. trying to.. knock at least." I said awkwardly.

Maverick wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me to his warm and bare chest. I snuggled into him. Whatever is happening between the two of us, I'm glad it is happening. I need this comfort.

"You can do it, Kapri. She's your mom. No matter what she tells you, I will always be here for you. Not that April would say anything bad." Maverick rambled.

I pulled back to laugh at him.

"Relax." I told him. "I know she won't.. I just.. It's hard. I mean.. Can you imagine how hard having me probably was for her? I don't even look that much like her." I said.

Maverick tucked some of my hair behind my ear.

"I think you look more like her than you know. Besides, she loves you regardless of how she got you." He told me.

"I know," I replied softly.

Maverick leaned forward to kiss my forehead.

"I'll go make you breakfast. Come down when you two are done?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I promised Jas and Jes that I would join them for meals again." I told him.

Maverick beamed at me, making my heat flutter.

"See you soon, nerd." He said.

I rolled my eyes as Maverick turned around. I watched him walk down the hallway, and disappear around the corner. He's surprisingly good at giving me space, considering that he wasn't before. Maverick could barely stand to be parted from me. I wonder if he fell in love with me at some point, and started to feel guilty because he promised his heart to another. That would explain why he looked so sad the day he broke things off with me. Why it felt like he didn't really want to do it. Did I really manage to capture Maverick Penton's heart?

I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. This is not the time for all of that. Later. When the girls are here, and I can pester them with questions. That's when I'll think about it.

I took a deep breath, and knocked on Mom's door before I lost my courage.

"M-Mom.. it's me.. Are you awake?" I asked.

I heard some scrambling on the other side. A second later, the door burst open. My eyes widened as Mom stared back at me with the same surprised look I have.

"Uhm.. can we-"

My words were interrupted by Mom pulling me into a tight hug.

"You looked at me." She whispered.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her. I squeezed her tightly as tears filled my eyes. I needed this way more than I thought.

"I'm so sorry Kapri. This is all my fault. I should never have told you the truth. You were so much happier not knowing." Mom sobbed.

I shook my head as I pulled back to look at her.

"No, Mom. This is not your fault. Not at all. I'm sorry that I didn't.. react well." I told her as I helped her wipe her tears.

Mom turned around to walk into her room. I followed her, and shut the door softly behind me. We sat on the bed, and Mom grabbed my hands.

"Kapri, I didn't expect you to react any better. Maybe not.. as bad as things were getting, but you have every right to react the way you did. I kept something so important from you for so long, and then just dropped it on you so suddenly," she said. I squeezed her hands. "Still, I didn't need to worry everyone like that. I could have handled it better. Talked with you before now," I said.

"I'm just glad you are now. You ate yesterday. Spent time with the twins and even Brooke. I'm so thankful to Maverick for helping. Although, I'm shocked he was able to. I thought you hated him." Mom said.

I looked away as my cheeks heated.

"Yeah well, we grew a lot closer for a while there. Plus, he didn't really give me a choice. He literally force fed me yesterday morning." I complained.

Mom chuckled.

"I hope you don't expect me to be mad about that," she said.

"I don't." I admitted. "I'm happy he did it too."

"Maverick has always cared about you so much. I never understood why you hated him. I mean, he was always so present in your life. From the time that he used to annoy you on the playground, to when he bought all of your candy for the fundraiser to go on your school trip in the 8th grade. He even picked out everything in your room. I was surprised to find how much you disliked him." Mom said.

I frowned at her.

"He what?" I asked.

Mom gave me a smile.

"He asked me not to tell you about the trip. I agreed because I was too afraid that you wouldn't go out of spite. I didn't know about your room until after it was already said and done." She told me.

Why would Maverick do that though? And how does he know me so well? Maverick and I had never got along before. He bullied me anytime he saw me.

"I don't get him," I muttered.

Mom chuckled.

"Boys are stupid," she said softly.

I snorted. Ain't that the truth?

"Mom.." I said softly after the amusement died down. "How... How were you ever able to look at me? I mean.. I know that you said you saw me as a blessing, but.. how?" I asked.

"Oh Kapri.." Mom said. "It wasn't your fault you were created. I was the one that chose to carry you and birth you, and then keep you. It wasn't like you had a choice in the matter. You were just as innocent and as much of a victim as I was. I knew that. No matter how much you may look like that man. No matter how you came to be. You have always been my daughter. My light. My little miracle. And I have never regretted my decision to keep you. There has never been a time that I've looked at you and felt anything aside from unconditional love. You are mine, not his. Mine." Mom stated.

I smiled at Mom as a few tears fell down my cheeks.

"I love you Mom." I sobbed as I threw myself into her arms.

Mom hugged me back.

"I love you too, babygirl."

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