Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 24

Kapri's P.O.V.


I entered the kitchen to see Megan, Molly, Brooke, Maverick, and Trevor all seated around the table chatting.

"Good morning sunshine." Molly said as I plopped down on the seat next to her.

Maverick slid a couple of pills and a glass of orange juice to me. I glared at him as I took what he was handing me. Maverick raised a brow at me, but I just narrowed my eyes at him.

"I love the smell of hostility in the morning," Trevor announced.

I rolled my eyes and looked away from Maverick.

"I'm Trevor, by the way." Trevor introduced himself.

"I know." I said.

"Oh, you do?" He asked.

"We had the same science class together for the entire year last year," I told him.

"Oh," Trevor laughed awkwardly. "That's right."

I waved him off.

"No big deal. Nice to meet you." I said.

"You'll like Trev much better than Maverick." Molly told me, earning a glare from Maverick. "He's way nicer."

Trevor beamed at Molly.

"I'm pretty sure I'd like Jim Jones better than Maverick," I mumbled.

Maverick choked on his orange juice, making me smirk.

"Who's Jim Jones?" Megan asked.

I looked up to see them all staring at me in confusion.

"Jones town?" I asked them.

They all just stared back at me.

"My friends are going to get pulled in by a cult." I muttered under my breath.

"Jim Jones is an infamous cult leader. He led the biggest cult suicide in history." Maverick told them.

I looked up at him with my face scrunched up.

"You know who he is?" I asked.

"Obviously," Maverick answered. "And I think it's kind of shi.tty to say you like him more than me."

"I think it's pretty shi.tty that you-"

I stopped abruptly. I was about to say that he would leave a hickey on me. I can't say that in front of our friends.

"That I what?" Maverick asked with his eyes narrowed at me.

"That you.." I trailed off as I looked around. "That you didn't save me any bacon."

I snatched the piece that Maverick had just put in his mouth. He gave me a bored look as I happily munched on it. Then he got up from his seat.

"There's plenty of food left, Kap." Brooke told me.

"Oh really? Did you cook?" I asked her.

Brooke nodded.

"There's coffee too," She said.

I opened my mouth to ask her if I could have some, but I did't get the chance. Maverick slammed down a plate full of bacon, pancakes, and hash browns in front of me. Along with a coffee mug of light colored coffee.

I gave Maverick a confused look as he sat back in his seat next to me.

"This coffee better have-"

"A ton of damn creamer, a little bit of sugar. I know." He interrupted me.

How the hell does he know that? Maybe Molly told him? Why would she do that though?

"Thanks." I mumbled.

Maverick turned to me with a smile on his face. He opened his mouth, but I put my finger to his lips before he could say anything.

"Shhhhhh." I whispered. "Just shut up."

Maverick licked the tip of my finger and turned his face. I made a disgusted noise and wiped my finger on my pants. Then I sipped on my coffee.

Ahh, it's perfect.

"Make sure you eat. The grease will help your hangover." Maverick ordered.

"Yes mom." I mocked.

"Wow." Trevor breathed out.

I looked up at him with my mouth full of pancakes. All four of them are looking between Maverick and I. Brooke and Megan look like they're trying not to laugh. Molly is staring between the two of us, looking confused. Trevor just looks like he's watching an Animal Planet or something.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." Trevor said.

"You two are acting weird." Molly said. "Well, Maverick is acting weirder."

"How am I acting weird?" Maverick and I asked at the same time.

Molly's eyebrows shot up.

"Uhm, for starters, you aren't as hostile as usual when it comes to Maverick." She said to me. "And you... You're.. being nice." She whispered the last part to Maverick.

Trevor and Megan busted out in laughter.

"I can be mean again," Maverick said.

"And nobody would even care," I said.

Maverick turned his hard eyes on me.

"You could just be grateful, you damn brat." He gritted out.

I raised a brow at him.

"Grateful for what exactly?" I asked.

Maverick smirked.

"Should I really list all of the reasons off? There are a lot. Starting with holding your hair back when you threw up last night," he said.

I paled.

"Shut up." I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"You held her hair back for her?" Molly asked skeptically.

"You threw up? Are you okay?" Megan asked me.

I glared at Maverick before turning to our friends.

"Yes, I threw up. Yes, I am fine now. Thank you for caring. And yes, Maverick held my hair back." I told them. "I know what you guys are gonna say. 'Why didn't you just throw up on Maverick?"" I teased. "Believe me, I tried. I just missed." Megan and Brooke snorted. Molly is still staring between us, probably suspecting that something has happened. Trevor is just smirking at Maverick. And Maverick.. I don't know, I'm avoiding eye contact.

I can't believe that jerk said that. Our friends are going to have questions. What's he going to tell them?

Oh yeah, Kapri and I were making out. I spit in her mouth and she practically attacked me after that. The only reason she even pulled away was because she knew she was going to upchuck.

How embarrassing. Molly would totally freak out. They would all probably think that we're disgusting for doing stuff like that now that we're siblings.

Maverick should have just kept his damn mouth shut.

We all chatted as we ate breakfast. Thankfully, Maverick didn't say any more about things between us last night. Conversation had actually shifted enough that I was able to just listen for the most part.

Which was when I caught the way that Trevor looks at Molly. She must not know that he likes her. I've not heard Molly talk much about Trevor either. I hope that the guy doesn't have high hopes. Molly isn't really ever into anyone. She says that guys are hot here and there, but I've never actually seen her interested in anyone. Maybe Trevor will be different.

There was another thing that I happened to see by pure accident. When I had leaned back in my chair while Trevor and Megan were going on about some trip they took together last summer. I saw Brooke drawing small patterns on Megan's leg. When I looked up at their faces, Megan didn't look bothered at all. Maybe Brooke does this often?

Brooke, however, had a look I hadn't seen on her face before. It was subtle, probably not even worth thinking about, but I see it. I think that it's interest. I know that Brooke is gay. I also have picked up on the fact that she suffers from depression. I would bet she suffers from anxiety as well. Probably abandonment issues too. Due to her parents never being around.

I wonder if Brooke has feelings for Megan. Or maybe Megan just makes her feel calm and comfortable. They have been friends since forever. Maybe if Brooke and I get closer I can talk to her more about it.

"I'm gonna go grab my stuff." I announced before standing up.

I walked up the stairs to the room that I shared with Maverick last night. I still can't believe that I've snuggled with him for two nights now. There must be something wrong with me for liking it so much. Especially when he spit in my mouth.

What kind of weirdo likes that? More importantly, what kind of weirdo does that to someone else? Is that what people do nowadays?

Maybe I should talk to the girls about it. I don't have to bring up that Maverick did that to me. Right?

Arms circled around, making me jump a foot in the air. They pulled me to a firm chest. I frowned and tried to elbow him in the gut.

"What is wrong with you? Honestly?" I asked.

Maverick chuckled, sending goosebumps down my body.

"You weren't complaining last night." He said. "Or this morning."

My face flamed.

"I was drunk last night," I said in defense.

"And this morning?" Maverick chuckled.

"I blame the hangover." I said lamely.

Maverick moved all of my hair to one side of my head. I stood frozen in his arms. He brought his lips down to my shoulder and placed a small kiss on my skin. My heart fluttered.

"You're not pushing me away now," he said.

Then Maverick nibbled on my earlobe, causing me to shiver.

"You have me in a bear hug," I stated.

"And if I loosened my hold? Would you turn around and attack me like you did last night?" He asked teasingly.

I scoffed.

"You wish," I mumbled.

Maverick chuckled against my skin.

"What if I spit in your mouth again? You really liked that. Remember what you said to me after?" He asked. God, I wish I didn't.

"Nope." I said.

"Liar." Maverick called me out.

"Do you know that you left a damn hickey on me?" I complained.

"Yup. Seen it this morning. Good luck covering that up." He replied.

I rolled my eyes.

"You're a real jerk," I mumbled.

"Don't worry, nerd. Next time I'll make sure to leave them where no one can see." He whispered in my ear.

What? Where? What does he even mean?

Maverick finally loosened his grip on me. Only to spin me around in his arms. Then he went right back to holding me tightly to him. All I could do was rest my hands on his chest. "You ready to go? I think we should talk." he said.

Oh, so.. he's not going to kiss me?

"Actually," I said. "Megan is taking me home. Sorry."

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