Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 23

Kapri's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning with a terrible headache. I tried to open my eyes, but the light in the room hurt too much. I groaned as I rolled over. Right into something warm and dark. I snuggled into the warmth. And then it snored.

My eyes flew open and I regretted it instantly. I groaned and brought a hand up to rub my forehead. Then a strong arm wrapped around my middle.

I peeked at the person in bed with me. It's... Maverick. What is he doing in my bed with me?

Everything from last night came rushing back. Josh and I made out. It was awful. Maverick pulled me away. We made out. Like.. heavy making out. It was.. alright I guess. Alright enough that I didn't want to stop. What happened after that?

Molly interrupted us, thank god. Then the four of us went upstairs. We drank more, and chatted with each other. It was probably the highlight of my night. I've only ever had Molly as a friend. Having Brooke and Megan has been really great. I wish I would have opened up with them sooner.

After that, I thought I went to my room. I was changing and-

And Maverick barged in! That jerkwad! What the hell was he thinking?

More memories flooded my brain. He... spit in my mouth. And I liked it. What kind of freak am I?

It was just.. Maverick was so demanding. It lit a fire inside of me. Then when he did that.. It was like he was claiming me in some way. Like he wanted me to have some of him. It was.. hot.

Then I fu.cking kissed him again. Oh man, what is wrong with me? Maverick is my brother now for fu.ck's sake.

Didn't I throw up after that?

Yeah, I threw up. A lot. Maverick held my hair back for me. He even brushed my teeth, forced me to drink a bottle of water, and took me to another room. This room.

I internally groaned as I remembered practically begging Maverick to spit in my mouth again. I even asked him if we could do more. And Maverick didn't exactly say no.. He said we could talk about it when I was sober.

Now that I am.. What is it that I want? Do I really want to.. explore myself se.xually with my stepbrother? With Maverick Penton?

I looked up at Maverick's sleeping face. He looks so peaceful. No scowl or smirk. He looks normal.

I pushed some of his dark brown hair from his eyes. My fingers skimmed across his cheek, across his lips. I can't believe I made out with my bully last night. And that I liked it. I practically begged him to take my virginity. Where do Maverick and I go from here? Should I let him help me loosen up the way my friends keep pushing? I don't know.

Maverick and I are related now. He's been bullying me all my life. Am I really willing to let him know me so intimately?

Although, it's not like we like each other. We can barely stand each other. Maybe doing stuff with Maverick would be better than anyone else. I have no feelings for him, so I wouldn't be too nervous about exploring with him. Maverick probably couldn't care less as long as he's having fun.

I lightly touched Maverick's lips again. He is a really good kisser. Maverick was also willing to do stuff with me last night, so he should be willing to now too.

Plus, he was such a gentleman when undressing me. I still can't believe it. Of course, Maverick was rough and brute-ish. But.. he was also caring. Very caring. Maverick didn't have to hold my hair back, or bring me here, or brush my teeth for me. He didn't have to get me water, or change me, or stay with me.

Maverick could have left me in the room alone after I threw up, but he didn't. He took care of me. Right down to taking my makeup off and my hair out for me.

I remember Maverick changing me into his shirt. He didn't peek at me at all. I remember being confused about it all.

Does Maverick really care about me? In some sort of way?

No way.. right?

"Are you done yet?"

I nearly fell off the bed as I jumped out of my skin. Maverick tightened his hold on me and pulled me flush against him. My hands came up to rest on his bare chest. My face flamed. "Uhm, I, Uh," I stuttered.

"It was difficult to stay still while you rubbed all over my face. Do you have no regard for sleep?" He teased.

I scoffed and pushed on his chest. Not that it mattered. Maverick has such a tight hold on me that all I can do is stay rested against his warm hard chest.

"I didn't think you'd notice," I murmured.

"What are you still drunk or something?" He asked. "Why were you even touching me like that?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I thought I was dreaming still. I mean, I've never seen you with your arrogant mouth shut before," I grumbled.

Maverick chuckled and clicked his tongue.

"Is that any way to talk to the person who took care of you last night?" He asked.

My cheeks heated again.

"Uhm.. Thank you." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Maverick teased.

"I said thank you you a.ssface." I groaned.

Maverick chuckled again.

"I guess I'll take that," he said.

Then Maverick rolled over. He sat up, and grabbed his phone from the bedside table. Then he stood up, showing me that he only slept in his underwear. My face flamed even more as I looked away.

"Oh, so now you're shy," Maverick teased.

"I thought you had pants on when you got into bed with me." I rushed out.

"I did, and then I woke up extremely warm because someone stayed glued to me all night. So I took them off." He told me.

"I doubt that I was glued to you," I argued.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, nerd," he said.

My eyes snapped at Maverick just as he pulled his jeans up.

"What time is it anyway? Where is my phone? Where are my things?" I started asking question after question.

"Your phone is next to you on that table. Your bag is right here. And it's after 10 in the morning." He told me completely unbothered.

I looked at my phone, which was plugged into the charger, and then back to Maverick.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

Maverick opened his mouth, but I spoke before he could.

"Don't you fu.cking dare ask me to repeat it," I stated.

"Since when did you get such a dirty mouth?" He teased.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, completely intent on ignoring him. I felt the bed dip behind me, but I didn't move. Then I felt Maverick's body heat behind me.

"I wonder if it was when I spit in it. You seemed to really like that. Unless you don't remember." He whispered in my ear.

I turned my head to frown at Maverick.

"Well, I'm sober now. So back up." I ordered.

Maverick grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked my head back to rest on his shoulder. I hissed out in pain, even though it didn't hurt that badly. Maverick's eyes roamed down my body, reminding me that I'm only in his shirt and my underwear. "You look really good in my shirt. Maybe you should wear it to bed more often." He said as his free hand started to slowly move down the side of my body.

"F-fat chance." I said.

"Nothing then?" He teased.

Maverick's hand reached the middle of my thigh to play with the end of his shirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Exploring." He whispered in my ear.

Maverick nibbled on my earlobe and I bit down on my lip to keep my moans in. His hand started to slowly move up my thigh. My legs parted on their own. Maverick chuckled in my ear.

"You should probably go shower." Maverick said as he removed himself from me completely.

I nearly fell off the bed from shock.

"I'll wait for you downstairs and take you home." He said.

That's it? He isn't going to... finish?

Maverick left the room, leaving me alone in confusion. I slowly got up from the bed and gathered clothes to wear for the day. Then I went into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I rested my hands on the sink as I tried to make sense of what had just happened.

Fact one: Maverick turns me on. I can't deny that anymore. Maybe it's because I find him so annoying and I'm some kind of freak.

Fact two: Maverick knows he turns me on, but doesn't do much about it. He teases me, but that's really it. Maverick doesn't push me, even when he knows he'll get away with it.

Fact three: We are siblings now for crying out loud. However, we aren't blood related. So, doing stuff with Maverick isn't.. that bad, right?

I guess it's kind of taboo. Maybe that's why I get so turned on. That would make a little more sense than having some kind of hidden attraction to Maverick Penton.

I stripped out of his shirt and tossed it into the trash can.

Well, Maverick can just fu.ck off for all I care. If anything happens between us again, I know one thing will be certain. I will never develop feelings for that jackhole.

I looked myself over in the mirror. I don't look as bad as I was expecting, but that might be because Maverick took my makeup off. My hair is all over the place, and I look half dead though. Something else caught my eye too. I moved my hair to the side and my eyes went wide.

That a.sshole left a fu.cking hickey on me!

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