Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 25

Kapri's P.O.V.


Well, I managed to dodge Maverick for the rest of the weekend. It wasn't that difficult honestly. He was a bit upset that I wouldn't let him take me home. When Maverick hopped on his bike, I almost changed my mind just to have another ride on it. Thankfully, Maverick didn't keep pressing me about it. He argued a bit while he still had his arms wrapped around me, but I was determined. Determined to never be alone with Maverick again. Apparently, I can't control myself. Do I have some kind of stepbrother kink?

Ugh, I wish Maverick would never have kissed me. That he would never have spit in my mouth like that. I might never have known how much a freak I truly am. Now I can't stop over thinking things.

The rest of the weekend went really well though. Instead of taking Molly and I home right away, the four of us girls went to the movies. Then we went to lunch. Megan even drove us around for a little while. It was really fun.

Sunday, Mom and I did a self-care day. I told her all about Brooke, and she demanded that Brooke come over every Sunday for self-care and dinner. In fact, Mom started planning out meals for me to take to Brooke on the nights that she doesn't come over. Maybe I should just ask Brooke to live with us.

Maverick was home when I got dropped off on Saturday. Although, he and Liam were fighting when I got here. Then Maverick stormed out and didn't come back until really late at night. To which he snuck into my bed and snuggled me all night. I didn't even know he was there until the next morning.

I bolted from my bed before Maverick could even wake up. By the time I got back to my room, Maverick was gone. I don't know where he went, but his bike was gone. I haven't seen him since.

It's now Monday morning. I looked myself over in the mirror, trying to tell myself that I looked great, and not like a total poser. I'm dressed in a tight-fitting dark green and black plaid dress. Along with a... I guess you could call it a hoodie. It was a hoodie at one point, until someone cut most of it off. Now it just has sleeves that connect over my chest, and a hood. The rest is gone.

My boobs are perked up. Maybe push-up bras aren't that bad. I guess I look good, I just.. feel awkward. I hope this dress isn't so short that my b**t will fall out when I stand up.

Someone knocked on my door. I turned my head just as Mom came in. She looked me up and down and squealed like a school girl.

"Oh my gosh! You look amazing! You're leaving your hair down right?" She rushed out.

I gave Mom a flat look.

"Well, I was gonna put it up with a clip.." I said.

"Let me help you. We can leave some of your curls out." She said.

I nodded to her and sat down in my desk chair.

"What shoes are you going to wear?" Mom asked.

"Probably my black and white vans." I told her.

"Fair enough. You would wobble around in heels." She said.

"Why would I even wear heels to school?" I asked.

Mom shrugged.

"You just seem to be coming out of your comfort zone lately. I don't want you to over do it." She said.

"I'm struggling just to do what I am now Mom. Don't worry. I'm not going to start dressing like a stripper or anything." I said.

Mom snorted.

"I know." She said. "Alright, what do you think about this?"

I looked at my hair in the mirror. My hair is mostly up. It's so long that it kind of looks like it's in a ponytail. With a few curls hanging loose. I turned to smile at Mom.

"It's perfect. Thank you Mom." I said.

Then I looked at the time on my phone.

"Sh.it. I'm running late," I said.

"You're not walking today," Mom said.

"Huh?" I asked as I slung my backpack over my shoulder.

"Maverick said that you guys talked about him giving you rides." She said.

"Yeah, but I told him no because I don't want helmet hair." I whined.

Mom laughed.

"That's why he's going to take his car today." She said.

I groaned.

"Kapri, try to get along with him. It seems like he's trying with you." Mom told me.

"Trying my right a.sscheek." I muttered.

Mom and I walked downstairs to the small table in the kitchen. The twins are still eating their breakfast. Liam is reading something on his phone while he eats his absentmindedly. Maverick is chatting, catching up with the twins. Which is great. I know they miss him a lot. "So, you're coming to my recital this weekend, right?" Jasmyn asked him.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Maverick promised.

"Good. Kapri promised she would come too. That means I'll have more people than ever there!" She said excitedly.

I peeked at Mom to see her give Liam a disapproving look. He must not be going. I wonder what could be more important than his daughter's violin recital. Whatever it is, I bet Mom will take care of it.

Maverick turned around and connected eyes with me. I glared at him and he beamed back at me. This stupid jerkface.

"You ready?" Maverick asked.

"I haven't eaten yet," I complained.

"That sucks. I'm ready to go." He said.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Mav, let the girl eat." Liam came to my defense.

I smiled smugly at Maverick. Then I walked around him to the table. I snatched up a piece of toast and a few pieces of bacon. Then I turned back to Maverick.

"Okay, let's go." I said.

"You're not eating in my car." He complained.

"I'l be careful," I said, taking a bite of my toast.

Maverick frowned at me.

"By the time we get to the car I'll be done. You big baby." I said as I walked past him.

"Have a good day at school! Tell Brooke I'm expecting her tonight!" Mom called out as we walked out the door.

"Why is April expecting Brooke here tonight?" Maverick asked as we got in the car.

"Well, I told Brooke that she should come over a few times a week for dinner so she isn't alone all the time. I really can't believe her parents." I said, rolling my eyes. "Anyway, I told Mom about it and now she's going to be extra about the whole thing. She's just that way. I give it like a month before Brooke is living with us," I said.

Maverick's eyes flickered at me as he pulled out of the driveway.

"You really think April would let her live with us?" He asked, curious.

I scoffed.

"Please, Mom is going to push it on her until she agrees. Like I said, Mom is just like that. She couldn't stand the thought of Brooke being all alone in that big house. Especially at her age. I just hope she doesn't push too much and cause Brooke's anxiety to spike." I said. "You know about Brooke's anxiety?" Maverick asked, surprised.

I shrugged.

"I mean, Brooke hasn't said anything, but I can tell. Her stupid parents. Do they even know how their daughter is doing?" I asked.

"Probably not. They don't check in much," Maverick said.

I looked at him.

"That's.. so sad.. How can they be that way?" I said.

Maverick shrugged.

"Probably didn't want kids." He said.

"Cause that makes it better," I muttered. "How unbelievable. I wouldn't even let you live like that. We have to convince her to spend more time at our house."

"Okay, okay." Maverick said. "I'll help."

"You can help by staying away," I said.

"Why? Brooke was my friend first." He said.

"Yeah, but I just really don't like you." I said with a fake pout.

Maverick chuckled.

"Do I have to bring up Friday night again, nerd?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes.

"I wish you wouldn't. It was a mistake," I said.

"Was it?" Maverick asked.

"Wasn't it?" I asked back.

Maverick's jaw ticked as he squeezed the steering wheel.

"You seemed to enjoy it in the moment. You even asked me if we could do more exploring," he said.

I groaned as I rested my head back.

"So, you still want to do that?" He asked.

I looked at Maverick and raised a brow.

"Are you asking me if I want to fool around with my stepbrother?" I asked.

"That's exactly what I'm asking," Maverick replied.

I stared at Maverick with my mouth open. He pulled into the school parking lot and parked the car. Then he turned to me, waiting for an answer.

"But.. we're.. related.." I said, stunned.

Maverick's eyes hardened.

"We are not related. Our parents are married. That's it." He stated.

"But... we hate each other.." I tried.

"Isn't that perfect for you?" Maverick asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You said that you wanted to get experience before going to college. I know you enough to know that you aren't willing to jump into a relationship with anyone. Especially when you're leaving for Harvard after we graduate. So, why not do everything with me? Like you said, we hate each other. You won't have to worry about catching feelings for me. You won't have to worry about how I feel, or anything stupid like that. We can simply.. explore to see what you like and what you don't like." He offered.

My jaw dropped at his offer.

"Uhm," I said. "I need time to think."

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