Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 20

Kapri's P.O.V.


This feels amazing. Way better than with Josh. Maverick's lips matched mine perfectly. His tongue isn't invasive, but sensual. More like he was caressing me instead of battling me.

It wasn't what I was expecting from Maverick. Not that I really expected anything before. It's just that.. Josh's kiss was so bad. I was so disappointed. And Maverick was acting so.. so.. defensive! Like I had hurt him or something.

Then I started to remember why we were in the bathroom in the first place. I remember how it felt when Maverick had pushed me up against a wall. Both times. My eyes flickered at his lips, and he read me like an open book. He told me all I needed to do was ask... I didn't mean to. I really didn't. He's my stepbrother, for crying out loud!

Now I can't stop. Even when Maverick tried to pull away from me. I was the one that pulled him right back to me. It just.. felt so good. Kissing is amazing. I can see why everyone likes doing it.

At least, with Maverick it's amazing.

Maverick pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my legs around him. It's like I can't get close enough to him.

Maverick sucked in my bottom lip and bit down. I moaned for the first time in my life. Maverick shivered. Then it was like a switch in him flipped.

Maverick moved his hands to my a.ss. He lifted me in the air, and pulled me flush against him. I gasped when I felt the bulge in his jeans. Maverick pushed me against the wall and started kissing down my neck. I held his head tight to me. He bit down on my neck and started sucking.

"M-Maverick.." I breathed out his name.

It only caused Maverick to bite down harder.

This is.. beyond amazing. It hurts kind of, but it feels so good. I want more. I need.. more. I don't know what though.

"M-Maverick.. P-pleas-"

"Kapri! Are you in there?"

The sound of Molly's voice followed by banging on the door had both Maverick and I freezing. Maverick finally unlatched from my neck. His honey brown eyes bore into mine. My face heated as I realized what had just happened.

I just made out with my stepbrother. Not even just made out.. That was.. some heavy making out. Like.. really heavy.

How far would we have gone if Molly hadn't interrupted us?

I pushed on Maverick's chest and he dropped me. I ducked around him and grabbed the door handle. I slipped out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

Molly looked me up and down.

"Are you okay? You look.. like a hot mess, and I do mean hot." She said.

"Do I?" I asked, trying to play things off.

What a bad thing to ask right now.

"Uh, yeah. Your lips are all red and swollen. Josh must have been rough. Plus your hair is everywhere right now. And your face is all red. Were you in there trying not to cry? Maverick kind of lost his sh.it huh? I can't believe he dragged you away like that." She ranted. My lips are swollen?

I touched my fingertips to my lips. Maverick's face flashed across my mind. I shook my head and snatched the solo cup from Molly's hand. I tossed it back, chugging everything that was left.

"That bad?" Molly asked with a raised brow.

"Worse," I replied.

"What'd Maverick say to you? Why was he even mad?" She asked.

"I-I don't know," I answered, shaking my head.

Which is true. I have no idea why Maverick was so angry. Maybe because Josh is a total douche. It's not like I didn't know that already. I just wanted to make out a little. Was Maverick trying to protect me in some way?

No, that can't be it. Maverick doesn't care about me that way. He probably couldn't care less if someone fu.cks me and dumps me. Not that I plan to sleep with anyone yet.

Still, why would he kiss me? I know that he was just teasing me when he told me all I had to do was ask. I have no idea what possessed me to actually say yes. Maverick still didn't need to actually do it. He could have laughed in my face, called me a nerd, and left. I would have thought that was way more normal than what just happened.

"Maybe he's just crazy," Molly said.

Then she gasped.

"Maybe Josh has a girlfriend and Maverick was mad that Josh was using his stepsister to cheat!" She said.

I gave her a bored look.

"Maverick would hardly care about something like that," I said.

"Well, what'd he say when he stormed off with you?" Molly asked.

My cheeks heated. All Maverick did was yell at me for kissing someone. I would chalk it up to his brotherly need to protect me, but... that's not Maverick's style. He doesn't care about me. Maverick didn't even want me to be a part of his family. "He told me that he secretly has the hots for Josh and he was jealous that I beat him to it." I rushed out.

Molly shook her head and gave me an incredulous look.

"What?" She asked.

Before I could answer, there was a loud bang that came from the bathroom. My face flamed. Molly looked around me at the door with a confused look.

"Is there someone-"

"Come on, we're missing the party. Let's forget about Maverick." I interrupted her.

I grabbed Molly's hand and pulled her in the opposite direction. That bang probably meant that Maverick was listening in. Well, I hope he enjoyed my little lie. And I hope the entire school knows about it on Monday! "Hey," Megan greeted Molly and I.

Brooke and Megan are waiting at the bottom of the stairs. They both looked at us, Megan with a huge smile on her face, and Brooke giving me a curious look. I wonder what that look is for. Does she know that Maverick was in the bathroom with me? "How about the four of us take this party upstairs?" Megan asked as she held up a bottle.

"What about Josh?" Molly asked.

"What about Josh?" I asked as I snatched the bottle from Megan.

I uncapped the bottle and brought it to my lips as I walked up the steps.

"I thought you were gonna hang out with him more. Maybe apologize for Maverick?" Molly suggested as she followed me.

"Why should I apologize? Maverick's the one that lost his sh.it. What was his problem, anyway? What kind of psycho even does that? He should apologize to Josh. I don't care how either of them feel." I ranted.

Megan giggled as she walked around me to open a door down the hall. I followed behind her to see that we were all in a very large room. Like stupid large. It's as big as my old apartment. The whole thing. There's a large king-sized bed in the room, and a balcony off of it.

Brooke walked past us to the balcony. She opened the French doors, and walked out. The rest of us followed her.

Wow, it's much bigger out here than I thought. There's a table and four comfortable-looking chairs. We can see the pool from here and the party going on below.

"This is amazing," I muttered.

"It's my parents' room," Brooke said.

"Why do they even have a room?" I slurred.

I guess that kiss didn't sober me up enough. Stupid Maverick. Why would he even do that?

Brooke snorted.

"I say the same thing," she said.

"So, what happened after Maverick pulled you away from Josh?" Megan asked.


"What happened to Josh?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

Megan laughed.

"He said something about 'game on' and then went outside. I did see a few girls approach him, and he turned them all down." She told me.

"He did?" Molly asked.

Megan nodded.

"Looks like he's interested in someone else." She teased me.

"Well, he should learn how to properly kiss before ever trying with me again," I mumbled.

All three girls laughed loudly. Even Brooke. Several people from down below looked up at us.

My eyes found a pair of blue ones almost immediately. Josh. My cheeks flamed. Josh smirked at me and winked. He beckoned me down with his fingers. I shook my head and looked at my friends.

I think I'd rather just hang out with my friends for the rest of the night. Boys are draining. I kissed two in one night, and one of those was my stepbrother. I'm not sure I can take any more masculinity tonight. Besides, Maverick was super mad. I really don't want a fight to break out. Not that I'm even sure that would happen.

I'm so confused about everything that just happened. Tonight was supposed to be fun for me. Me letting loose and making memories.

So, I'll do just that with my friends.

I gave Josh an apologetic shrug. He nodded in understanding. Then I watched as Josh walked to the side of the house. He must be leaving.

I scanned the crowd as Megan and Molly laughed about how bad my first kiss looked. I chuckled along with them. Until my eyes landed on a pair of honey brown ones.

Maverick is sitting on a sofa outside. He's glaring up at me with Savannah in his lap. When I looked at him, he narrowed his eyes at me. I gave him a confused look. What the hell did I do?

Then Maverick beckoned me down to him the same way Josh did. I scoffed under my breath and looked him up and down. Then I flipped him off.

Stupid stepbrother and his stupid full lips. Take that. A.ssface.

Memories of what happened the last time I flipped Maverick off flooded my brain.

Why am I suddenly feeling excited?

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