Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 19

Maverick's P.O.V.


"Why the fu.ck is Kapri here?" I asked Brooke.

I'm absolutely fuming. Kapri has never shown up to a party before. Except for my birthday party, but it was clear she didn't want to be there. Tonight is different. For starters, Kapri is already fu.cking drunk. "I invited her because we're friends," Brooke said.

"Friends my a.ss! Make her leave!" I ordered.

Brooke scoffed at me.

"No." She said. "I like her. She's staying."

"You like her? I thought you and Megan only hung around her because of Molly." I said.

Brooke shrugged.

"It started out that way. Kapri didn't really.. pay us much attention, so it was hard to be friends with her. Things have been different lately though. She's... very sweet. I can see why you like her so much." She said. "I do not like Kapri," I stated before storming off.

Unbelievable. Now I'm going to have to keep my eye on her all night. Especially with how wasted she already is.

Since when does Kapri even drink? Are my friends bad influences on her? I knew I shouldn't have let Megan and Brooke get too close to her.

I didn't say anything to Kapri all night. I just glared at her as I sat off to the side. Savannah has been next to me talking my ear off, but I have no idea what she's said. Eventually, she got the hint and left me alone.

Kapri being here has completely ruined my night. I can't even get drunk myself. I'm going to have to take care of her when she starts throwing up.

Arms circled around me from above. I didn't take my eyes from Kapri as the girl brought her lips to my ear. I don't have to look to know who this is. I can tell by that powerful perfume.

Kapri doesn't need perfume. She always smells good without it. Like strawberries.

"What do you want, Eva?" I asked, annoyed.

Eva chuckled as she walked around the chair and sat in my lap.

"I just thought you looked a little too angry to be at a party. So I thought I'd come cheer you up." She said.

Eva is not in our grade. Actually, she graduated last year. I'm not even sure why she's here. Eva has short straight black hair, deep brown eyes, and a tall slim figure. We have history together. Well, sort of. She took my virginity, but it's not like I've ever really had feelings for her.

I tried to at one point. I really did. I tried to have a low-key relationship with Eva my freshman year. That's partly why I was so distracted from Kapri. It only took me four months to realize that you can't force feelings.

Whoever said that you can be in love with two people at one time lied. It's only ever been Kapri for me. No matter what I've tried to do.

I gave Eva a bored look.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked.

"I came to see you, of course. It's been a while." She said seductively.

Nothing. It does nothing for me.

"Shouldn't you be in college or something?" I asked.

Eva chuckled as she pushed her fingers through my hair.

"I'm taking a year off to travel. I leave tomorrow. Thought maybe I could come see you one last time before I go." She told me.

Maybe I should. I could take her to a room down here, drown out my anger. Maybe I'll be able to enjoy the rest of my night.

But I can't. Not with Kapri still here. She looks way too se.xy to leave unattended. And honestly, I don't want to.

Ever since that night that I kissed Kapri's cheek, things have been off with me. Usually I'd be able to escape my obsession with her by fu.cking someone else. I haven't had the interest to since then.

It was just a damn kiss on the cheek for crying out loud. It shouldn't have affected me this way. Maybe it's really the noises that were coming from Kapri that night. I was affecting her. I tried to ignore the fact, but I couldn't. I turned Kapri on, and all I could think about was doing it again. "You came here for nothing. Get off of me." I said as I shoved Eva.

Eva scoffed as she stumbled to her feet.

"What?" She asked, shocked.

"I said no." I stated sternly.

"No?" Eva asked incredulously.

I looked away from her to find that Kapri was gone. I jumped to my feet and looked around. Sh.it, I don't see her anywhere.

"Find someone else tonight. Like Josh." I offered.

"Josh isn't as fun as you," Eva said.

"I don't care," I stated.

Then I walked away to search for Kapri. Damnit, where the hell did she go? She couldn't be in one of the rooms, right?

Fear struck me and I ran to the rooms. I either banged on the door, or barged in to all of them. Thankfully, I didn't find Kapri in any of them.

Where did she go? Did she leave?

I walked back out to the main area to look for Brooke. She would know. I was about to walk outside when my eyes landed on the very girl I'd been looking for.

Kapri is on the dance floor, which shocked me. I can see Megan and Molly with her. Along with Josh. I'm going to kill him, and kill Megan for not keeping them apart.

Then something terrible happened. I watched as Josh leaned down to whisper in Kapri's ear. Josh moved his lips to Kapri's, and kissed her.

Anger and jealousy like I've never felt before consumed me. He fu.cking stole her first kiss!

I stormed through the crowd of people to get to them. I grabbed Kapri's arm, and yanked her away from Josh, and to my chest. Josh looked at me amused. I glared at him. "What the fu.ck do you think you're doing?" I seethed.

Josh shrugged.

"She wanted to know what kissing was like. I was just helping her." He said smugly.

I looked down at Kapri. Her lips were swollen, cheeks flushed, and eyes glazed over. I leaned down to her ear.

"You better only look like that because you are drunk and not because you're turned on." I seethed.

Kapri shivered, breaking some of my resolve. I looked up at Josh again. He reached for Kapri's hand, but I swatted him away.

"We aren't done," I warned, before pulling Kapri away.

I dragged Kapri through the crowd of people. She complained the whole time about me needing to slow down. I ignored her.

I opened the bathroom door in the far back of the house. I shoved Kapri inside and walked in. I slammed the door shut and locked it behind me. Kapri leaned against the countertop as she rubbed the wrist I just had. "Ow." She mumbled.

I grabbed her wrist and inspected it. It's kind of red, but not bruised. At least I didn't hurt her that badly.

"What the fu.ck were you thinking?" I roared.

Kapri pouted at me.

"I was thinking that I needed to let loose before I go off to college," she said.


"Why would you think that?" I asked.

"Statistics." Kapri slurred.

I sighed heavily.

"You're too fu.cking drunk to even know what's going on. That a.sshole shouldn't have kissed you." I seethed. "Come on, I'm taking you to bed, and then I'm killing that fu.cker."

I grabbed Kapri's arm and tried to drag her out of the room. She fought me and tried to pull her arm back.

"Nooo. I don't wanna go to bed." She whined. "Besides, you can't be mad at Josh. He told you that I asked for it."

"He was telling the truth?" I seethed dangerously.

Kapri nodded.

"Although, I thought that it would be better," she muttered.

At least I have something to hold onto.

"It wasn't good then?" I asked.

Kapri looked up into my eyes.

"Is kissing always like that? I thought.. that he was going to swallow me. And his tongue was so.. invasive." She said, cringing.

I couldnt help the laugh that bubbled out of me.

"He was eating your face, that's for sure." I said.

Kapri looked at me thoughtfully for a moment. Her eyes flickered to my lips, then back to my eyes. Whoa, what the fu.ck is that look? "So, not all kissing is like that?" She asked breathlessly.

I leaned in closer to Kapri. She didn't back away at all. Kapri just stayed completely still. Which only made me feel bolder.

"If you want to find out personally.. Just ask Kapri." I teased.

There's no way she'll-

"Will you kiss me, Maverick? Just a small one?" Kapri whined.

My eyes went wide as I stared at her. She's kidding, right? She has to be.

Kapri stared at me with her bottom lip jutted out. That was it for me. How can I hold back when she looks at me like that?

Like my body had a mind of it's own, I smashed my lips to Kapri's.

Kapri kissed me back immediately. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and she pushed her fingers into my hair. I groaned as I wrapped my arms around her. This is amazing. Better than amazing. This was better than any time I ever imagined it. Kapri's lips are so soft, so juicy.

Kapri's tongue darted out to lick my lips. I groaned again as I lifted her up to set her on the countertop. Kapri gasped and I pushed my tongue into her mouth.

Fu.ck.. Even her tongue is soft and juicy. I could kiss Kapri all damn day.

I should probably pull away before this gets out of hand.

With great reluctance, I pulled away from Kapri. That was the best kiss I've ever had in my life. It was painful to have to pull away. All I can hope is that it was better for her than Josh was.


I didn't even get to finish saying her name. Kapri used her grip in my hair to pull my lips back to hers. She pushed her tongue back into my mouth. I pulled her closer to me as I pushed into her. I can't pull away a second time. This is bad. Really... really.. good.

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