Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 18

Kapri's P.O.V.


My altercation with Maverick has been playing in my head for the last few days. What the hell was his problem anyway? Does he hate Josh or something? It's not like Maverick actually cares about me, right?

I don't even want to think about what was happening right before Maverick left. He had me pinned to a wall again. All of it was the same as at school that day. Only, he pulled my hair like that night in my bedroom. It was all... Terrible! Absolutely terrible! My body got all hot again. All I could think about was pulling Maverick closer to me. Then he put his damn lips next to my ear and nibbled on my earlobe. I was desperately trying not to make a noise. Even that stupid kiss on the cheek has me confused as hell. Just what the hell was Maverick thinking? Why did I have to react this way?

I thought about it for days. I could only come up with one explanation. One very terrible and probably disgusting conclusion.

My stepbrother turned me on.

"You excited for tonight, Kap?" Megan asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

I shook my head before answering.

"Yeah actually." I admitted.

"Whoa, really?" Molly asked.

I nodded before shoving a bite of food in my mouth.

I'm only looking forward to tonight because I have a plan. That is to find someone to make out with. Making out isn't that bad. It's not like I'm going to sleep with anyone. All I want, is for someone to make me feel the way Maverick did that night. Someone that isn't my stepbrother. So that I can convince myself that I'm not a total freak.

"Well, half the day left. Then we can all get to get ready together," Megan said.

I smiled at her. Yup. Half the day left.


"Okay, let me do her makeup." Megan said.

"I'll do her hair." Molly chimed in.

I looked at Brooke with pleading eyes.

"I'll go get her a drink to put up with the two of you." She said.

I guess that's kind of helpful.

"I'm so excited to see you drunk." Molly giggled.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not going to get too drunk," I said.

"Alright, but just in case," Megan said, causing me to roll my eyes again. "No one is allowed on the second floor. Brooke, put your things in the third room on the left. If you feel like you need to lie down, you'll be safe. Plus, the door locks." "Thank you." I mumbled.

Brooke came back with my drink. I took it and sniffed. I almost gagged at the smell alone.

"If you take it all at once it's much better," Brooke told me.

I looked at her, then the other girls. Megan and Molly gave me excited looks. I sighed before tossing the whole contents back. I cringed as the alcohol burned my throat.

"I also brought this. It's wine and tastes much better." Brooke said, handing me a solo cup.

"Now you give this to me." I muttered. "Thank you."

Brooke smiled at me.

"So," I said. "Your parents never seem to be home."

Brooke shrugged.

"They hate to be parted and are usually out of the state or country for work." She told me.

"They didn't leave you with a nanny or something?" I asked.

I know that the twins have a few different caretakers in the house. They are much younger, but still. Brooke's parents must be worried about her.

Brooke scoffed.

"They haven't given me a babysitter since I was like 12," she said.

I frowned.

"That must be really-"

"Awesome?" Brooke interrupted me to ask. "I mean, I do get to do whatever I want, and throw all these cool parties." She said.

I shook my head.

"I was going to say lonely," I said.

Brooke gave me a slightly shocked expression.

"Uhm, I guess it can get that way." She mumbled.

"How about you start coming over for dinner a few times a week? Mom would totally love another kid to spoil. Trust me, if my dad would have stuck around I'm sure I'd have like seven siblings." I said with a laugh. Brooke inspected me for a moment.

"Really?" She asked.

I smiled.

"Yeah absolutely. I know that I would get lonely here all alone. Your house is huge. Way too big for just you." I said.

Brooke gave me a genuine smile.

"Alright. Thanks. I think that I would really like that," she said.

I beamed at her.

"Alright, you're done." Megan said.

I stood up and walked to the full-length mirror in Brooke's impossibly large room. Molly and Megan compromised on the outfit. Which means I'm in a pair of loose-fitting black washed jeans. They're high-waisted, but hang loose on my hips and legs. That part was all me. The shirt though.. They put me in a baby blue crop top with long sleeves that hang off my shoulders. It's low cut, and they even stuffed me into a push-up bra. I've never seen my boobs look so big.

My hair is mostly down. Molly put it half up into two small space buns. Because my hair is so thick, it looks really good. My voluminous curls are hanging down to my b**t. Molly even left my front pieces out to hang in my face. It looks really cute.

Megan did my makeup mostly natural, which makes me really happy. She settled for winged eyeliner, mascara, light blush with highlight, and clear lipgloss. I actually.. really like it.

"She's smiling." Molly gushed.

I frowned as I turned around to them.

"Okay fine, I like it." I said.

Megan and Molly squealed, bursting mine and Brooke's eardrums. Then Molly grabbed my hand.

"Let's go party."


It's been a few hours and there are tons of people here. I'm not even sure some of these people go to our school. It's way more crowded than the last time I was here.

Maverick is pi.ssed right the fu.ck off that I'm here. He hasn't said anything to me personally, but I did hear him yell at Brooke. Not only that, but he's barely taken his eyes off of me all night.

Brooke and Megan were right. My presence alone is ruining Maverick's whole night. And I am having a great time.

"Heyyy, it's the cutie from the ice cream shop."

I turned around as Josh walked up to me. He looked me up and down with an approving grin. Which usually would make me say something snarky, but right now.. I'm a little too drunk. Plus, I have a mission tonight. Makeout with someone. "Kapri, right?" Josh asked.

I smiled.

"So you figured it out," I said.

"Oh, I had to. I had to know the name of the first girl to ever reject me." He teased.

I wonder if Maverick ever feels that way about me.

What am I thinking? He's my stepbrother for fu.ckc's sake. I need to get a grip.

"I didn't reject you. You just come off strong. Maybe you should work on that," I said.

Sh.it. Did that sound too rude?

Josh chuckled.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel pressured. Most girls I meet are thrilled to have my hands all over them." He said.

I rolled my eyes. This guy is worse than Maverick. Perfect to get my mind out of the gutter.

"Well, I'm not most girls," I said.

"No, you most certainly are not." He replied.

Josh stepped closer to me. I looked up to see him smiling down at me. He didn't touch me though. At least the guy listens.

"Are you having a fun night, Kapri? You wanna maybe dance a little? I promise not to touch you unless you say it's okay." He said.

I stared into his blue eyes as I mustered up all of my courage.

"Well, you're going to have to touch me, because I don't know how to dance," I said.

Josh beamed at me.

"I can definitely help with that," he said.

Josh held his hand out in front of me. I placed my hand in his and he pulled me to the dance floor. Where I actually danced for what felt like hours. It was probably more like an hour, if that. It just.. was so much fun!

Megan and Molly had joined us along with a couple more guys. They had brought out a bottle for us to take shots. I'm honestly having a blast. Josh has even been decently respectful. He's kept his arm wrapped around my waist, holding me flush against him, but he hasn't tried to feel me up or kiss me, or anything.

We took another shot, and I turned around in Josh's arms. He wrapped both of his around me and he pulled me flush against him. I giggled as I tossed my arms around his neck.

"Can I admit something really silly to you?" I shouted in his ear.

"Of course." He replied, amused.

"I've never done anything before. Not even a kiss." I slurred.

Josh fake gasped.

"No." He teased.

Gee, am I that obvious?

"I.. want to know what kissing feels like." I admitted.

Josh pulled back enough to look me in my eyes. He brought a hand up to cup my face. Then he leaned his lips next to my ear.

"I can help with that. If it's okay with you?" He asked

I nodded as I gripped onto his shirt. Josh moved his lips from my ear, across my jaw. This is it.. My first kiss.

Josh pressed his lips to mine. I moved my lips against his as he led the kiss. Josh's tongue skimmed across my lips. I opened my mouth, and he plunged his tongue inside. Then he opened his mouth wider. I struggled to match his lips, and failed in the end. This is nothing like what I thought it would be. Is kissing always like this? Always.. messy this way?

I wanted to pull away. Hell, I was about to. But before I could, someone grabbed my arm and yanked me from Josh. I looked up to see Maverick fuming.

"What the fu.ck do you think you're doing?"

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