Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 21

Maverick's P.O.V.


I'm in fu.cking trouble. Deep, deep sh.it. Beyond repair trouble.

I shouldn't have teased Kapri like that. I shouldn't have let her pull me for another kiss. And I definitely shouldn't have tried to take things further.

I was like a man possessed. Kapri was holding onto me so tightly. Like she was afraid I was going to disappear or something.

Then she fu.cking moaned. Granted, I shouldn't have bitten her bottom lip. I was just... going with the feelings.

Hearing Kapri moan like that.. for me.. set me off. Everything that I had been holding back came rushing forward. It was like I needed her more than air in that moment. I wanted to rip her clothes apart and worship every inch of her body. I was close to doing it too. Tasting Kapri's skin was amazing. I had planned to do more. I was going to move my lips down her body. Memorize every inch of her. Watch every reaction to see what she likes. After denying myself so much, I was going to have her.

Molly interrupting us, it was like a cold bucket of water being thrown on Kapri. I wouldn't have even stopped if I hadn't felt her body stiffen. Then she pushed me away, and ducked out of the room before I could stop her.

I decided to wait a few minutes before leaving. I mean, it would look pretty bad if someone saw us leaving the bathroom together. Especially with how swollen Kapri's lips apparently are.

I was listening to Molly and Kapri talk about me. I accidently knocked over the toilet paper holder when Kapri told Molly that I had the hots for Josh. I should have figured she'd do something like that.

Once I heard their voices fade away, I slipped out of the bathroom. I can see Kapri and the other girls at the bottom of the stairs. Brooke connected eyes with me for a brief moment. Then I went in the opposite direction. "Pulling Kapri away in front of all those people was some big move on your part, Mav."

My eyes snapped up to see Josh standing in the doorway to the backyard.

"I told you to stay away from her," I stated.

"And I told you that it's too late now. She's your stepsister, which makes her fair game if you ask me. Unless you're planning to still have her," he said.

I looked Josh up and down.

"And if I am?" I asked.

Josh's eyebrows shot up.

"Your own stepsister. You sly dog." He teased.

I just glared at him.

"You're serious?" Josh asked.

"If it means keeping her away from you. I'm not letting you break Kapri's heart." I stated.

Josh chuckled.

"Fine. Game on Penton," he said.

"Game on?" I asked.

Josh only chuckled at me before walking outside.

What the hell does he mean by that? Kapri isn't a fu.cking game. Damnit!

Am I really going to have to win Kapri over now? I guess I could just let Josh have her..

No way. I can't do that. Not only am I too selfish and obsessed with Kapri. I can't sit by and watch someone break her heart. Josh has never taken a girl seriously before. Even if he was serious about Kapri, I would never let him have her. What am I supposed to do now?

I sighed as I walked out to the backyard. I caught sight of Josh instantly. He was staring up so I followed his line of sight. Right to Kapri.

Josh tried to get her to come down, but Kapri told him no. Probably because he's such a bad kisser. I looked back at Josh. A few girls went up to him, but he politely declined their attention, and then left. Which left me shocked.

Josh never turns a willing girl down. He was really serious about competing with me. That means... that I have to win Kapri over before him. Without telling her how I feel.

Kapri doesn't deserve to be in the middle of this. This is all my fault. I don't want her getting caught up in Josh's bullsh.it just because I couldn't stand to watch anyone else have her.

I'll just steal all of her firsts before Josh can. I'll take up all of the space in her head like she does with me. I'll make sure that I'm the only one she wants. As a fu.ck buddy only. Kapri will think that only I can fulfill her needs. And by the time it comes for her to go off to college.. It'll all be over.

Kapri will go off to Harvard without the need to fu.ck every man she sees. I'll take care of her while she's still here. Then she'll leave me.

Fu.ck. This is a terrible idea. All this is going to do is leave me feeling more broken in the end.

I looked up at Kapri on the balcony with her friends. A scowl fell on my face. That fu.cking nerd has no idea how much I go through for her.


It's been a while since Josh left. Since Kapri refused to come down to me, and flipped me off. I've been fighting the urge to go to her since she did that.

Kapri keeps stealing glances at me. I haven't taken my eyes off of her. Not even when I told Savannah to get lost.

A few other girls have come up to me since Savannah stormed off. I blatantly ignored them all. My fingers are just itching to touch Kapri.

Kapri and that damn attitude of hers. Does she not understand how hard it already is to hold back? She just has to make it more unbearable by acting like a brat.

One of these days soon I'm going to turn that a.ss of hers red. Then I'll massage it all better. I bet her hot skin would taste divine.


Maybe I should have let Savannah stay. I at least could have taken care of what Kapri started in the bathroom. I'd never been so horny in my life, and now I can't stop thinking about it.

I watched as Kapri stood up and left the balcony. I waited maybe a total of 30 seconds before getting up. I know what room is hers. I already made Brooke tell me. I'll just go pay Kapri a little visit.

I stormed up the stairs, ignoring everyone who tried to talk to me. I marched up to Kapri's door, and walked right in. I heard Kapri gasp loudly as I shut the door behind me.

"What the hell Maverick?!" She screeched.

Oh man, I came at the perfect time. Kapri was in the middle of changing. She has on a pair of flimsy cotton shorts, and is just in her push-up bra. I smirked as my eyes roamed down her body. "Still not rushing to cover up, I see. You must feel really comfortable around me." I teased.

Kapri huffed as she tried to cover herself with her hands. I closed the distance between us in two strides. It took Kapri a second to relax. She jumped back, but I grabbed her arms. I gently pulled Kapri's arms from her body and checked her out again. "Who gave my stepsister permission to be so damn hot?" I teased.

Kapri rolled her eyes.

"You're drunk." She stated.

"I'm not that drunk." I argued.

Kapri gave me a bored look.

"You're drunk." I accused.

Kapri scrunched up her face, making her look adorable.

"I had to drink away the nasty taste of you." She complained.

My eyebrows shot up as laughter bubbled out of me.

"Nasty huh?" I teased. "I can show you just how nasty I can be, Kapri."

I wrapped my arms around Kapri and pulled her flush against me. Then I grabbed her chin roughly, and tilted her head back. It's a good thing she's so much shorter than me. Kapri's eyes flickered to my lips for a brief moment.

"Open." I ordered.

"Huh?" Kapri asked.

"Open your fu.cking mouth." I ordered again.

Kapri's mouth fell open and I smirked. I mustered up a bunch of saliva in my mouth. Let's see how nasty my little nerd can get. I've always wanted to do something like this with Kapri. I'm a depraved man.

I held Kapri's mouth open as I stared into her eyes. Then I slowly spit into her mouth. I expected Kapri to be completely grossed out. Every other girl I have ever tried this with was. I thought Kapri would push me away, throw me out of her room. But no. Not my nerd. Kapri moaned slightly. Her cheeks turned a deep shade of pink. And she swallowed.

Then Kapri grabbed my shirt, and yanked me down. She met me half way, smashing our lips together. Kapri practically attacked me. Because I wasn't expecting it, I stumbled back into a dresser. Kapri practically melted her body into mine as she shoved her tongue in my mouth.

A moment later, Kapri pulled away. She has saliva around her lips. Her eyes are glazed over as she stares at me.

"Definitely didn't expect that," I mumbled.

"Why did you do that?" She asked.

"You kissed me." I said defensively.

"You spit in my mouth." She said.

I smirked.

"You liked it that much, huh nerd?" I teased.

"Why?" She asked, pouting.

I moved my hand to tuck some hair behind her ear.

"Why what?" I asked.

"Why did I like something like that?" She asked.

I smiled.

"Because you are secretly just as nasty as me," I told her.

Kapri averted her eyes from me. I can practically see the gears turning in her head. She's confused. Probably about a lot of things.

"There's nothing wrong with being a little nasty, Kapri," I told her. "Everyone has their thing. I don't judge."

Kapri shook her head.

"Maverick.." She said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Please ask me to stay.

"I don't feel so good.."

Then Kapri turned her head to the side of us, and threw up all over the floor.

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