Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love

Chapter 129 An Old Classmate

Jessie's blush seared through her cheeks and for a minute she thought her face was on fire. don't like common men!" she stuttered while defending herself.

"I doubt that! There will always be someone destined for you!" Nancy teasingly added, which only emphasized the reddening of her workmate's cheeks.

The latter was now ever more awkward and coy, lightly patting her face to hide the rosiness of her cheeks. "You have an operation this morning, Dr. Nancy. You should get ready." With those words, Jessie hurried away out of sheer embarrassment.

After she left, a nurse came over the office.

"Dr. Nancy, a patient came yesterday. She is waiting for you to check on her."

"Which ward?"

"No. 32."

"Alright. I'll make the rounds in the wards later!"

After saying that, she put on the white gown, and headed for the ward.

In one of the beds lay a girl whose pair of eyes glinted slight pain.

After checking her vitals, Nancy learned that the patient wasn't severely injured.

"Does it hurt?" she asked, pressing her stomach lightly.

The little girl shook her head and muttered, "No!"

"Don't listen to her. She is in so much pain that she can't even jump. She's just afraid of getting surgery and that's why she's pretending!" A tall and handsome man walked in while furiously spitting those words Turning around to see who it was, Nancy was a little surprised. The man, who now stood with his arms crossed against his chest, seemed quite familiar.

"Jerome Liao?" she uttered a name, hoping that her hunch was right.

"Nancy Ning?" the man asked in return, also sporting a look of recognition. Then, he laughed and exclaimed, "It's really you! I can't believe it!"

"Yeah! It's been a while since we last saw each other!" This time, a wide smile broke into Nancy's lips. She was right! She really knew this man. "Yeah! I didn't expect you to be a doctor now. I remember you being so timid when you were a child," complimented Jerome Liao while wearing a sly smile.

"Yeah! But you? What have you been up to lately?"

"I'm a college instructor on language," he simply answered, still plastering a polite smile.

"Well, good! I remember you used to like writing poems and novels. So that was expected." Nancy recalled how he was also a famous literary young man in their school, writing numerous love letters for his classmates.

"Well...you can say that." Jerome Liao shrugged and then broke into a light laughter.

"Is this your daughter? How old is she?" Nancy asked, pointing at the young girl while taking note of her current state.

"She is my sister's daughter. I'm not married yet!" Jerome Liao laughed again, surprised at Nancy's assumption.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Slightly embarrassed of what she said, Nancy flashed a shy smile.

"Don't mention it. We're old classmates."

This man didn't change a bit. He was still optimistic as before, someone who'd always brighten up the mood whenever he was in the room.

"Well, I can operate on her this morning. Don't worry. It's not gonna be a complicated surgery." Nancy closed the folder in her hand and handed it to the nurse beside her.

"Alright. Please take care of my nephew."

"No problem. It's my duty."

After saying that, Nancy bid her goodbye before heading to the other wards to complete her rounds.

Then, she had the nurse prepare the operating room.

It was a simple surgery for her, something that she had done couple of times already.

So in less than an hour, she was able to finish it without


And that was how her morning went by, much as how she wanted it-busy and occupied. When the clock hit the lunch hour, she was surprised to see Jerome Liao come over.

"Why do you go to the canteen alone? Is there no one to accompany you?"

"You are still as garrulous as you were in school," Nancy teased, nudging his side with her elbow.

To this he merely smiled and said, "I didn't really change, you know. Come on! Let's go to a restaurant. It's my treat!" "Thank you, but I have to go to work in the afternoon," she refused politely, thinking about her schedule.

"We're not gonna drink. We'll just have a meal near the hospital. Don't worry. It won't take up your work. Come on!" Without giving her time to reply, Jerome Liao snatched the lunchbox from Nancy's hand and dragged her to the elevator.

Left with no choice, Nancy could only follow him.

And true to his word, they really went to a restaurant couple of blocks away from the hospital.

It was a quiet place, and if she were to describe it more, it was even intimate.

In fact, Nancy thought it was a perfect place for young people to date.

The soft jazz music in the background, coupled with the light ambiance of the place only confirmed her speculations.

Taking the lead, Nancy found a quiet place in the corner and sat down.

"Just order a few dishes," she whispered while making herself comfortable. "I'm not much of an eater,"

she continued as she put her hands on her jaw and looked at him with a smile.

If someone would see them together, that person would think that the two were in a date.

Although to both of them, it was nothing but a reunion for old classmates.

"Would you like something to drink?" Jerome Liao asked as he wrote their order and handed the menu back to the waiter.


"Two cups of juice, please!"

The waiter merely responded with a nod before heading towards the counter.

At this time, the door of the restaurant was pushed opened and together, Charles and Dorothy, glided their way inside.

Although she was sitting at a corner, Nancy was still able to catch sight of them. And caught off guard with such unexpected situation, she bowed her head in a hurry. Meanwhile, Charles didn't see her.

In fact, he didn't want to come here at all.

He had been swamped with meetings all morning and even Dorothy was busy as his secretary.

So as soon as lunch hour came, she excitingly said, "Charles, I know a good restaurant around. Let's go there and have a taste, shall we?"

"Go find someone else," he responded indifferently, not even the least interested in eating with her.

"Don't you want to eat?" But the stubborn Dorothy didn't know how to give up.

"Fine, let's go."

Because he was tired of being bothered, Charles merely agreed reluctantly.

Little did he know that the restaurant was near the hospital where Nancy worked.

Even more so, he didn't expect to see Nancy in this restaurant either.

And to make it worse, she was with a man!

Nancy thought that Charles didn't catch sight of her, but with her beauty and familiar presence, there was no way that the latter would miss it. "Charles, what would you like to eat?" said Dorothy they sat down on a table not far from where Nancy and Jerome Liao were.

"Whatever you like," said Charles flatly, now feeling a pang of irritation slowly arising in him.

"The roast chicken wings here are very delicious. Let's order some and then..."

With his phone in his hand, Charles didn't bother listening to her and instead just browsed the news.

Just as he suspected, major media websites published numerous articles about his engagement with Nancy. And those news were tainted with many gossips. They were practically all over the internet. Seeing this, Charles suddenly went ballistic and called Hiram, asking him to order the media to delete those news whatever it cost. Even Dorothy, who was sitting across him, was dumbfounded to see him enraged all of a sudden.

Meanwhile, the waiter went back Nancy and Jerome's table. "Sir, here's the juice you ordered."

Jerome Liao took the glassed and expressed, "Thank you."

"Nancy, this is yours." He put the straw into the glass of juice and pushed it to her.

Nancy dared not to look up, afraid that Charles would see her.

However, since they were just a few meters away, there was no way he'd not see her.

Wearing a grim and brooding face, Charles intently stared at Nancy.

And without thinking twice, he stood up and walked straight towards her.

"Charles, where are you going?" called Dorothy, who was caught in surprise.

But when she saw Nancy on the other table, a smug immediately crept on her lips.

"Nancy, what a coincidence!" Charles asked in a sinister voice as soon as he reached their table.

"Ah! Mr. Fu, you're here too." Nancy couldn't hide anymore, and recognizing that she had no choice, she just acknowledged him with utmost formality. Then with a shaking voice, she introduced distantly, "This is Jerome Liao, my junior high school classmate. Jerome, this is Charles Fu."

"Oh, hello." Jerome Liao reached out his hand politely, but to his surprise, Charles didn't shake hands with him.

In fact, he didn't even bother to glance at him and instead just locked his eyes on Nancy.

"You have so many classmates, don't you? And what are the odds that all of them are men? There was Ethan Ye and now here comes Jerome Liao. Who will be next?" His voice dripped with extreme sarcasm while his face bore a mocking smug.

Jerome Liao withdrew his hand awkwardly and uttered, "What's wrong with having a lot of classmates?"

"But do you think it is also common to date male classmates?" This time, Charles turned to look at Jerome Liao with a condescending expression.

"What are you talking about?" As an esteemed university instructor, Jerome Liao never engaged himself in gossips.

So he knew nothing about their engagement.

In fact, judging by his looks and suit, he thought Charles was a respected man, but his words exhibited otherwise.

"If you know my relationship with Nancy, you'll think that it's rather wrong to go on a date with. She's my fiance!" Charles' voice rose to the roof, much to Jerome Liao's surprise.

Nancy, on the other hand, was too embarrassed that her face flustered to the extreme.

"Stop talking nonsense, Charles Fu. We broke up a long time ago. It's none of your business whether I go on a date or not!" As she spoke, she grabbed Jerome Liao's hand and prepared to leave. But before she could even take a step, Charles had already blocked her way.

"What makes you think you can date other men, huh?!" As he towered over her, Charles voice was coated with so much dominance that almost made Nancy's knees quiver in fear.


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