
Chapter Sold 92

Chapter 92


I haven’t been able to get an actual sleep since I found out that Maliya was missing. All I could think about was how I was going to find her and bring her back home.

I stayed up as usual, checking the map as I thought maybe she could have got lost within the woods. I tried to think of all kinds of possibilities, but they were all in vain. I have no idea how to find her and it was driving me insane.

I was starting to feel a mild headache from not sleeping for so long, so I decided to take a break and as soon as I went into my room, I drifted to sleep immediately.

I felt something jerk up inside me and for the first time in a while, my wolf came alive and strong for that matter. I opened my eyes as I wondered what the occasion was. The last time he came alive, it was to tell me that Maliya was my mate. I have never felt his energy like this before and it makes me wonder if there was a looming danger for him to be this sensitive.

I felt a strong connection as I tried to sit up and it felt as if my wolf was trying to break loose and take control over my body.

Suddenly, I began to hear a cry for help and I wondered if I was starting to hallucinate because everywhere was silent but I could hear the voice loud and clear in my head.

“What is going on?” I muttered to myself. I never really expected my wolf to help me or answer me since he never does, but this time, he really did answer me.

“That is our mate… she is crying for help. She needs our help,” he said and I felt a pang in my chest.

I knew that Maliya was likely to be in danger but how did he know?

“How can you be so sure that she’s the one?” I asked as I rose to my feet immediately.

“Can’t you

feel it too? Don’t you feel anything strange?” He asked and true to his words, I could feel something strange in me… it was a feeling I couldn’t quite decipher.

“We can feel that because of the blood connection. Maliya is in trouble and we need to find her,” he said and I ran my hands in my hair, as I wondered what would be happening to her.

“What do you mean by the blood connection?I asked.

“It’s Maliya. Her wolf is alive and the child in her is also crying for her. That could only mean one thing,” he announced. “She is in danger.”

Fuck! I paced around the room as I thought of what to do next. I need to find her. I need to bring her back and protect my woman, but how?

“Even if we leave the palace right now to look for her, I don’t have any idea of where to find her. My men had looked everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. Going from one pack to another is



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going to take eternity: What do we do now?” I asked my wolf and he went quiet again.

Great Pucking great! Just what I needed. He woke nje up from my sleep to remind me that Maliya is in danger, just for him to go ghost once again.

I hissed out of frustration when he spoke again.

“Stop distracting me, I’m trying to figure something out,” he hissed.

“Be fast about it?” I snapped. If anything happened to Maliya, I’d never be able to forgive myself knowing that I was the one that sent her away by myself. If only I had been patient enough, maybe that is how Alpha Gabriel and Sabrina would have come to save the day like they did but no, I was impatient and that reckless behavior of mine is about to cost me my woman and my child.

An idea popped into my head while I was busy blaming myself and I pushed every other thought aside at the moment.

“Do you think we can trail Maliya and find her location using her smell and the blood link? It should be easier now that her wolf has woken up, right?” I asked and he was silent again and was getting impatient with this unnecessary silence when he finally spoke up.

“Yes. Finding her with her smell would be a lot easier and of course, the blood link would help too,” he said and I breathed out a sigh of relief.

“Goddess, please keep Maliya safe,” I prayed silently as I prepared to leave on my own.

It was still dark and I believe everyone would have gone to bed already, so I picked a few weapons I might have to use since I don’t know exactly where we were going as I left the room.

I came across Lord Williams in the hallway and he seemed pretty surprised to see heading out by that hour of the day.

“Is something wrong? Where are you going by this time?” Lord Williams asked with a confused look on his face as he stopped right in front of me.

“I think I know how to find Maliya,” I said and he looked alert.

“I’ll come with you,” he announced. “No, that won’t do. Give me a few minutes to prepare our men so that we can all go together,” he said and I shook my head.

“No, that wouldn’t be necessary. I don’t need a lot of people to know about this and above all, I think I should be discreet about the whole thing. We don’t know if there is a spy among us and I can’t afford losing her at the slightest chance once again,” I said and he nodded.

“Well then, I will follow you. I can’t allow you to go on your own. Those people killed our men that were supposed to escort Maliya brutally. We don’t even know who they are or how many they are. It’s not safe for you to go out there by yourself,” he pointed.

“I don’t know how long it would take and somebody needs to take care of the Pack,” I said.

“If we go together, it would be faster plus we have Madam Rosalie to take care of the Pack. You have





Chapter 92

nothing to worry about, let’s go before it’s too late,” Lord Williams said and I nodded.

He was right anyway. The people can take care of themselves for a few hours, but I can’t delay finding Maliya anymore.

I followed my wolf as he guided me into the woods and I wondered where this was leading. We were far away from the Pack now and there doesn’t seem to be anything insight other than woods bul my wolf kept telling me to go further.

“Are you sure we are not taking the wrong route? This place doesn’t seem to be leading anywhere,” I said.

I kept on leaving signs on the floor because I have never been to this side before. I never even knew this place existed hence, I was afraid I might get lost if I did not check the place carefully.

“Alpha, are you sure we can find anything here? We are only surrounded by trees and leave. I doubt this would lead anywhere,” Lord Williams voiced out my curiosity.

“She is somewhere around. Just keep going,” my wolf said and I sighed.

I kept on taking a straight path so that I wouldn’t forget my way back when I saw something huge from a distance.

“Is that a cave?” I turned to face Lord Williams who seemed just as surprised as I was.

“I think so, Alpha.” Lord Williams and I went towards the cave and the closer we get the bigger it became.

What the fuck? The cave was deep inside that forest that no one would have found it on a normal day. I don’t even know a place like this existed all along… how could I have known that there is something like this here?

I have never heard my father speak of this cave or even anyone in the Pack for that matter. Could it be that no one is aware of it? How is that even possible?

“Alpha…” Lord Williams looked stunned as he looked at the Cave in utmost shock and I couldn’t even blame him.

“Are you sure Maliya is here?” I asked my wolf and he confirmed that indeed, she was in the cave.

If no one knew about the cave what could Maliya be doing here? It doesn’t make any sense but at the same time, it does. If this is where Maliya is all along, it finally made sense why no one could find her.

The cave was as silent as a graveyard and I doubted that anyone could be there, but I didn’t want to go back without checking so I decided to see what was inside.

“You don’t really think that Maliya would be inside that place, right?” Lord Williams asked and I shrugged..

“There is only one way to find out.”

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Chapter p

Lord Williams and I moved closer to the cave but the more we moved closer the more my heart raced with fear. At this point, I couldn’t tell if the fears were mine or my wolf from the way he was restless as he struggled to come out.

Just calm down. If Maliya is here, we will find her, I assured him as we moved closer but before we could enter the cave, some men suddenly appeared in the entrance out of nowhere, making me step back out of shock.

“Nobody was there just now, who are they? Lord Williams asked as we both stared at the men.

They were all dressed in red and black and half of their faces were invincible which made them even more strange.

Something feels off about these people. I have a bad feeling about this. It seems they were using magic because one minute three men were glaring at us and the next minute, they turned to ten.

“Alpha Xander, are you seeing this?” Lord Williams asked, completely stunned about what we were seeing and I reminded myself that Maliya is the only thing that mattered here. I won’t get distracted until I find her.

“Magic,” I muttered under my breath and he nodded.

I moved closer to them and they stopped me immediately.

“You cannot go inside,” they said and I looked between them suspiciously.

My wolf became even more restless as he screamed. “Mate!” It was evident that Maliya was somewhere within those words and I’ll not leave this place without her by my side, but still, I couldn’t help but wonder who could have taken her and why they were so keen on hurting her because why else would they have brought her here?

“Move apart,” I warned the men blocking our parts but they wouldn’t budge.

“I’m afraid you have to leave first,” he said and I glared at them before turning to face Lord Williams.

“Let’s take down these bastards,” I said as I stride towards them and began to fight them one after

the other.

They seemed pretty strong and it wasn’t easy to take down alone and I’m glad I brought Lord Williams with me.

Lord Williams supported me as we fought them together but it became even more difficult to fight because one minute they were invincible the next minute they were visible.

I decided to use my knife and start stabbing the air since I was certain that they were around us. I kept on stabbing the air while Lord Williams fought them with all his power and finally, we were able to take them down.

Lord Williams and I were panting out heavily when we finished but before we could catch our


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Chapter 92

breath, their bodies turned to dust as the enemies disappeared.

“They weren’t humans,” Lord Williams said and I nodded.



“Someone must have been playing a trick on us.” I went into the cave to see everywhere dark and all of a sudden, the light went on and when I looked around, I was surrounded by at least a thousand candles.

What the fuck?



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