
Chapter Sold 82

Chapter 82 


The pack was still suffering from the plague, and it was starting to stress me out because every time we thought we had found a solution, it always turned out that we hadn’t found anything. 

The people are dying. Some are in severe pain and as the Alpha that everyone looked up to, I couldn’t do anything to stop it. Nothing frustrates me more than that and to think that there were chances that all of these were caused by Maliya didn’t make me feel any better. 

“I will speak to the physicians again so that we can know what to do,” Lord Williams finished with a sigh. He was just as exhausted as I was concerning the matter. I had asked Madam Rosalie to help me research the witches she mentioned the last time since I believed all of this had something to do with the unseen force, but there is only so little she can do now that she was infected too. 

“Do what you must; I will keep on reading to see if I can find anything new, too,” I said, and he nodded. 

Ever since the plague started, I have spent half of my day in the Pack, investigating what could have caused the problem and I spent the night researching the kind of force that could cause the present situation as well as the medicine that can be used as a cure. 

Lord Williams headed out and I decided to take a few minutes break before heading back outside when I started hearing screams. 


I stopped in my tracks to hear where the sound was coming from at first, but the voice kept getting louder and it seemed to be coming from Maliya. My heart raced at the thought of something happening to her and I found myself running into our room to see how she was doing. 

“Anyone out there!? Ahh!!!” She screamed again 

pushed the door open out of fear. 


I met her where she was shaking badly as he held onto her head as if it was about to fall off. 

My heart skipped a beat as different vicious thoughts invaded my head, but I soon dismissed them. 

“What is going on? Why are you screaming? I heard 

one leg to another as if she was in bad pain. 

youre from the hallway. Is there a problem?” I asked as I watched her shift her weight from 

no longer felt at ease

“My… my head… Ah!” She cried out again, and this time, it felt like I 

“What is wrong with you!” I snapped at her as I demanded answers. There don’t seem to be any signs of injuries in her body, which made me wonder why she was crying so much. 

I have seen at least a thousand people who are suffering from the plague and none of them looked normal, which made me feel slightly relieved that she wasn’t suffering from one and it’s not like she has been going out anyway so there is no way she could contact the disease, but the way she was acting was enough to make me panic too. 

“I’m talking to you, Maliya!” I growled. I don’t know how to help her since she wasn’t talking and I fear that something might be wrong with the baby. 

“My head- my head hurts,she cried out. 

I don’t know if I should feel a little relieved that it has nothing to do with her stomach, but I still couldn’t help but worry about her. 

Your head hurts where? Did you hit it on something? Weren’t you just sleeping?I was confused. 

“I don’t know… I have a terrible headache,” she cried again. 

I realized that waiting for her to tell me exactly what was wrong with her would take time, so I decided to do the only thing I could think of. Anyone out there!?I yelled and a maid rushed inside. 

Yes, Alpha,” she answered. 

“Call a physician this instant to check up on her,I ordered, and the maid nodded before running out immediately, I rubbed my temple, frustrated that she wouldn’t tell me anything other than her head hurt as I watched how she cried profusely. 

You need to sit down. Remaining in that position won’t help you with your headache, I muttered, as I moved closer to her to help her settle on the 


Maliya continued to cry out in pain and my heart aches to see her in this position. 

The doctor came back a few minutes later and I couldn’t help myself from asking him questions. 

*Can you explain what is going on with her? She is complaining of a terrible bad ache, and she hasn’t stopped crying since she woke up 


8:48 AM

Chapter 82 

“Let me examine her first,” he said, and I waited impatiently for him to confirm what was wrong with her. The doctor kept on wasting time and I was just about to snap at him when he spoke up. 

“I’m not sure if you noticed that I kept on running the same test on her over and over again,” he said. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with her, Alpha. I had to keep checking to see if it was the baby, but both of them are completely fine,” he announced. 

Maliya’s face twitched in disbelief immediately as she spoke up. “You need to check again to be sure that you are not seeing things wrongly. I am in so much pain, how can I be fine?” 

“I’d check a hundred more times if that is what you want, but be rest assured that we are going to have the same answer. There is nothing wrong with you,” the doctor assured me and I couldn’t hold back my irritation. Was she pretending all along? 

“What the hell are you talking about? My head is drumming so hard as if it is about to create a new beat. How can that be normal?” 

“I’m sorry if you feel that way, but there is nothing wrong with you,” the doctor repeated. 

“How can you explain how I’m feeling then?” Maliya countered back and I could no longer watch the drama. 

“Did you not hear him the first time? He said everything was alright! What else do you want to hear? Are you doing this for attention then?” I hissed at the thought. I have lots of things to do and I can’t believe she is wasting my time like this. 

“Does this look like I’m trying to get your attention? M- my head… ahh!!! Stop this pain please!” She cried again. 

“Do something to end this pain, please…” she begged and I dug my fingers in my hair as I watched what was happening. 

If you are incompetent, just say it. Can’t you see the amount of pain she is in? What do you mean by there is nothing wrong with her?” 


“I don’t understand why she is crying she is supposed to be fine according to my 

Does this 




much pain. Her eyes seem okay too. Whatever this is, I’m guessing it’s beyond medical attention because test,” he announced. 

do with the unseen force then? 

“You can leave,” I ordered, and the doctor left” turned “Make this pain go…” Maliya continued to cry. I marty Quote 

“You need to calm down, the seers will be here 

to the guard waiting by the door and sighed. “Go and get the three seers right. 

soon to her, but she wouldn’t stop crying at anything. 

A few minutes later, the seers finally arrived and I hoped the LATES 

didn’t have 

“You sent for us, Alpha,” they said in unison as they bowed to show their 

anything to do with their warnings about Maliya. 


“She is complaining of a terrible headache, and the physician assured her that everything is fine with her. Can you tell me what is going on?I asked as they looked at her carefully. 

All three of them kept their eyes closed as they began to chant out incantations while I waited for them impatiently to tell me what was going on. 

After what seemed like forever, they looked at each other and went quiet. 

“Why won’t you say anything?! Did I call you here for a staring competition?I snapped. 

“What she is feeling is spiritual,” the woman among them announced. 

“Explain so that I can understand,” I demanded. 

“Someone has taken a piece of her, which is why she is in so much pain,” the woman explained, and I clenched my fist. Who would dare to do such 


I can see that the Pack was in chaos when we were coming too,” the woman continued, and I waited to know where this was going. Just like what is happening to her is spiritual, the plague is also spiritual, and all of these have to do with her,” the woman announced, riling me up even more. 

“I didn’t call you here to say all sorts of nonsense,I hissed, “What I asked for is the cause of all of this and a solution. If you dared say anything out of the context once again..” I glared at the woman, but she didn’t look the least intimidated. 

“There is no need to get worked up, Alpha. I am only saying what I see. You can ask the rest too, but I have said nothing but the truth. When I said she would bring dangers to the Pack, I wasn’t sure of what kind, but it seems this was the prophecy I saw, she finished. 

Are you even listening to me?I snapped at her. “I don’t care about what you are saying. Truth or not, what I askest for is a solution, I hissed. 

“You don’t seem to understand what is going on here, another seer spoke up. As long as she remains here, there is no way to revert all that is going on,” one of them tried to explain but none of the words coming out of their mouths made any sense. 


8:48 AM S 

Chapter 82 

“So what are you getting at?” I glared at the seers and they went quiet for a while. 

“There is only one way to save the Pack as well this woman…” 

“So what are you waiting for? Why aren’t you saying anything? Tell me the solution already!” I demanded. 

“For everything to go back to normal, and most especially for her to get better, you need to send her away. Only then will you be able to keep her,” the woman announced and I burst out laughing hard. 

“Should I send her away?” I asked and they confirmed by nodding their heads yes. 

“You must be sick if you think I’d really do what you asked and send my woman away,” I hissed. 

“I understand that this is not going to be an easy decision, but that is the only thing you can do to save everyone,” the woman said, and now, I was starting to think maybe she had something against Maliya because why did she keep insisting that I send her away? 

“No, you do not understand anything because if you do, you’ll not stand there asking me to send away the woman that is carrying my child just for the Pack to go back to normal,” I hissed. 

“You can provide a comfortable place for her but you need to listen to us. Right now, she is a tool that would be used to harm you soon enough. Dangers have surrounded you, and the only way to keep them away is by sending her away,” the woman announced. 




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