
Chapter Sold 81

Chapter 81 


“Ahh!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as I jolted up from my sleep. It felt as if someone slammed something on my head while I was sleeping and jumping up from my sleep just made it worse, 

My head was banging so hard that I could barely stand on my own. My heart raced from the strange way I was feeling when it felt like I started hearing voices in my head. 

“Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong,” The sound of a bell kept on ringing in my head, adding to my headache, and it was driving me crazy, 

I placed both of my hands on my car, blocking every sound from coming in, but it didn’t stop the throbbing noise in my head. 

Ding Dong. Ding Dong. Ding Dong 

It kept on going on and on until I couldn’t take it anymore. 

“Anyone out there!” I yelled for help when I felt another sharp pain in my head. “Ahh!!!” I cried out in pain. 

The door cracked open and I snapped my head up to see who walked in when I saw Alpha Nander. 

“What is going on? Why are you screaming? I heard your voice from the hallway. Is there a problem?” He furrowed his eyes as he asked, but I didn’t miss the concerned look on his face. 

“My… my head… Ah!” I cried out again, and this time, it felt like I was in a prickle. It wasn’t just my head that was hurting but my entire body. 

What is wrong with you!” Alpha Xander snapped as he demanded answers. His eyes bore into mine as he waited impatiently for me to respond but I needed to catch my breath from the throbbing pain in my head. 

“I’m talking to you, Maliya,” he growled. 

“My head- my head hurts,” I cried out. 

“Your head hurts where? Did you hit it on something? Weren’t you just sleeping?” He asked, looking just as confused as I was. 

“I don’t know… I have a terrible headache,” I cried out. 

“Anyone out there!?” Alpha Xander yelled and a maid rushed inside. 

Yes, Alpha,” she answered. 

“Call a physician this instant to check up on her,he ordered before the maid left the room, leaving just the two of us alone. 

You need to sit down, remaining in that position won’t help you with your headache,” Alpha Xander said as he came to my side to help me settle on the bed. 

I thought the pain had relieved me but it suddenly felt like they were drumming in my head once again, and I couldn’t sit still. 

I felt hurt from within, and I wanted to take off my clothes and bury myself in the water to relieve the pain. 

“It hurts so much, I cried harder. 

I have never felt this kind of headache before in my entire life and it felt like something was controlling my head. One moment, the pain was bearable; the next moment, I was on my knees, begging the moon goddess to make the pain go away. 

Do you want to pour water on your hair until the physician gets here!” Alpha Xander asked and I shook my head inunediately. 

“I don’t know. I can’t even stand on my own,I said through a cracked voice. 

I was completely fine before I dept which makes me wonder what was suddenly happening to me. Is this how the plague began? Could it be that I have been infected

My heart skipped a beat as I thought of the possibility of getting infected since almost everyone was affected by the plaque. 

There is no way Til be feeling like this because of the plague. I havent been making physical contact with anyone, ao how could I possibly get infected? I thought to myself as I thought so myself. 

I recalled how I felt someone’s presence in the room when I was sleeping cartier. I could have sworn that someone to my hair, but it all felt lik dream, and when I woke up, I was aheady having a headache 

Alpha Xander seemed a little confused as helped me get back its bed. 


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Chapter 81 

“The physician would be helped soon and they would be able to provide a solution to the headache,” he said soothingly. 

I held on tight to the bed sheets and snapped my eyes shut as I started feeling the headache again. My body trembled with pain and it felt like something was controlling the pain. I’d be freed from it for a split second and then the pain would come back in double folds. 

Tears streamed down my cheek as I cried uncontrollably from the amount of pain I was feeling. 

Just then, the physician came in and I inhaled a deep breath. 

“Can you explain what is going on with her? She is complaining of a terrible bad ache, and she hasn’t stopped crying since she woke up,” Alpha Xander said to the physician as soon as he came in, and he nodded. 

“Let me examine her first,” he said as he began to check my pulse. He examined my body for a while and I couldn’t help but twist and turn every time from the pain throbbing pain in my head. 

The man kept on doing the same thing over and over again as if he was trying to be certain of what he was checking. Once he was finally done, he turned to Alpha Xander and first cleared his throat. 

“What is going on?Alpha Xander asked Impatiently. 

“I’m not sure if you noticed that I kept on running the same test on her over and over again,” he said and Alpha Xander glared at him to speak fast. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with her, Alpha. I had to keep checking to see if it was the baby, but both of them are completely fine,” he announced, taking me by surprise. 

What the hell does he mean by I am fine? Since when does this kind of headache become a normal thing? 

You need to check again to be sure that you are not seeing things wrongly. I am in so much pain, how can I be fine?” I asked with a confused look on my face. 

“I’d check a hundred more times if that is what you want, but be rest assured that we are going to have the same answer. There is nothing wrong with you,” the doctor assured me and I scoffed in disbelief. 

“What the hell are you talking about? My head is drumming so hard as if it is about to create a new beat. How can that be normal?” I furrowed my brows

“I’m sorry if you feel that way, but there is nothing wrong with you,” the man repeated. 

“How can you explain how I’m feeling then?” I scoffed in disbelief, unable to believe what I was hearing. 

Did you not hear him the first time? He said everything was alright! What else do you want to hear? Are you doing this for attention then?Alpha Xander hissed and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. 

My head felt like there was a timing bomb waiting to explode in it, and the one thing he had to say was if I was doing it for attention. 

How can he be so cruel? My body shook with anger from the way he was glaring at me and I couldn’t help but snap at him. 

Does this look like I’m trying to get your attention? M- my head… ahh!!! Stop this pain please!I screamed out in pain. 

It was as if whoever was drumming something in my head increased the pace and my eyes were starting to turn from the trumping sound that was about to deaf me

“Do something to end this pain, please” I begged as tears streamed down my cheeks

Alpha Xander turned to face the doctor with a frown on his face. If you are incompetent, just say it. Can’t you see the amount of pain she is in? What do you mean by there is nothing wrong with her?” 

‘I have been doing this job for over a decade, Alpha. Her pulse is normal and everything else seems fine with her. I don’t understand why she is crying in so much pain. Her eyes seem okay too. Whatever this is, I’m guessing it’s beyond medical attention because she is supposed to be fine according to my test,” he announced. 

Alpha Xander looked between me and the doctor for a while as if he was trying to understand what was happening

“You can leave,he said to the doctor and he excused himself immediately, 

Alpha Xander then turns to the guard waiting by the door to give his orders. Go and get the three seers right away!

The guard left the room immediately, and I couldn’t help but wonder what seer he was talking about. 

Just when I thought the pain had reduced, it felt as if something was slammed on my head again, and I Couldn’t stop crying in pain, 

“Make this pain go…” I pleaded. 

Alpha Xander moved closer to me and pulled me into his embrace to help me calm down, but the moment his body touched mine, it tett hot from 


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Chapter 81 

within, and I couldn’t help but push him off as I cried out in pain. 

“You need to calm down, the seers will be here soon,” Alpha Xander tried to make me feel better, but none of it was working. 

A few minutes later, the seers finally arrived, and I hoped they had a solution to whatever this was because the pain was killing me. 

“You sent for us, Alpha,” they said in unison as they bowed to show their greetings. 

“She is complaining of a terrible headache, and the physician assured her that everything is fine with her. Can you tell me what is going on?” Alpha Xander asked and they all nodded as if they could understand what was happening. 

All three of them kept their eyes closed as they began to chant out incantations while I waited for them impatiently to tell me what was going on. 

After what seemed like forever, they looked at each other and went quiet. 

“Why won’t you say anything?! Did I call you here for a staring competition?” Alpha Xander yelled and the woman among them cleared her throat. 

“What she is feeling is spiritual,” she announced, and I stared at her, confused about what was happening. 

“Explain so that I can understand,” Alpha Xander demanded. 

“Someone has taken a piece of her which is why she is in so much pain,” the woman explained, leaving me confused. 




8:48 AM 

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