
Chapter Sold 72

Chapter 72 


I didn’t miss 

I miss the way Alpha Kane has been staring at me all along and it was getting under my skin. I’d be long gone if Alpha Xander hadn’t asked me to wait for him until he returned 

Everything about the event feels an wrong and I can’t believe everyone was cheering for Alpha Kane. What exactly are they celebrating him for? A tyrant who ruined his family for power would do much worse if need be 

Just then, Alpha Xander returned to his seat and I didn’t miss the way he wouldn’t stop staring at me too. 

What is wrong with these people today! 

My eyes met with Alpha Kane once again as he cleared his throat for the umpteenth time. It was as if he was enjoying watching the curious look on the crowd’s faces as they were eager to find out who Lama would be 

“I know everyone is curious to know who would bear the title of my Luna,” he said with a proud smile on his face and I rolled my eyes inwardly. No one is actually interested in him or the idiot he chose to marry, but I hope he announces his decision soon so that everyone can be on their way. 

“Well, I am happy to announce to you that the next Lunar of the Greenwood pack is no other than Raya Vincent,” he announced with a huge smile 

on his face 

His eyes locked with mine as if he was trying to see my reaction and all I could do was scoff in disbelief. Those bloody idiots! Now that he has become the Alpha he didn’t even think it was necessary to hide that he was a chronic cheat anymore. 

I watched how Raya went to join him and everyone clapped for them. All I could think about was how those two have been fucking behind my back while I was loyal to that bastard. 

They even planned on selling me together so that they could be together. It is times like this that I wish I had some kind of a superpower to kill those two at once and make them continue their love in heaven, that is if they didn’t rot in hell. 

I can’t believe they wanted me to die so badly so that they could be together. Raya spotted me where I was sitting and she smiled brightly before kissing Alpha Kane without breaking eye contact with me. 

She helped him to clean the lip gloss on his lips as soon as he pulled away and she gave me a proud grin. 

She probably thought she won unfortunately for her, she won against herself because she has always competed with herself, not me 

The crowd continued to cheer for them as their clap grew louder. 

Just then, the one person I never thought Id see ever again walked up to them to congratulate them. It was none other than my father with my stepmother beside him 

He seemed to be very proud of Raya at that moment as his face beamed with pride. I watched how Father hugged Raya like she was the apple of his eye. It was as if I never even existed in his world. Father had never treated me well before, rather, he would always act like I was an eyesore, but there he was, smiling so brightly at Raya for being engaged to the man who used to be mine, 

Anger radiated through my being and all I could do was glare at them. I can’t believe this is happening again. I can’t believe that even after everything these people would still rub their happy family on my face and make me feel like a stain in their perfect picture.. 

“I need to use the restrooms,” I whispered to Alpha Xander once I was able to bear the torture anymore. I can’t believe they went there to portray themselves as a happy family when their golden son–in–law sold me to become the Alpha, 

They have so many reasons to be against that relationship. Even if he hadn’t sold me, I was his mate! If they ever acknowledged me as their daughter for a split second, they should know that it was wrong for Raya be to be with them because I used to be with him too, but I doubt they even recalled that there was anyone named Maliya or if I was a part of their family at a point in time. 

I stormed off into the bathroom and stayed there for a while so that by y the time I was out, they would have been done with their shenanigans. 

Memories of how Father had always treated Raya better even when we were kids came rushing into my mind and I blinked away the tears in my 

“Daddy” I want a new teddy?” Raya jumped up as our father returned back from work. Father opened the bag in his hands and brought out a new teddy in the bag, making Raya exclaim out of excitement. 

I rushed over to his side, hoping that he bought something for me but he only pushed me off as he proceeded to show Raya and stepmother what be bought for them. 

I should have known that no matter what I did, lie could never really accept me. I hope they are happy now that I’m no linger in their lives. 

sw | was starting to get emotional because of those people. I sniffed back my tears, washed my hands and made my way back to the hall. 

Chapter 72 

While I was going into the hall, someone suddenly grabbed my hands from a corner and pulled me into a room. The room was locked immediately and my heart skipped a beat. 

Everywhere was dark and I couldn’t see anything. Fear gripped down on me and I did the only thing I could think of in that situation. I screamed out loud but before anyone could come to my rescue, someone wrapped their hands on my mouth, stopping me from screaming out loud 

The person switched on the light and the room brightened immediately. I turned back to see who it was and my stomach clenched with anger as soon as I realized that it was Alpha Kane

“What the hell are you doing!” I sent him a glare and tried in walk off, but was soon stopped by him. He held me tight and I struggled to get out of 

but he was stronger shuun I am. 

liis crip 

11 let you go if you agree to shut up and stop fighting,” he said but I did not trust a word that came out of his mouth. 

I knew fighting with him was useless so I stopped struggling to get out of his grip and he finally released me once he was sure that I had calmed 

down a luke 

What are you doing? Why did you drag me in here? What is wrong with you! Let me out this instant or I’d scream,” I threatened him and my chest rose and fell continuously out of rage

“Just shut up and stop pretending to be mad that I pulled you in here, he said, making me scoff in disbelief. This man has certainly gone mad. Who does he think he is to tell me that he knows that I want to be here with him! If there was anything I wanted, it was to be as far away as I could get away from him. 

1 saw the way you kept on staring at me in the hall, he said and I scoffed. 

“Glared.” 1 corrected him. “What I did was called glaring and if you haven’t noticed. I want to be anywhere around you, so do me a favour and go back to your Luna” I spat out 

“Are you jealous?” He chuckled and I couldn’t help but wonder if he had really gone inad. “Drop the pretense. It is written all over your eyes. I know 

you still want me, he said. 

I burst out laughing before looking at him to see if he was joking but that doesn’t seem to be the case. “Open the door, I need to leave, I commanded 

My body burned with rage from hi 

Who does he think he is anyway! 

his stupid accusation and 1 want nothing but to be as far away as I could be from him 

“You are nothing but a pretentious bitch,” Alpha Kane hissed and 1 leto 

cour a dry laugh. This man must have seriously lost it 

“You acted so pure and innocent when you were with me but the moment I sold you, you decided to be a desirable whore by giving Alpha Xander good sex because if you are not good in bed, can you explain why Alpha Xander is still keeping you by his side?” He asked, well, more like accused and I couldn’t help but laugh at how stupid he was 

“I have nothing to say to you, let me go, I demanded. 

Alpha Kane’s eyes fell on my stomach and his eyes widened when he noticed my baby bump. “You are pregnant for Alpha Xander?” He looked shocked before he began to smile. “Well, guess what? I heard pregnant women are the best when it comes to good fuck because they are always horny he said, and 1 felt the urge to throw up all over his face

He began to trail his hands down my body and I immediately felt disgusted. “Spread legs for me like you always do for Alpha Xander,” he commanded and I felt so dirty for having him lay his fingers on me. 

He pulled me closer and tried to kiss me forcefully but I screamed out for help. Td rather die than allow Alpha Kane to have his way with me, “No one in coming to save you he chuckled as he began to lick my neck, making my skin boil. 

“Help!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as he pushed me to the wall and just then, the door broke of 

open, revealing Alpha Xander 


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