Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 62: Damn

A fucking dragon. I was a fucking dragon, holy shit. I looked down at my friends, and I was surprised to find that they were both still standing there; I could see that Cable's pants had been soak and I sighed internally; he was trying his best.

I reached out a massive three-four clawed hand that was a bit wonky to get working right, but I extended a finger to Cable when I did. He to a voluntary step back, but the thread was already pouring from the tip of my claw. Cable looked panicked, but Kalita used some soothing words in another language that seemed to calm him down, as the black threads tore apart his current clothing and replaced it with a black muscle shirt, baseball hat, and jeans.

After, as an afterthought, I gave him a black hoodie that zipped up to the hood, covering the face. I then made an ultra-fine mesh to see and breathe through. Though it might look dumb, Cable would be nuke-proof with a pair of gloves and proper boots, fucking wild.


I tried to use a lower tone, but I could still feel the air vibrate when I spoke. I could only imagine what the experience was like for those two; maybe not so bad for Cable now that he was suited up. Cable unzipped and revealed a bright glowing smile.

"You hooked me up solid, boss! I mean, this is a lot of black, if you know what I mean, but it's so comfy and light. I feel like I just got another shot at this life, Bro, thanks, I mean like, a lot."

I turned my attention from him to Kalita in respect to Cable because I could tell he wanted to zip the hoodie all the way back up. I looked into her eyes, and I could feel the look coming back to me. I unconsciously asked Kalita a question, not thinking about what I was doing.

'What did you say to him?'

'I just told him to have faith...Hyde?' -Kalita.

Kalita made an oh noise out loud and put her hand to her chest.

'Oh wow, you can hear me?'

'What is this? Who else is in your head now, Boy?' -Gripton

Kalita's eyes threatened to fall out of her head as she fell to her knees. She landed with her hands out in front of her, and her head fell forward. Kalita was staring at the ground now and panting.

'Are you okay, Kalita?'

' that really him?' -Kalita.

'The one and only, my child. I am sorry if I startled you, not my intention. I am Gripton, the one who has been keeping your husband in line.' -Gripton.

"What's going on?"

I turned back to Cable, who was looking back and forth between Kalita, and concentrated on him.

'Can you hear me?'

Cable jumped back about five feet like a cat that had just turned to find a cucumber behind it.

'What the hell! What in God's name is this?' -Cable.

'That would be "What in Gripton's name is this," right?' -Gripton.

Cable's face drained of color, and he stood stiff.

'...You're the one that sent me here...' -Cable.

'Yes, that would have been me for yours. I was between...well, it doesn't matter what I was doing. I was there, what about it?' -Gripton.

'Just never said thanks, that's all boss. So, thanks. Life was pretty hard before, and when I died, I was okay with it. Now, I glad you forced me to come here, and now I met this mother fucker, that's gonna really stir the pot.' -Cable.

'...Your welcome; what's that old saying from your world? The God never gives you more than you can handle?' -Gripton.

'Something like that. Well, what a fucking crazy day! Kali, can I change your clothes? I want to give you something similar, but not a dress. Is that okay?'

'Yeah, but does it have to be black? That's...Kadence's color' -Kalita.

Wait a minute...Kadence's color? Did that mean each one of my wives had a designated color?

'Hold on, so you're telling me that each one of you has a color?'

'Yes, well, except for Xelios. She is more of the entire rainbow of colors, so that's her color' -Kalita.

'So, then you are green then, green dress and all?'

She nodded her head, and I drew my hand back thoughtfully to the bottom of my jaw and rubbled at the scales. How to do this? Did the thread have to be black? I was black now as a dragon, but I had made the 'Get Bent' in white on Cable's t-shirt.

Maybe it is all in the way I perceive things that effects the magic, and I just needed to hold the image in my mind. The thing that I wanted would be, so to speak, if it were within my powers, but only for now. One day I would have the powers to make anything possible, scary.

A dragon was nothing if you teleported it onto a solid mountain. The earth could swallow cities and armies, while the skies would empty. Storms would target anything that moves, acting as an air patrol, which wasn't putting thought into it. It was almost mind-bending, the thought of

'I am genuinely impressed that you have gained control so quickly. I seemed to have greatly underestimated you, Hyde. You saw it, right? The end? The others aren't here anymore.' -Gripton.

'...Yeah, but that's not the end, not even close. Just sit up there and watch old man, help me when I need and try to guide me if you can. Like you told me before, there will be a lot of great moments, but there will be many neither of us will ever unsee.'

' know I was like you once. I can't tell you more yet, but one day you will understand. Hell or high water, right?' -Gripton.

'Till this shit is straightened out, then I want a permanent vacation!'

I pulled my head out of the clouds and the conversation I just had, bring my focus back to the task. Kalita, green, hmm? Brown stockings with moss green thigh-high boots, then some brown short shorts with rolled-up legs.

Next was a white smooth but strong material cupped around her lovely chest, leaving a generous amount showing. Light forest green to fill in from under her breasts and down to her shorts. Black sleeves and gloves, then a cape of the same color as her mossy boots.contemporary romance


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