Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 61: Is It Possible?

What just happened? Did I just kill them both? Nah, they were protected from my magic... Right?

'They are fine, calm yourself. The two of them just needed to get back from the heat you created and your tattoos.' -Gripton.

I wanted to ask more about what he had meant about my tattoos, but my thought was interrupted by Kalita calling out my name.

"Hyde!? Are you okay? Can we come back now?"

"Yeah, I am done clearing the land here."

"Could you put some clothes on before we come over, Sir T... Cable is pretty uncomfortable."

"I bet hehe! Well, I had had my fun before, but where did my clothes go... Wait, what this?"

Was that tread coming from me? The moving black lines of thread poured from my body, weaving new clothing around my body. I thought in my head how I wanted to look, but I didn't want to look like some manga character with crazy armor or robes with seven layers. Nah, I wanted Black boot cut jeans and a black t-shirt that said 'get bent' on it, and that's what I got.

Kalita and Cable rush over, one moving a lot faster than the other. Kalita came over and reached up, grabbing my head and pulling my face directly in front of hers. She looked me over with a critical look but stepped back and nodded at me. Then Kalita rushed back into my arms and kissed me.

I held her tight, not even wanting to admit to myself how much the last part of my change had made me worried. Hell or high water, I would win, no matter the cost. I would protect my new and growing family, fuck all the rest if they didn't want to fall in line.

This view was what it looks like from the winning side. For those that resist change, well, I will be the bad guy. Every coin has two sides, and every day has a night, and Every broken world needs a me to be hated to fix it.

"So, Boss, you don't look any different, but I saw your body fucking stretchin' and shit, just before you lit your own ass on fire! Then we had to cruise to get behind the hill, but you can not tell me that shit don't hurt now!"

"There is no pain, only hunger! Just be glad I look this way; I almost turned into a dragon!"

Both their faces went pale; neither had been there on the trip to get Marly, but even if they had, dragons were the most feared predators in this world, so far. I had only been here for like ten days, and I had done traveling, but we have barely scratched the surface of this continent. I wanted to explore the world; maybe I would find tougher monsters there that I could change, maybe I will have to go on vacation with the other girls after I rescue the rest of the Lizardfolk.

"But I didn't, so stop acting like a pair of chicken shits. Are you two ready to go? I want to try out my new trick, but first, MY MAN! Lay me down a sick beat to get me all fired up!"

Cable started to beatbox without hesitation, producing crazy noises that all collided and made a sick beat. Kalita was shocked silly, the dubious look she had on her face was priceless, and another Kodak moment missed!

"Boom, Chick... Boom, Chicka Chicka, boom, chick..."

I could feel it like a drug coursing through my veins, MY MAN, the fire! I could feel my skin try to blacken, but I fought it back this time, holding all the power inside me. I could feel the Dragonic power inside me now, and I was tempted to try something out.

"Stand back, okay? I want to try something."

Kalita smiled and then kissed me again before backing up and turning to walk back with Cable.

'What are you doing?' -Gripton.

'Is it possible?'

'You're serious? You want to try to change into a dragon?' -Gripton.

'Can I or can't I?'

'...It's not impossible, but something could go...' -Gripton.

I cut him off before he could go on.

'Cool, that all I needed to hear!'

'Wait! You have to be sure of what you're turning into! If you change into something stupid will both be stuck!' -Gripton.

Jeezus, this fucking guy had no faith in me what so ever. A dragon, the internet, and post-it up sites littered with visual renditions. On top of all that, I had just whooped a dragon's ass, so I had a pretty good idea about the dimensions too!

"Okay, so, I am about to do something that will be extremely disturbing and terrifying."

"Ya, and your epruting into a big ass ball of fire was just so refreshing!"

"Shut up, Cable; I'm being serious here. I am going to try and change into a dragon."

*Dead Silence*contemporary romance

Even the birds, bugs, grass, and wind stopped making noise when I said dragon. No, that my eyes were better; it was easy for me to watch the color drain from their faces as I said the world. Cable looked like he wanted to run but, Kalita's firm resolve stopped him in his tracks.

"I'm here with you, and I trust you."

That was all I needed; I could do this no problem now, fucking dragon? Let's GO! I pulled at all four strengths inside me, one from each, thread, fire, monster, and dragon!

My body started to shift and push; I started to get bigger, neck longer, face extending. I felt the tear of my wings breaking through my old skin, but there was no pain as my body grew and shifted around what I remembered as me. A tail grew from my ass, and the rest of me filled out; I was nowhere as big as Marly was, but I was a fucking dragon.

"Do you guys see this?!" I called out to Kalita and Cable, who had both retreated.


"Oh, ya!"

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