Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 63: Fear

"Too bad we have the third wheel with use, or it might have to take those clothes right off you! Wow, Kali, you look good!"

Kalita unconsciously put her hand to her face to brush away a stray strand of her green hair as her cheeks began to heat up with red. The blush made her look even more alluring...mmm, yeah that was the right word for it, or fucking sexier. Since Cable was with us, there was no reason to wait around, and I wasn't sure how long I could stay in this form.

I knew I wasn't stuck like this; I had to hold the concentration to keep this form, or I would change back. It didn't require great focus to hold the form, but that didn't mean it wasn't draining. I usually had a vast supply of magic that rarely got low, but I could clearly feel this form draining the magic out of me like a strainer trying to hold water.

'When you get back, we need to talk' -Nina.contemporary romance

What the fuck? How was I hearing Nina's voice now? I left her back at the house, right?

'Yes, you did, but I joined you at the last second to come along mind was different before, but something happened when you changed. I will give you extra magic to help sustain this form but hurry back, or we will both run out of magic' -Nina.

I scooped up the two without warning causing Cable to yell at me in outrage, but Kalita, my rambunctious little wife, squealed with joy. That's my girl! I set them on my back and then tied them down with thread.

"Hey, uhh, this a bad time to tell you im scared of heights?"

Oh? I bent my knees and rocketed into the air, causing the ground to crack and kick up dust. I could hear Cable scream like a little girl, and Kalita was screaming in joy, what a pair. I missed another priceless moment; I glanced back to see the two's funny faces. The experience filled Kalita's with joy and excitement; Cable's face was...not.

Once I was in the air, I spread my wings and caught a thermal, letting the current carry me up. I tried to flap my wings, but they weren't much use; they could catch currents, and I could use them to glide, but nothing more. Something else was holding me up, but then I remembered Marly and how she flew.

Magic, everything was magic; I was unconsciously using magic to help me fly because of my form. No wonder I was draining so fast; I was probably using the magic even when I wasn't flying. I would have to talk to Marly about this; I'm sure she would explain it to me if I asked.

I moved us above the clouds and leveled out again; Cable had finally settled down and now was staring off at the setting sun burning the cloud tops with orange light. Kalita was lying forward on me, I could sense her, but her breathing was even, so I assumed she was sleeping. The trip was longer back, dragon-mode was not as fast as rocket-mode, so I had some time to kill.

'Hey, since we have some time, we can talk now. What happened, Nina?'

'...I'm not sure yet, but my mind is no longer fuzzy like it was. I think I changed physically, though; I felt closer to you when you turned into a dragon. What does that mean? I'm merged with you, how can I feel closer to you?' -Nina.

'Maybe being connect like this has given you two an increased bond, but if Nina has evolved, it hasn't affected you. I can tell if you have magic or buff's waiting, but nothing shows up; if she has evolved inside you and you don't feel the effects, then...I don't know; this is new for even me.' -Gripton.

'Then, if she has evolved, but hasn't, doesn't that mean the buff I get from here will be intense?'

'That would make sense, but, as I said, this is new for me too. No point in guessing; we will have to wait until Nina does evolve to see the results.' -Gripton.

I could see the wagon train now; it was far below us, but we were almost home, and a good thing. My magic was starting to get to a critical point, and I could feel how tired Nina was inside me. I arched my wing down and started to glide down to the House Wagon.

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hit me. I could no longer feel Nina send me magic, and mine was almost completely gone, fuck! I had to change back with the little bit of magic I had remaining, but it was too late.

I started to change, but I was already falling out of the air, and Cable was screaming again. I changed back at the pace of a snail, but maybe that was only because the ground was getting increasingly closer at an alarming speed. I finally changed back, but I was now completely drained, and I was having trouble even stay conscious.

I pushed thoughts of fire into my mind, but my magic wouldn't react and stayed dormant inside me. For the first time in longer than I could remember, an unfamiliar feeling crossed my mind.


This fear wasn't for my own life; I had already died once; death didn't scare me. The fear came from the feeling I felt that I might lose someone important. It tried to distract me, but I kept my eyes on the two as we got closer to the ground. I had no choice, but even then, standing at death's doorstep, I hesitated. I wouldn't say I wanted to do this, but, there were things I would have to do that I didn't like, I thought as I forced air into my lungs, then screamed out.


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