Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 115: That Seductress

I yelled for everyone to close their eyes, and within no time we were all standing on the tops deck. I immediately put my hand on the deck and used Greckcain's magic to grow a meter and a half tall fence to keep the children from falling. I thought that this would be a better place to enter rather than everyone climbing the ladder. 

I was about to go lead the people down, but a firm hand grabbed my arm and held me in place. 

Since I became strong, very few things could stop me or hold me in a place like my wives could. There wasn't a magical power in my arsenal that would ever be able to counteract the effect they had on me. If nothing in this world was my equal, that would just mean that these women were better than me, but that didn't stop the ice from crystalizing in my veins.

I tried to turn with a closed eye smile while rubbing the back of my head, unconsciously singing the small hairs that were going up. I opened my eyes to...yup all of my wives, woah, didn't expect them to all be here. This was going to go about as well as I imagined it would.

"Do you really think that we were just gonna let you go running off unsupervised?" Alex asked me with crossed arms and an irritated look.

"Kind of...I just can't keep dragging you all along with me, at first it seemed great, but I was just hoping for better things than were realistic. Come on Alex, you and I both know that it's not proper for a king to bring his Queens with him."

"I think there is something about a King not fighting at the head of his army." Nuwari offered with a smile, as usual, there with information even when it's not needed. 

"Ugh, why do I have to fight about this? I want to keep you all safe! Is that too much to ask?"

"Yes, it is when you are going to be putting yourself at risk. Who will watch your back? You need to take one of us with you! Look what happened last time you went off alone? You came home with Wendy, best your heart Wendy I love you like a sister, but Hyde isn't that picky with his wives and there are a lot of kingdoms left!" Kyra argued.

"Alex! Quit grooming the women to argue on your side!"

For fucks sake, but one wasn't that bad and I wouldn't mind the company, but I couldn't just give in like that. No, I have to gain some ground here! 

"Okay, I get to pick the…"

"No, there is a list already, and you will not start picking favorites!" Tescelle chastised me with a smile.

"What list? And I wasn't going to! Fine, then I want to pick the…"

"Don't even bother, Hyde. You know they already have a list of where you will be going. I almost feel bad for you, but at least you tried to make your own plans? Hehe!" Titania teased me, but I was done. 

I ran at Titania and grew as I did scooping my surprised half-giant wife up and shoot up into the air but only a couple meters above the deck. I erupted with massive and long braids of fire and wrote "I Love You Titania," large enough to possibly be seen across the state. Titania's face burned almost as hot as the fire braids coming from me, but she had a very small smile on her face, as she leaned her head into my chest.

The rest of the women were heading downstairs, but I stayed in the air, letting the fire go. The sun was going down now and Titania and I shared the moment quietly. Unlike the others, she, Wendy, and Xelios were still shy and hadn't really got to know me yet, so this was a good chance to enjoy some alone time. 

Soon the sun crept down and I lowered us back to the deck, kissing as I let her down and then I let Breth's magic go. I shrunk down but took her hand and the two of us walked down to the main floor of the Rolling Citadel. The group of Beastfolk was all waiting to see what was to happen next, their faces all looked hopeful, so I turned to Trem.

"Take us home, Captain!"

After that was out of the way, I turned back to the waiting Beastfolk. 

"Okay, we are heading to where our new city should be getting set up, but before we get there, I would like each of you to become my vassals and accept my power. Before you do, I just want to explain exactly what that means, not all roses and daisies."

I explained to them all what would happen, and there was the odd question, but everyone stepped forward and accepted my right hand. Just before I touched the first person, Mishka came and interrupted me with a kiss, and I almost gave her shit, but then she pulled down my sunglasses. I wrapped her up in my arms and showered her with kisses, causing her to start to squeal and laugh until I let her go.

What would I do without these girls, I get so distracted with everything, well I have them and that's what counts. We had already arrived long before I finished and I was just touching the last person when Breth, Mesh, and Cable burst into the Rolling Citadel. Each looked confused and frantic until I flashed the stupid fucks.

"Hey! What are you lazy fuckers doing here? Who is standing on sentry duty eye fucking people into their jobs? Do we have any volleyball courts set up? Soccer? And you!"contemporary romance

I pointed at Mesh and he looked around and then did a little finger poke at his chest, mouthing, "Me?"

I screwed up my face as hard as I could, but the laughter burst out of me and then everyone started to laugh. I jogged over to the three men, with Buddy and Trem in my heels. I shook Breth's hand and clapped his shoulder, then Cable and I did our gangster handshake and bummed fists after. Last was Mesh who gave me a huge tooth grin that looked horrifying, but I gave him a hug. 

Mesh was like a big brother to me, and even the two days away was weird. I had a real family here with all these people, more of a reason to get a hold of this world. Thinking of worlds, I let Mesh go and turned to everyone.

"Okay, let's get the hell out of this wooden top hat, I bet everyone is starving and I'm excited to see what is done. I know it's only been two days, but we aren't talking about a bunch of normies here. So, I can't wait to see what has been done!"

The three men all looked at each other with huge smiles, and Trem also had a big smile. What the fuck, was I the only person that was out of the loop? we had to see what the fuss was about, but as everyone was leaving, Alex pulled me back, FUCK!

"Hyde, we have some people here that we would like you to meet, they were not in the lineup, and they have not received your touch." 

"Why weren't they in the line? I'm hungry Alex, and my friends are waiting for me!"

"Don't act like a child, Hyde! This is important! These four are rare cases, they are all Beastfolk with magic."

That stopped me, I thought only human types had magic? There could be a couple of reasons why it was possible, but none of it mattered right now. This was good, I hope this wasn't another mass marriage trap, because that would really ruin it.

I looked over the there were only three standing there, a centaur...Horsefolk...interesting...too bad it's a dude, but where the hell was the fourth person? Foxfolk, Pigfolk...something cold going up my pant leg...WAY UP MY!

I jumped back to find a beautiful snake woman with no legs. Purple hair and eyes, the rest of her body from her neck down was covered in beautiful blue and purple scales. I noticed that her tail was long and skinny and deduced that it was the culprit to my near molesting, but now seeing what was attached on the other end of it…

"That seductress is Nika Kathar, and your next wife, you don't get any say."

"Yeah, sure."

I was already moving forward slowly towards this Nika creature, but my mind was racing into some really weird places, and I had to pace my walking. This was never as much fun when everyone was around, so I took Nika's hand and kissed it.

"After supper, I will have a proper talk with you and give you my magic then if that is okay with you?"

"I think I can survive until then, I look forward to our meeting, your Majesty."

Oh, those last words made my brain almost melt right out of my ears. This woman, wall like a Nuwari plus Miska...oh god she was hot. With my heart pounding, I broke gazes and let go of her scaled hand with great effort and turned back to the group of three who were waiting.

"Really sorry about that, wives are first in line, but enough of me! Tell me about your magic!

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