Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 114: Non-Space Faring Creatures

Harkim and Teema, along with the children and most of the village gathered around us. Violet had told him we were taking the Beastfolk with us and Teema had enforced it because her favorite child had asked it. I was said favored child and Violet let me know with a menacing glare as she told me.

I put my hands up laughing, which got me a boot to the shin, but I saw it coming. I reinforced threads of my pants there with Alex's steel thread and Violet cried out in pain from the feeling of kicking a steel pole. That will be a lesson learned, PFT, yeah, right.

I reached my hand down and waited for her to swat it away, but when she accepted it, I channeled both types of healing magic into her body. Instantly, Violet stopped wincing and stood up with my help, she even had a smile on her cute face.

I was about to turn around to say my goodbye's to the gathered crowd, when I started to hear gasps and oh no's. 

"Well, look at this herd of slaves, just waiting to be scooped up…"

He never finished his sentence.

I was turning as he began to speak and my eyes locked onto him by his second word. I watched his hand reach slowly to touch Arrentia. It was a man atop a horse in lavish clothes spouting this bullshit, but then he said that word. This was one of them, a noble.

The noble only managed to get five more words out before he realized that he was missing half of his arm from the elbow down. I had just made my hand incredibly hot and then held it like a blade and used Trem's magic to instantly move me in front of Arrentia with my hand passing through the arm at the same speed. Before he could utter a cry, I took him and the two others that came with him instantly up, way up.

I had a couple questions that needed answers, but not from these idiots, and I had a theory about this world from what I gathered from Gripton when he was here. Instantly, we were standing on a desolate landscape of the moon. Trem's magic helped me create a livable environment in the vacuum of space.

Unfortunately for the three, I brought up here, I had only given them a ride and had not promised accommodation on arrival. I moved about twenty kilometers ahead, I was not the type to need to see them die for satisfaction, but they needed to die. I would not risk letting them notify the capital of my coming, I had a plan.

Though, I was pretty confused about what I was seeing out there in space. I was on the moon and there was space around me...but when I looked at where the sun should have been...there was nothing. No star backdrop, nothing, pure black, so I moved back to just above the planet, but now I could see the sun and stars and there were no gaps in the sky.

This really was some kind of program, but what did that really mean for the bigger picture? It didn't make my wives or unborn children any less real, nor did it mean I could just let that idiot Tampon destroy the place. Grrr, all these stu[id fucks, and my wives were about to give birth, plus I had to save the slaves in the capital, ugh.

It was really nice and peaceful out here. There was literally no way anyone could touch me or bother me…

'Well, Almost no one, but I don't really think Nina and I count as bothering do we?' -Gripton.

My heart stopped dead in my chest and I felt my throat start trying to close up. I smashed my hand into my chest, hammer style, getting my body to start functioning again. With a deep breath, my heart started to beat again as Nina filled the silence with the question I was dying to know.

'How are you talking to us?' -Nina.

'I only can't talk, if you could be tracked, there is no point in putting the girls of your soon to be extended family at risk! Congratulations on your soon to be children, I have been watching and I have to admit, What you have done for my daughter...I couldn' know. My title as the God of this world is hardly worth the weight it carries. Thank you, Meridian says thank you as well.' -Gripton.

'You're welcome old man, but who is Meridian?' 

'Alexcoria's mother? You didn't think I made her from dust or the rib of a man?' -Gripton.


'Yes, that's right, I have my own group of wives that keep me on my toes. To be honest, I kind of miss being in your head, the novelty of being home has worn off quick. I have been running non-stop since I got back!' -Gripton.

'What are you so busy with? What the hell do gods do with all their time?'

'Look for more potential allies for you!' -Gripton.

'You mean wives.'

'Tomato, potato, It's all the same, also there are some male god-assisted heroes as well, but I am really happy you came up here. I have located my wife Kylie and the heroes she is helping, I would like you to go meet up with them in the Black Pond Swamp, and The hero is an outcast Daughter of King Ragna of Acosta, Perdi.' -Gripton. 

'Oh, and what about your daughter having my child tomorrow?'

'What about it? What the hell are you going to do? Walk around outside of the room and worry? No!' -Gripton.

'Maybe you're right, maybe I should take them all home and do this kingdom consolidation alone. It's not like I can't come home each night, and taking the family with me to conquer nations is just asking for trouble. Want to be a big help to me old man? Find someone with cell phone magic.'

'There is no such thing as cellphone magic, but I'll see what I can do. The Tri-Islands would be the best place to find something like that, but you need to have been invited there, or it will be troublesome like I said.' -Gripton.

'Okay, I need to get back to the girls, they will be worried about me. I stop in when I can, so we can talk more! It was really good to hear from you again, weird not having you around to make lewd comments.' 

'Oh, I'm sure my wives wish they could send me back for that very same reason, bwahaha!' -Gripton.

Then I was hovering over the town, and standing beside my group of worried wives. It took a few seconds for someone to notice me, from the view of the people around me, I just appeared from thin air with no sound or wind movement. The women all gave different expressions of surprise, but they all mobbed.

After I got everyone settled down, Alex asked me where the nobles were.

"The moon."

"The thing in the sky at night?"


"But...It's day."

This is one of those moments where I wanted to pull the bwahaha laugh out, but decided that I would just keep my laughter down and not be a showoff. I explained how the moon was still in the sky in the day, but that was also dependent on the relative position of the moon's rotation. I lost her after I was still at the sky during the daypart, but Xelios, Titania, and Tescelle all listened intently.

I took notice of them and told them I would get Nina to explain it better to them since she reminded me of most of the information. I had looked through a book about the moon and other planetary objects once as a kid, so Grip had compiled it back into the book inside my head. The girls all thanked me and I turned to Harkim, who looked very worried, and I understood why. 

"Don't worry, what happened here today will be unknown and I will have this country straightened out in about two days, so relax."

"Two days? How, with what army?"

"I am the army. I will be taking all my wives, including your daughter, to Dreams, the new city I am building at the point where the five states meet. After I will be tearing across the continent, and I will leave chaos in my wake, but a new and better way of life will grow up from my passing, I promise."

I reached my hand out to Harkim with a genuine smile. I fucking believed every word I said, not a bit of doubt clouded my mind. Harkim felt my resolve and clapped his hand into mine and gave me a firm handshake with a broad smile.

"No wonder Teema calls you her favorite child, bwahaha! Try not to get killed and come back to have a drink with your old man when you have time!" Harkim then pulled me in close and whispered to me. "Thanks for taking Violet, I was really worried she might not ever find a man that could handle her...sunny disposition. That person being you makes it even better, Good luck!"

"Thanks, Pops, I'll try to swing by after I'm done here in Perdi to let you know that everything is good."contemporary romance

With a shared nod, we both turned back to our respective groups, and I was met with more mixed emotions. The new Beastfolk looked excited, worried, and hopeful, all were expected emotions. Then I gave a sigh as I looked at all my wives who were glaring at me, intently.

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