Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 113: Oppai Heaven Exchange

I was going to glue these cock suckers to my face, for fucks sake. I had let go of the woman so I had no idea what was going on as I tried futility to rub the sunspot out of my eyes. The whole place had gone silent, save for the moving of water, which I assumed was people just trying to stay a float.

Finally I cleared my eyes, but I had to stand up and turn around to find Alex and Kyra...Yowsers! They were definitely pregnant, but what the hell, they looked super pregnant! Kyra had barely had a bump earlier, I was sure of it, and the melons on these girls! I rushed up and gave them a bit more cloth and loosened the straps for them.

Past the pregnancy, and oppai heaven exchange, the women had changed. Kyra now sported a gray tail and ears...of a wolf; I was trying not to be disappointed, but I really wanted a cat, but her father was the wolf god and so on. Still, she was sexy as fucking as a pregnant wolf girl!

Alex had lost her shell and she was completely human now, all traces of her spider lineage had disappeared. She looked down at her body and moved her hands everywhere along her body, slowing when she got to her back. As her hands passed over the now smooth skin, I stepped forward and took Alex into my arms, then we disappeared from sight.

Instantly, we were far up above the clouds, but Alex only flinched slightly as she looked down, then backup and me. Her eyes were filled with tears more now that we were away from everyone else and I pulled her in close. That was the reason I had brought us up here, I knew she wouldn't want the others to see her cry, Alex and Titania were both similar in keeping their emotions hidden from the world so they would not be seen as weak.

"It's okay, we are alone now, you can let it out."

Alex wept into my chest and I held her gently, careful not to press on her stomach too hard. So much for a month, Alex looked like she was ready to pop. She was definitely carrying twins, her stomach almost twice the size of Kyra's but that was to be expected. What wasn't, was the damn women giving birth just over a week later!

Alex had calmed down and her cries and become sniffles. She pulled away and I created a handkerchief that Alex accepted with a smile. After wiping her face, Alex looked into my eyes with a warm smile.

"You truly are amazing, Hyde. My father, Gripton, the god of this land, loved me with all of his heart, but he could never make me completely human or give me the ability to raise real children of my own. I love Kai and Vic, but they are loyal to me and treat me as their revered queen, not as their mother. Now, I am fully human, and it looks like I will be having the children I have always hopeless dreamed for very soon. I have said it before, but I can never say it enough, I love you and I am yours forever."

"I love you too, Alex. I guess it will be good that we will be on the road for a couple days, since it looks like you will be ready to pop any day now. I really hope my magic hasn't done something to them."

That thought bothered me, but I pushed it aside as highly unlikely. My magic has never had an adverse effect on anyone, they have always grown towards their hopes and dreams, but what if they didn't have those things? I was going in circles with this, and a pull on my shirt made me snap out of my thoughts and focus on Alex.

"Can we go down now?"

Her eyes were already closed as she asked, which made me smile and we were instantly above the clearing where everyone was swimming, then we were back on the ground. Kyra was the only one left waiting, and she gave me a half shocked, half relieved. I smiled at her and kissed Alex's cheek before letting her go to go see my other extreme pregnant wife.

My magic had created super sperm or something of that nature, there was no way these women should be this pregnant! On the other hand, looking past the elephant in the room, Kyra's wolf ears and tail looked killer on her, I was half tempted to make her a set of paw gloves, but the crowd behind us made me shelf my fantasies aside. 

I took Kyra in my arms and kissed her, running one hand up into her hair, and the other up her back. Both hands touched her ears and tail at the same time and my mind almost melted out of my ears at how soft her fur was. As I stroked her fur, Kyra began to kiss me more passionately and started to moan softly. 

I stopped stroking her fur and the passion slowly cooled down. Well, that was interesting and something worth exploring on another day, you know, somewhere away from prying eyes. As we pulled apart, Kyra's cheeks were stained with blush and she was breathing heavily.

For my part, let's just say that having magically enhanced swimming trunks does more than just keep stuff out. If my shorts had been standard material I might have just ripped them clear off without using my hands. Damn, my wives were all eleven point fives!

Thinking of the other women, I turned back around after giving Kyra a short kiss before she went to go and relax on the grass with Alex. Now that I no longer needed to hold the seams of my shorts with magic, it was time to swim! 

I ran to the water's edge and jumped in, making sure to not land on anyone, not like I couldn't just stop myself in the air, but it was just good practice to be mindful. Since there was no one around the area that I was about to jump into, I thought I might try something funny. As I reached the top of my arch in the air, I quadrupled my size and hit the water like a meteor. 


The sound of me hitting the water was like a bass drop and shrunk back down, sliding into the water. I was still able to hear the thunder crash of the water rushing back to fill the massive hole I made. I turned to watch everyone get swept all the way back onto the beach. 

I swam up to the surface and looked to the beach area, and everyone was laid out or trying to pick themselves up. Oops, that was a little bit much, maybe only half as big next time! That was one way to get everyone out of the pool! I swam back to the beach with a smile on my face watching all the half drowned people picking themselves up, good job leader.

After everyone was dry, they all got changed and I told them to keep the swimsuits, since I had changed all their clothes I had taken off them into my special fabric, and remade them. I'm sure they didn't have things like this so, It was good to let them keep them. 

I was soon, joined, by Arrentia, Mishka, Wendy and Violet, who also had almost the entire troop of Beastfolk behind them. What was this about?

"These people would like to join us."

Arrentia stepped back and gestured to the Beastfolk and they all winced as She called them people. Jeez.

"Ya, of course, I will just have to let Harkim know, but I'm sure he won't mind if we snag these couple of Beastfolk."

One Fox lady stepped forward and looked down before speaking.

"We would like you to take all of us. We see the way you treat these women and they tell us that you have many more like us and are building a city. We just want a home where we don't have to hide or fear for our children's safety every time a noble comes to town."

Shit, I would be taking them, but Harkim might not be happy if I take all of them, so I looked at Violet. She looked back at me and my stress left. She would talk to dad for me and he would agree with her, whether he wanted to or not. contemporary romance

"You will all be leaving with me today, so when we get back, start getting ready. You will be eating with Kin tonight."

The Beastfolk all let out cheers and gathered round with my wives and within seconds, we were back at the village square. Though, there were a lot more boys and even some girls puking their guts out. The first ones must have been made fun of so they challenged them to do the same. Classic, let's see if you can do better, ah, to be young again, hehe!

Violet left to talk to her father and some of my wives went to go help pack, but Nuwari, Tescelle, and Arrentia stayed behind to check on Kyra and Alex. After a couple pokes and prods, Nuwari and Arrentia both agreed that the babies would be coming tomorrow and the next day. This was all fine and dandy, but where were the babies going to sleep? We had no cribs, and...where the baby wipes in this world?

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