Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 112: Fast Tracked

Once everyone was back, I collected everyone together and zipped into the air. I offered to take anyone that wanted to come along and surprisingly most of the beastfolk asked to join us. The children were the first to come and ask, but I had told them to ask their parents first. After that, it was a string of the beastfolk parents asking if they could tag along, and I was more than willing to have anyone that wanted to come.

The entire trip was less than a minute, and there were only three beastfolk that didn't listen to me about closing their eyes. The Pig, Fox, and...Sheepfolk males were doubled over and emptying their stomach as the rest of us laughed and walked to the water. All the males were striping down to get in the water but the females all looked like they hadn't thought this through.

"Ladies, kids, and any men that don't want to swim in their underwear, please come form a single line in front of me and I will help you with bathing suits. Please don't swim naked men, I would like to stick my head under the water without seeing any hairy nuts!"

This made the men laugh and almost all of them save for some of the younger males who came and stood in line with the women and girls. I stood in the front of the line and ran hands down the outsides of each person's shoulders. I wanted to do two things at once, so I let Kara's magic do most of the work when I came to designs.

Something interesting with the magic was that it seemed to know just what was suitable for each person. A shy Beastfolk woman stepped forward and waited for me to change her, and as I did, I watched the old clothes thread off of her, but were replaced so fast that there was no cause for embarrassment. Also while I reclothed each person, I edited the present clothing that I had taken off, nothing special, but the clothing itself was all but nuke proof, so this was a small gift.

It took well over an hour before I stripped myself threadbare and reformed black swimming trunks with flames rising up the pant legs. Besides myself, the magic had given almost everyone plain and normal swimwear. That was everyone but my fabulous wives, who now looked like they needed a runway to show off their mind-melting swimwear.

Wendy for all her shyness was splashing with Arrentia, Mishka with the children we had brought. Each had a similar two-piece bikini bottom skirts and bikini tops. The girls all had varying levels of cleavage that I tried not to focus on, was pretty hard. Each had their own colors and I found it increasingly entertaining that even my magic had color-coded the girls for me.

"This is a really nice thing you have done for everyone, but what is the point?"

Alex slid her arm into mine and we walked over to the edge of the water, it was time.

"There is no real point in this Alex, but that's why it's important. You, I, and all the girls need this every once in a while."

"But, we have so much…"

I turned Alex's head to mine and kissed her softly to shut her up, then I started to speak after we separated.

"You have been going pretty hard on everyone, and I know your heart is in the right place, but I need you to relax. I agree that we have more things to do than we have time for, but if we push too hard…"

I let the last part trail off; I wasn't going to start tearing into her about mistreating the girls, but I hoped that a good talk between us would help. I loved Alex, she was my second wife and she looked after everything, but I felt like the stress was getting to her, so I had a plan...maybe.

Both of us sat with our feet in the water silently for a moment, then Alex turned and pressed her breasts around my arm. She then laid down her head on my shoulder and let her body relax with a sigh. Alex must have been used to being the queen of the forest, everyone listened to her before and now she was...part of the bigger picture, but she was no longer the biggest part. 

"So, since we have added a new member to the wives of Hyde list and I think you should start delegating some of the responsibilities to her."

"To Violet? She doesn't seem to have a commanding presence similar to Breth and Cable if you were to combine the two, cut her off at the knee and give her a Loud Talk."

"Loud Talk? What is that?"

That spiked my interest, could they have electronic/magical things like from my world? But, Alex completely destroyed my hopes with her simple description of a cone with the tip chopped off. Well, that was disappointing, but it was probably wasted wishing, The world might have advancement, but they all seem to be different in the sense of having magic to augment the process.

Soon, Kyra came and sat on my other side and I got a small smile on my face. In less than five months, these women would have my children, and they would only be the start. Suddenly, my mind was filled with the sounds of crying children and my overly optimistic attitude towards having children cracked slightly, but only slightly.

'You will be a wonderful father, Hyde. I, hope to be able to have one of your children one day, but…' -Nina.

'If it is something you want my dear, then you have to want it more than anything and trust in evolution. I also want to have little green men with you!'

Now, my mind's crying children symphony was replaced by small little green children running around me. I don't think we would have that many of them, but the idea was entertaining. The sounds of Nina's sweet laughter made me laugh out loud softly and produced questionable looks from Kyra and Alex.

"Sorry, I was just talking to Nina about our future children and the idea of a bunch of little green children running around made us laugh."

At the mention of children, both women lit up like Christmas trees, but neither spook. Though, both looked like they would burst at the seams if I didn't let them talk.

"Yes? I can tell you both want to talk about the kids, it's not like I had forgotten about them, hehe!"

"We just didn't want to bother you, but Arrentia and Nuwari have given us some extremely interesting news."

I looked over at Alex and then at Kyra, both looked ready to explode and suddenly I felt another crack in my cool composer crack. The looks I was getting said that they knew something HUGE that I didn't, oh boy, what surprise was waiting for me behind those looks?

"So, you know how we said that we would be giving birth in about five months?"

Oh shit, here we go, Alex was gearing up to hit me with something big. I could feel the rock hit the bottom of my stomach as I waited for the but.

"But now the two women, Nuwari and Arrentia, think that the children will be born in less than a month. Maybe think is the wrong word, they are both sure that the children will be born earlier"

BOOM, all calm shattered. Fucking mic drop and a half. Less than a fucking month?!

"You're joking right?"

"Hm, I am afraid not, I only just found out today because I was standing very close to Nuwari as she healed someone, then after she asked if she could check on the babies."

"Babies? Kyra was with me...right?"

I turned to Kyra, but she had the same lost and confused look that I assumed was plastered on my face. I turned back to Alex, whose smile had doubled in the short time I had made eye contact with Krya.

"I will be having a boy and girl." there was no well right now! Jeezus fucking motherfucker shithead fucking twat! This is exactly what I didn't need right now! 

The entire time I ranted in my head, I kept a cool and passive look on my face. I was still excited to have kids, but this was way too fast! I was hoping to have half the world conquered before the first one was born, and now it was the first two born! I whirled to Krya, but she put up her hands in mock defense with a big smile.

"Only one in me boss!"

"Don't call me boss! Ugh, I am so excited for you women, BUT, fuck, I really thought I would have more time to consolidate the land to our side! Now I need to fast track my plans!"


"Wait...What? What do you mean by why? You're going to be having children then!"

Both of the women had bemused looks now and rounded on me. 

"You have fourteen wives now, what makes you think we can take care of the children?contemporary romance

"Well, I want to see the kids too!"

"And you will, Hyde if you wanted you could go see Kadence and Addel in less than a minute. We are here for you, and we will be taking care of the children while you are out saving the world. Each one of us has talents, but you have all of our magics and the ability to use them for the better of the world. Our job as your wives is to help you, so if that means raising the future kings and queens of tomorrow, then that's what we will do."

Not for the first time, I secretly thanked Grip for this wonderful woman.

"I love you both and I can't wait to see the children!"

The was a magical moment, and I wanted to hold on to it forever. The girls on my side, the ones in the water with the kids, it all was a beautiful vista. I put my sunglasses up out of habit, and put my arms around both the women. I had planned on pulling them into a kiss, but...FUCK!

Blinded, Again.

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