Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 111: What Is The Point Then?

After Violet got a grip and her legs stopped shaking, I took her over to formally introduce her to the girls. After a short introduction, I motioned for Violet to lead the way, and she took us east out of town where there was a large combine looking machine and then a series of grain silos behind it. The field was already cut down and the grain was tied in a stack that people were carrying in.

"What kind of grain is that?"

"Oats, we have this entire field to take off today so if you want to help start hauling."

"So, before we get our hands dirty, I want to ask a couple questions since I have no clue how this works."

"I'll just give you the fast run down, I see slackers out there!"

"Don't worry about them, focus on me and tell me the process. I might be able to make short work of the day and with some extra benefits."

"Hm, well the basics of it is we have to get the grain to that machine and then it will separate the chaff, or chasing from the edible part of the grain. Then we store in the silo's till we can trade and pay taxes."

"Taxes? The kingdom charges you taxes for what? There are no guards here or patrols that I have noticed. What are you paying for?"

"You would have to ask my father about that, but as far as I know, it's just what we do."

Hmm, that was a familiar phase in this world, but it was something said by anyone that does something long enough without a choice. Strong rule, same old story, but that was my job to fix, but I would still need to talk to Harkim about this, if the kingdom was taxing these people just for the sake of it, I was going to be doing some remodeling in this country.

"Okay, that sucks for you guys, but that's why I am here. So, now, this grain, I want everyone off the field and I want the grain silo open. How many of these full crops at these best outputs can these silos hold?"

"No more than two full harvests, but what does that mean? Why does that matter?"contemporary romance

"Go do your thing and yell at people and then you will see."

After finally getting Violet to go get everyone off the field, I turned to my four wives. 

"Listen, I know I said we would do some work today, but how about I finish this fast and we go help the girls get done quick? Then, I have a surprise that I spotted for us after. I think everyone will enjoy it."

For the girl's part, they did a good job of sounding disappointed but I could see the grins held back. They were perfectly fine to watch me work, I think they just didn't want to have to work with Alex! Ey yey yey ye, I really needed to stop putting that talk off, but the thought of trying to talk reason with a pregnant goddess didn't sound that appealing. Tonight, before bed I would deal with her, or something.

Violet had gotten everyone off the field and they were all standing in a group looking confused, but I would soon satisfy their curiosity. I let myself raise up to about a foot off the ground and shot off across the field. Every pile that I passed was picked up into my sphere from Trem's magic and within less than a minute, I had the stacks of grain inside with me and I had them all floating around me as I moved back to the soil instantly. 

"But how?"

"I'm not done yet, missy!"

I used Addel's wind and sent everything in the sphere spinning around me, next was Vic's deconstructing magic. All the seeds separated from the casing, but the problem was that it was all together. Thanks to Vic's twin Kia, I could use telekinesis like Teema, and I guild the grain seed out of my sphere and into the grain silo.

The entire process took no more than five minutes and the roaring cheer from the farmhands would have been deafening, but I could barely hear them through my sphere and only because I let the sound in. Trem's planetary magic literally created another world separate from this one, but I had control of what could come in and out. I moved back to the center of the field, letting the chaff and straw fall to the ground, but I had kept some of the seed.

I was about to start planting them when I heard a faint yell for me to stop so I let go of my sphere and turn to see Harkim waving me back over. Instantly I was back over to him, but the speed must have startled him because I had to reach out to prevent him from falling over backward. After Harkim got his balance back, he slapped me on the shoulder with a laugh.

"Boy, I like your spirit and all the people are very thankful for your help with all your amazing magical abilities, but, I could see what you were about to do. Now, your heart is in the right place, but you are lacking in information. If you were to grow another crop there, yes we would have probably more than twice what we would normally have and you could go do the same with all our crops, but the soil needs a chance to rest."

"Sorry, I'm a city boy, so I don't know a lot about farming or even gardening, not really my thing. So you are saying I could overuse the soil and?"

"If you plant too often in the same place you will use up the nutrients in the ground and the next crop won't be as good. We have ways of doing it so we can continuously plant, but we have no need for all the extra harvest, the capital will just take any extra we have anyways."

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that. What does the capital offer you for the taxes you pay?"

"Offer? What do you mean?"

"Do they give you services like guards or patrols? Do they give you freshwater or power? I am just trying to find out why you are paying the taxes because there doesn't seem to be a reason for it, other than greed."

"You make a fair point, Hyde, but…"

"...That's just the way it has always been, right? Well, I am here to change that; I can't do what I want right now but I will come back and give your people the same gift that I have given my own people."

"A gift? Why there is no need, you are already taking my daughter as your wife and you have just saved us a day's work. Honestly, it would be almost criminal for us to accept more help!"

"I will give you a choice, just like I did with my people. I will give you the power to choose your own fate in this world. The strong will no longer rule the weak because I will make everyone strong and united behind me. These games and small fights are just a prequel for the real fights in the future, but I am talking too much when we should all be enjoying our day!"

"Well, I am proud as a father to have such an ambitious son in law! I don't want to stir the pot, but I don't understand what you mean, now that you have pointed it out. None of us have ever given it much thought, just chalking it up for the way things are."

"One step at a time. Come on girls, let's go see how the rest of the women are fairing, and maybe we can help them finish faster."

I moved us back to the town center and the line wasn't as bad as I imagined it to be, so I walked over to Alex. She was standing with a board and a paper, taking notes as people came up to Nuwari to be healed. I walked up and got directly behind; Alex still had a slight shell on her back that hid her extra legs, but it was hardly noticeable.

I grabbed both cheeks playfully and then kissed Alex's neck. At first, she slightly stiffed, but at the feeling of my lips, Alex relaxed back into me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and gave her a bunch of kisses, making her laugh and turn her head to push mine away from her soft and exposed neck.

"What do you want? Bored of working in the fields already?"

"Not bored, but I am finished. Now, I have come to help you girls finish so I can take you all for a surprise."

"Surprise? What is it?"

Alex, now interested, turned around to me, but I took her in my arms and kissed her again. After Alex put her head on my chest, the line was almost done, and I could see Arrentia, Titania, and Buddy walking back to the square. Perfect timing, everyone would be finished and we could all go enjoy a nice dip to wash off the stink.

Once all the girls were gathered around I spoke to them.

"You all did a great job today and I am more than impressed with everything you all have accomplished on our journey this far. So, I want to talk you all to a waterfall where we can swim and relax for the afternoon. Everyone game?"

My answer came as cheers and squeals of delight, nail it!

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