Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 110: Magic!

'You are him?' -Male voice.

What the hell was going on? Was I still dreaming? It was pitch black and I could only hear an annoying voice inside of my head. What time was it? 

'Who is this? And it can't be time for me to wake up yet, so this better be fucking important.'

'Call me Talon, you must be Gripton's selection if you can hear me. I am the controller of this world, the Game Master.' -Talon.

So, the idiot savant finally decides to reveal himself. He must not know where I am or he wouldn't be making stabs in the dark, but I will have to be careful of what I say to this numbskull. 

'What do you want? What is the point of talking?'

'I could make you a God of the next world…' -Talon.

'Save it, blowhard. What's your problem anyway? Are you just a small child who got bored with the sandbox? Now, dad says not to wreck it and you're throwing a fit?'

'Just who do you think you…'

'Alright Tampon, talk your big shot monologue to another hero that likes that sort of thing. Not really my thing to listen to jerks talk about how important they are. Are we done yet?'

'I will end this world! I am massing…' -Talon.

'A huge army to the north of the likes I have never seen before! That's pretty close right?'

'Well, yes, but…' -Talon.

'Yabbit don't exist. Listen, Tampon, I was sleeping, and it was really good, so...we done?'

Then I was awake, and I could feel Kalita's naked flesh pressed into mine. As much as I wanted to stay in bed, I could see that the light was just about to peak above the horizon. I gave Kalita a small shake and a kiss and told her to get up.

Kalita got up without much prompting and I quickly spun our clothes back on back onto us. After I sent Kalita to go wake up the rest of the women and to meet me up top; as she left I gave her bottom a little squeeze and she turned back, giving me a kiss, before running out of the room. I reached into my coat and took the boxes of shades out; looking at the Oakley's, I slipped them back into my pocket and put the other pairs on my stand.contemporary romance

Seeing the box that held the white-rimmed Douchebag glasses made me think of Cable and how I hadn't talked to him or Harmonie. After I was done in this kingdom, I would have to swing back and see how things were going. There was no reason for me to stay gone for the entire two weeks, if we could be home in an instant, why not check up on this and see if there is anything I can help with.

I left the room and headed to the stairs I had come upon and made my way up to the top level. Once there I could just see the sky getting lighter and then I heard running coming from the stairs and four women came rushing up to join me. Kyra, Wendy, Mishka, and Arrentia all came running up and wrapped themselves around me shivering. 

I laughed at the group and ran my arms around all of us to create a nice thick black blanket. There were railings, but we had yet to set up the patio like on the House wagon, so all that was up here was the single black and white flag with a thumbs-up held on a two-meter wooden pole.

"W-w-why did y-you wake us up s-so early?!" 

Mishka cuddled into me as she asked, so I pulled her into my lap, kissing her cheek and letting the other girls piled in closer. I whispered for Mishka to wait and she tucked herself into my chest while we waited for the others to get settled in. I had to adjust the blanket a couple more times before everyone was under the blanket and cuddled in close.

We had to have been a strange sight for anyone to see, first thing in the morning. A group of people sitting four stories in the air wrapping in a blanket at the ass crack of dawn, but this was something that I wanted to share with the girls. The sun tip was just cresting the horizon and I told the girls to look forward as the sun slowly burst from the hills, bathing the land in a golden orange that took the muted and dark colors of the night and blasted them with color.

"I wanted us all to share in this, I haven't had the chance to see many sunrises since I got here and I thought that it would be good to share it with you. We do a lot each day so this little break for all of us to enjoy the first thing is perfect."

"Well, the sun is beautiful, but are you sure you shouldn't have got the extra sleep, you and the girls will need your energy. I will keep watch over the stand, and I am sure that Titania and Buddy can handle anything that is thrown their way."

"Alex, you should try to relax a bit more, and as for me being tired, I am more than awake and ready to go! I am excited to see what we will be doing today in the field. Before I forget, after we are done I Perdi, I would like to take a trip back and see how things are doing. I had forgotten to talk to some people before we left."

"Who did you forget to talk to?"

"Cable, Harmonie, and Larganth. I really wanted to talk to the two about Harmonie's evolution, but it has almost seemed like Harmon has been staying out of my sight. And with cable, I had wanted to give him a pair of glasses…and I miss the girls…"

"It has been less than a day since you saw them last, how can you miss them already?"

"Not everyone is as calculated as you Alex, I think it cute that Hyde misses the girls!"

Mishka turned her head to kiss my cheek and Alex let out a loud and audible sigh. I would really have to put some more work into Alex but now was not the time. We had a lot to do today before we left, so better to get it done fast and have more time for visiting and relaxing after. 

I Kissed Mishka's cheek and then picked her up as I stood. I gathered all my wives present and made them close their eyes before we took off to the village, but I made a point to share a long kiss with Titania before we left. I was slowly learning each of my wive's quirks and how to work around them. I knew that she didn't like public affections, then I would just shower Titania when no one or just the women were around. No part of me wanted to embarrass her, I wanted all of them to feel comfortable around me.

With three quick movements of up, forward, and down, we were all back in the village square and I was surprised to find Violet, Harkim, and his two sons were all waiting for us with a group of men and women. Everyone was dressed in grey dresses or coveralls, but none of them had any skin showing. I was a bit confused by this, so I walked up to Harkim and asked him what was up with the doomsday get up.

"You will want your entire body covered for this or you will be itching till you can get in a bath, and we are a long way from that. I am thrilled to see that you are an early riser like the rest of us; Stan go fetch your mother and Melina to help these girls get set up and Melina can show the group walking around to the bed-ridden folk that needs help."

"Perfect, well I will get us garbed appropriately! The four girls crowded around and I ran my hands down the front of each women's chest, changing the fabric to the same muted gray that the townsfolk were wearing. I gave each of them form-fitting suits and I wove my own the same way. I also gave each girl a playful squeeze as my hand ran over their chest, each gave me a completely different response.

Kalita gave me a shy smile that made my heart hurt from just how good she looked in even a gray skin suit. Kyra gave me a smile offer for a high five...I did not leave her hanging! With a large smile I turned to Mishka who was pushing her chest out so I would have a better target, but then jumped into my arms after I had finished her dress, giving me a kiss and then biting my lip before sliding down me and turning to join the other two. 

As she left I grabbed her bottom and Mishka let a little squeak and jump away from my hand. With a smile, I turned to my lovely dragoness, but she had her arms crossed and didn't look to be in the playful mood. I walked up to Wendy and took her into my arms and gave her a suit as well, but I still got to squeeze both her cheeks as I kissed her.

I pulled away from the scowling Wendy and she went to join the other three. We all looked ridiculous in our suits and I was half tempted to give them some flare but stopped when a small voice spoke up beside me.

"Do you think I could wear one of those?"

I looked down to find Violet looking up at me, and she looked cute in her loose-fitting baggy dress. That would be hot, and she was going to be one of my wives, so helping her fit in with the others was no problem for me. 

"Of course, Vi. Do I get to give you the same treatment as I did to the others?"

"Am I not as good as the others?"

"Huh? What? No, I mean, yes, you are as good as the others!"

I could see the impish grin she had and knew I had been baited. Oh, this is how we want to play, hmmm? I reached down and ran both hands down her chest, making sure Harkim was already gone, I used a small amount of ecstasy magic as I squeezed. The effect was immediate and both Violet's hands grabbed my arms to steady her jelly legs and she stared at me wide-eyed and red-faced.

"How did you…"


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