Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 116: Delicate Flower

Moshi was the first one to step forward and give me a small curtsy. She wasn't horrible to look at, but I could see that her appearance in a world like this must be hard, but that didn't seem to be the case. Moshi was lively and filled with joy it seemed, so I waved for her to explain; I didn't want to be rude, but I was getting hungry.

"I can create vines, but they can't do very much. Thank you for taking the time to see us! I know what it's like to be hungry and want to just go eat, hehe."

"I think you have a very interesting ability, check it out you heard my spiel before, so, what do ya say? I think you are going to be a force to be reckoned with and with your powers, you could dominate the battlefield. I am sorry if I looked spaced out, your ability just could have many wide-reaching effects for us."

"Battlefield?! REALLY! Can you not tell my parents? Can I be real with you sir?"

Oh? What is this? Suddenly, what I took for being extra weight was just her body squished. Holy shit, Moshi was the same size as me and fit as a fiddle, but like my fit, not woman fit. This was a female Buddy...I looked back to see Buddy staring, OH YESH! Evil matchmaker music of my own creation flooded my head as I started to plan their demise, I mean connection; I was getting in character.

"Hell, mother fucking yes you can be real with me! Perfect, give me your damn hand already, you are hired, and then I want you to have a match with Buddy here, my right-hand man. How does that sound?"

No words were needed as I clapped hands with, Moshi, Herald of War! The flash went off and after...of course. Only her pig's nose shrunk, but only a little bit, but the rest was muscle, but not, unattractive. My magic was art in my mind, but really it was the true embodiment of the word. My magic was magic.

Vines started to lash around Moshi like a living forest. I was crazy to watch, they just appeared on surfaces and grew without leaving a make and the old vines disintegrated. This was going to be something else when she evolved. Together, we could stop entire armies in their tracks, but she would be an ultimate defense for Dreams, short of aerial warships and dragons.

I stepped back a couple steps, and threw my arm around my best friend's shoulder, and smiled at him. I got a sly grin back from him, and we both laughed; one of my favorite parts of our relationship as friends was the unspoken word. I shared it with my wives, but not the same as with Buddy, it was like when he evolved, it was to help me, not to say that the others didn't have my best interests in mind. 

I put my hand to the back of his head and messed his black hair and pulled his forehead to mine, some things were better spoken.

"Don't you fucking lose, or I'm gonna call you a sissy bitch for an entire week! Plus, if you win you might be able to take her on a date as a reward. Hah? Ya? Don't fuck it up, lover boy!"

Buddy pushed me back with a big smile with a nod of his head, and I turned back around to find the next Misses on the list, Helka, Foxfolk. This was a strange creature, similar to Keeta, but shy, kind of. 

"I can make pebble puppets."

That was all she said, but she seems shy and unsure of herself, so I motioned her to show me. Helka pulled some pebbles out of a pocket and then held her hand out. Suddenly, the pebbles rolled together to make a small rock man; he walked around her hand very naturally and it was hard to tell it was even being controlled.

"Yeah! That cool as shit!"

Suddenly the rocks changed and so did the expression on Helkas face. Shy was out and the focused master was in, the tiny rocks created a Mobius strip, then a double helix. I was blown away by the change, but maybe no one ever paid attention to her and any moment...yup there we go.

The rocks all dropped, but I didn't say anything, instead, I just gave her my right hand and she took it immediately. The flash gave him a place to hide for a couple brief seconds to regain her calm composer. Once the light was gone, a twin of Keeta stood in Helka's place, but Helka quickly thanked me and dragged Moshi out with her. 

I was surprised to see that Buddy was already talking to her, that fox! I turned back and waved to my wives to go on, but I asked Mishka to stay with me. Tonight was her night after all, so spending it together would be fitting. Once it was just the three of us, I waved for the Drom to tell me about his magic.

"I can make things old."

"How fast?"

"It's pretty slow, but I am a hard worker! I can help with whatever you need! I have a sister that is just about mature from a Philly!"

"Oh, god, stop trying to sell yourself to me. What's up boss?"

"Well, I was sent on a walkabout, like most strong males do and we go out and look for new herds so we can keep the stock fresh and strong, but I kind of hit a dilemma."

"Oh, like what? Did you fall in love with a girl and she isn't the same race as you?"

"What? How did you know?"

"I'm not blind you idiot, and neither is she. I am sure I saw her notice you gawking at her, you gotta chill it out Romeo, this girl is a delicate flower and if you push too hard, she will just ignore you or worse.

"Please, Great Master Hyde, teach me your ways!"contemporary romance

Cock sucker, I didn't even give him the magic yet and he is already starting with this bullshit!

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