Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 432: Making A Deal Part Two

"Well how about moving it to a pocket space where you can live as free as you please without needing to worry about ever being attacked by others?" Alicia replied. She could see the look of disbelief on King Az'kar's face which she had expected.

"And how do you plan on doing…" Before King Az'kar could finish his words, Alicia waved her hand, sending everyone into her space. She took them to the grassy plain where her cottage was but far away enough from the cottage to not endanger her children. 

"What!? Where am I!?" King Az'kar quickly turned around and pointed a weapon at Alicia. 

But his actions were for not because Blake immediately waved his hands sucking the weapon right out of King Az'kar's hand. "Watch your actions or your world will be looking for a new ruler." Blake firmly warned. He would not tolerate anyone pointing a weapon at his wife.

"Alright relax everyone. " Alicia spoke, giving off a bit of pressure making the King who had just opened his mouth to retort to quickly close it. Alicia turned to Men'taria who seemed to be in a daze and smiled: "Men'taria, do you see the planets off in the distance?" 

"Yes, but how?" Men'taria was different from her father, she waited to get the whole before reacting. 

"Those are planets I placed within my space. The world closest to us is Farlan. It is a world of over one billion who are magi techs and are very good at what they do. My body is one of the things they created." Alicia explained.

"Princess Alicia, are you saying you can place our world inside this space and we can live freely and without fear from now on?" Men'taria asked.

"Yep, that is exactly what I am saying. For the price of your technology, I will offer you a safe haven for as long as your race is able to sustain living. As long as you do not cause issues with the neighboring planets you can stay here forever. We will also not interfere with your world. If there is a war we will not assist any side. Your lives will not change at all. Until the day you start a war with another world me and my people will not interfere." Alicia put it all out on the table. 

Men'taria looked at her father who was still red in the face with anger and let out a sigh. "Princess Alicia, may I have a moment to speak with my father?"

"Sure, would you like me to take you back?" Alicia asked.contemporary romance

"Not yet… We can talk here. I will just take him over by the river over there." Men'taria said before walking over to her father and grabbing the disgruntled old man and pulling him away.

Alicia chuckled as she watched the old man reluctantly follow after his daughter before turning to her friends. "What do you think?"

"I think this king is an idiot. He clearly knows how powerful you are, yet he still dares to pull a weapon on you." Starla said with her brows furrowed, she really didn't like King Az'kar at all.

"He is lucky I did not kill him on the spot." Loeri said while cracking her knuckles.

"Alright calm down everyone. He is old and was suddenly transported into a new place from the comfort of his own home. It is not strange that he would have such a reaction. To be honest I think he is a good king. He knows how strong I am but still dared to pull a weapon. This shows he is not a pushover." Alicia did not mind the king's actions. She felt they were the correct action to take in such a situation. To be suddenly transported to a strange place would make anyone wary of the other's actions. So him pulling a sword was a given.

"If you say so..." Starla was still not convinced but she dropped the issue. 

Ten minutes went by and Men'taria and King Az'kar came back. King Az'kar's expression was much more relaxed as he gave Alicia a small bow. "I do apologize for my earlier actions. I was muddled headed when I was suddenly brought to a strange place."

"It's fine please raise your head. We are all friends here." Alicia said with a smile. She knew this king was a smart man.

"I thank you. I, on behalf of my people, King Az'kar, will take up Princess Alicia's offer." King Az'kar announced.

"Then we will get some formalities out of the way. So you can explain to your people what is about to happen if they see the sudden change in the sky. Moving your planet will not cause any issues. Your people can just continue as they have been and live their daily lives the only difference will be the suns and planets that they will see." Alicia explained.

"Then please take us back." King Az'kar let out a sigh of relief and smiled.

It did not take long to set a few binding rules through a contract with Alicia. The Solfainas were allowed to trade between worlds and just like the contracts set up between the other planets they were not allowed to take any military action against any other planet or race. All must live peacefully within the same planetary neighborhood. Once this was done, King Az'kar notified his people that their planet would be moved to a safe haven where they would never have to live in fear of the Bolusions again. 

Once all of the necessary groundwork was done, Alicia and her group left the planet and stood above it in space. Alicia waved her hand and stored the planet into her space, giving a new start to the Solfaina race's history.

"Where to from here?" Blake asked.

"We will keep going in. Until we run into the invaders we will continue to check the other planets to see if there are any more allies we can bring to our side. Tereax is handling the technical aspect of things with the Solfaina race so we just need to keep pressing on." Alicia said as she floated over and gave Blake a kiss. This caused a roar of hoots and hollers from the rest, for them to get a room. 

It had taken many years but Alicia was now taking her first steps to step on to the main stage as an up and coming younger generation, who will soon be known by many throughout the realms.


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