Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 433: Alicia's New Strength Part One

Three months later… 

"How many planets have you taken into your space?" Blake asked out of curiosity. He lost count a long time ago.

"Seven hundred and fifty two. They are split into inhabited and resource planets. Right now our military might has exceeded over seventy billion. Between magic users, cultivators, biotech, cyber tech, magi tech, holy tech, Holy qi cultivators, and even one planet where they cultivate chaos qi. The higher technology races are banding together and having meetings every day as they work on new technologies. Our spaceship force has grown beyond anything I would have imagined. To be honest, I am surprised at how willing these worlds of the inner planets are so willing to work together." Alicia replied as she looked out into the far reaches of space.

"What is surprising is how many of these worlds are inhabited. Once you pass the outer edge of the inner worlds, going further out, you're lucky to find one planet per solar system with life." Loeri commented.

"This is true. But the further we travel into the inner worlds the more powerful the inhabitants become. I wonder what lies at the center..." Starla seemed to be very interested in the life that people led on different planets. Alicia could see Starla traveling the universe checking out all the planets one at a time for years on end. 

"When this is all over, why not go out and train? You could travel from world to world while learning and experiencing new things. You would be able to live a life of a nomad not settling down but slowly growing as time passed." Alicia said with a smile. She cared for and loved her friends but she would never hold them back. If Starla truly wanted to venture out on her own she would support her one hundred percent.

"Not now… Maybe when everything is settled and you pass the role of ruler to one of your children I will. But until then, I won't go anywhere." Starla hugged Alicia's arm and grinned. "I could never leave when our planet and our kingdom are still in dark times."

"Not to interrupt but the planet up ahead seems to be under attack..." Claire suddenly said as she pointed to the planet they were arriving at. They were currently in a new spaceship that could bend time and space and travel in a separate void. It was ten times as fast as Alicia when she was flying at top speed and could even warp them to destinations instantly. contemporary romance

All of these new technologies that would have been a science fiction fantasy on Earth were very real. Currently because of how fast pace the technology is being created and improved with all the highly advanced civilizations working with her. They created weapons that are on par with the power of true gods. Of course, these weapons are kept very secretive and those working with it are under a life or death contract not to divulge any information about it. This has made her military one of the strongest forces in the universe from the true god realm down. Not including her own strength.

Alicia and her group slowed to a stop and watched from within the separate void as a mass of a few million cultivators gathered and prepared to attck. "The strongest is in the god realm, while the rest are demi gods. The strongest ones on defense are all demi gods. And it seems this planet is not very together..." 

"What do you plan to do?" Blake asked.

"Nothing. We will sit and watch the show. Just like the other planets that we passed up because they were not unified. Only planets that are unified are worth contacting. Those who are only out for their own gains are not worth our time. This is what I would like t do, but... This seems to be a forward force for the enemy so we will step in this one time. Plus I have detected a powerful source somewhere on this planet that I have never felt before." Alicia replied. She felt a bit of repulsion when her divine sense swept over a certain area on this planet. 

A bright light flashed from Alicia's body slowly transforming into a young girl as Mirri stood in front of Alicia. "You must save that child..." Mirri said pointing towards the planet.

"Child?" Alicia asked, somewhat confused. Mirri had been in her contractual space since going to the land of the undead. She said the contractual space was the best place for her to cultivate.

"There is one like me on this world. A child that has been recently born. If that child is taken by those who seek to use it as a source of power they will never learn how good life can be..." Mirri explained a touch of sadness in her voice and eyes.

"Alright… I will handle it then. Jay, take us out of the void, between the planet and the invaders." Alicia ordered. She could feel the sadness from Mirri through their connection with each other when Mirri talked about the child as she called it.

The cultivators who were getting ready to attack the planet were all stunned when a large ship appeared out of nowhere right in front of them. This caused some disarray within the ranks making the advance come to a halt. An old man in green robes came forth and sent out his divine sense against the ship trying to probe it, but to his surprise, his divine sense could not penetrate the ship at all causing the old man to frown. 

"Are you from the Machine Empire? From what I understand we cultivators and the Machine Empire have a truce here in the inner worlds!" The old man in green robes shouted towards the ship using his spiritual qi to amplify his voice and make it so it could be heard out in space.

"Machine Empire? No… You see… I am here to stop your advance before you get too close to my homeworld. So you have a choice. You can all die here or you can turn around and tell your leaders to return to their home planet." Alicia suddenly appeared a few meters from the old man. The pressure she was giving off weighed down on every cultivator from the invading force.

"A true god!" Someone shouted. Everyone knows how hard it is to break through the true god realm. This was especially so the further you got away from the center of the inner worlds. So to have a true god appear out this far was truly surprising.


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