Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 431: Making A Deal Part One

Hearing Men'taria's words told Alicia all she needed to hear. She had a feeling that Men'taria was of high standing. But now she understood that Men'taria was most likely the daughter of the ruler of this world or someone just below that. Men'taria excused herself for about twenty minutes before coming back. "My father would like to meet you all… We will be landing shortly, please follow me." 

Alicia nodded and she and her group followed after Men'taria, they were brought to the front of the ship where they could see the ocean underneath slowly being taken over by the land. The white sand beach stretched as far as the eyes could see along the water's edge. Beyond that was a line of trees that turned into a dense forest. After a few kilometers, it opened up into a vast grasslands filled with many farms. 

The further inland they went the denser the housing grew but the houses were different from what you would see from races on Phantasia, they seemed to be more nests than actual houses. Even as they made their way into the city area the scale of the nest grew even bigger and even rivaled the skyscrapers Alicia had seen back on Earth. 

The dome structures looked to be made of the same material a beehive would be made of. This actually helped Alicia understand the construction of the ship they were in. The material of the walls had reminded her of something but she couldn't put her finger on it until now. But one thing she did notice was that there was no hive type trait it seemed, otherwise, Men'taria would not have needed to contact her father in order to find out what to do.

The ship landed at a landing pad on top of the largest dome nest within the large city. "Please this way..." Men'taria motioned with her hand for Alicia and the others to follow.

They exited the ship and a soft breeze brushed against their skin. The scent in the air was very pleasant, not something you would expect in a city as large as this. Alicia had many questions but she decided to leave that for her techs to ask. 

They were led into a long hallway that had rows upon rows of portraits of many female and male Solfainas depicted in them, hanging from the walls. Alicia could only guess that this was the royal line of their race from generation to generation. At the end of the hallway was a grand hall with sculpted pillars that held up the ceiling above. The walls, the floor, and even the ceiling were covered in murals of many kinds. Alica was not sure what they represented but they were truly amazing. 

Up high on a raised seat that had no less than a hundred stairs leading to it was a man wearing fancy red clothing. Alicia knew immediately that this was the ruler of this world. She waited for Men'taria to stop before Alicia motioned for everyone to kneel and bow. It was only right to be polite and show proper courtesy to the ruler of this world. They were the guests after all. 

"No need to stand on ceremony. My daughter has told me that you are the Crown Princess of your kingdom. " The man's voice that sat at the top of the stairs said. "I am King Az'kar the 500th leader of the Solfaina race."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, your Majesty. I am the Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Alastine, Alicia Gabriel Alastine, daughter of King Augustus Alastine, and am the current ruler of the planet Phantasia." Alicia gave a proper more full introduction even giving her status as the ruler of the planet. 

"Ruler of the planet? But did you not just say that your father was king?" King Az'kar asked in confusion.contemporary romance

Alicia did not say a word and let out a bit of her true god aura just enough to allow King Az'kar to feel her strength. "You could say, I am stronger than my Royal Father. My Royal Father is indeed the king of Alastine but there are many kingdoms on Phantasia, he rules my homeland. And soon in the future, I will take over his reign and become the first Queen of Alastine."

King Az'kar wiped the sweat from his brow. He had never felt such power before. He gave a long glance at Alicia and asked: "You asked to see our technology that detects the Bolusions. With your current strength are you not able to completely wipe them out?"

"It is true that I can probably wipe them clean from this universe but I do not see a need to make a race extinct, just because. They have not done anything to me or my people directly and probably never will, but this tech can be used for other things in the future to keep spies and other races from stealing the technology my country has. I am also interested in how you keep your species from the prying eye of cultivators. If I was not in the true god realm I do not think I would be able to detect a civilization here without actually spotting your city." Alicia explained.

"This... " King Az'kar seemed a little bit reluctant to release such information.

"What if I can give you and your people a place to live without the fear of the Bolusions?" Alicia decided to up the stakes she would not want their technology for free.

Alicia's off piqued King Az'kar's interest. He went into deep thought for a moment before asking: "And how would you go about that?"


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