Lustful Hearts

Chapter 64: Birthday Surрrіѕе- P2

His smile grew wider when he noticed the jelly pots. I shook my head still unable to fathom the fascination, but I knew anything that put a huge smile on his face, I would go to the ends of the earth for. When he finished the last spoonful, I grabbed the tray setting it aside.

"Present time," I chirped brightly, jumping up from the bed to retrieve the hidden gifts from the bottom of my drawer.

His eyes widened in surprise. "I told you I didn't want anything... just you." He shook his head bemusedly.

I'd never met anyone in my life who didn't want presents for their birthday, it was always a given. I found it surprising he actually thought I would listen to him and not bother.

I bent down kissing him in that 'you're just too sweet way.' "Everyone deserves presents on their birthday. It's your day, so let me spoil you for a change."

He motioned to open his mouth, but I quickly covered it with my own, kissing him to avoid him arguing further. I knew he would soon change his mind.

I gave him his card, grinning wildly. He looked slightly intrigued at my overly eager face. I was probably coming across quite scary at the moment with all the excitement bubbling through my veins. I knew his face was about to change in a matter of seconds.

He ripped it open, and I giggled when the Arsenal tickets dropped out onto the bed. A look of disbelief crossed his face, and he snatched them up inspecting them for several seconds to make sure they were real.

His eyes snapped up to mine. "You didn't-how?"

I could see the cogs in his head working overtime, trying to compute how I managed to obtain two precious tickets that were practically like gold dust.

I tapped my nose jokingly. "I can't divulge my sources." My sources were actually Sam's friend at the ticket office.

I had squealed with delight the moment he placed them in my hands. I knew Joel's reaction would be exactly the same. He had spent the last week cursing on missing out on the biggest game ever on his birthday.

He grinned in delight kissing the tickets and carefully placed them down to open the card. His eyes flicked over every loving words I had inscribed inside. His face dropped, and his eyes glazed over.

My heart almost broke at seeing him become so emotional. Unable to bear being apart from him a moment longer, I crawled onto the bed and straddled him, pulling him into a hug.

"Hey, I didn't mean to upset you." I tenderly pressed my lips against his forehead as my hands cradled the back of his head.

He hesitated, composing himself before he spoke. "You didn't... it's just I've never had this before," he whispered, looking down at his hands.

I could see he was overwhelmed by it all. Obviously previous birthdays at his home generally consisted of being ignored, no card, no present, no love. The thought alone brought a lump to my throat. "Joel, I meant every word. I was probably more excited about getting you those tickets because all I wanted to see was this face lighting up." My hands cupped his face and his lips covered mine. He sighed, closing his eyes. "Thank you, not just for the tickets but for everything."

"Hey, that's what girlfriends do, we look after our men. I want to make this day just as special as you made mine."

His bright blue eyes opened to meet with my concerned ones. "You deserved to have a special day," he replied, kissing my cheek. I wondered why he didn't have the same regard for himself, always selflessly putting me first all the time.

"So do you," I whispered in his ear, praying he would believe me.

He moved away and a look of disbelief crossed his face. I guess the years alone with his dad had taken their toll. It was going to be a long and slow process, to undo every negative word that had been drilled into him.

Joel deserved happiness more than anyone. I just needed for him to believe he was well and truly worthy of it.

I pressed my lips up against his ear. "I love you, Joel, and every year I will try to make your birthday more special than the one before."

He smiled shyly. "I think this one will take some topping." He stroked my face, and I saw the gratitude shining in his eyes. He was probably right, but I looked forward to the challenge.

"It's not over yet," I replied grinning, eager to see his face when he unwrapped his other presents.

His eyebrows quirked in surprise, he'd obviously forgotten about the rest. I shuffled back, grabbing the pile of presents piled up at the end of the bed. He smiled as I pressed the first one into his hand.

I giggled watching him as he slowly unwrapped the present with intrigue. Most people would have it ripped open in seconds, but he took his sweet time, sliding his finger along the paper, almost scared to rip it. It was almost like he was savouring the moment.

His eyes widened when he held aloft the Nirvana T-shirt and a huge smile broke out on his face. I chuckled watching him slip it on though instantly regretted it when it covered up that marvellous torso.


Note to self, never buy Joel clothes.

More presents followed, but I couldn't help bite back the sadness with the look he wore throughout. Almost like he couldn't comprehend someone actually cared.

I knew his childhood was pretty much void of love since the death of his mother.

Apart from the odd trip to see his uncle, he had no other family that lived close by. His mother's parents had lost touch after the death of their daughter, and his dad's parents had since cut all ties with John, which meant they relinquished any rights to see Joel.

After that they had emigrated to Australia and had not made contact since. It made me sad, thinking of what they had missed out on by not having Joel in their lives, but I would more than make up for their absence.

I bit my lip handing over the photo, nervous at what his reaction would be. He lifted the present tentatively out of my hands. His eyes searched mine trying to gauge my now worried look.

He slid the frame free from the paper, and my breath hitched. I hoped it would have the same affect it had on me the first time I saw it.

My eyes intently watched his face as he sat staring, almost becoming mesmerised by it. His fingers delicately swept along the inscription on the frame. You, me, forever x

"It's beautiful," he whispered. His eyes remained locked on the picture of us both.

"I'm glad you like it." I gently brushed his hair back with my fingers.

He looked up into my eyes. "I more than like it... I love it, anything you give me I will cherish forever."

I pulled him close, my lips nuzzling his ear. "I love the way you look at me here, it takes my breath away."

A smile touched his lips and his thumb brushed lightly against my skin. "Iz, I look at you that way all the time, you always take my breath away."

"I do?" I asked surprised.

Joel had the capability of evaporating all air from my lungs. Even just being in the same room made me lose the ability to breathe. But knowing I did the same to him was pretty hard to comprehend. Though the genuine honesty that shone in his eyes was enough to make me believe he was telling the truth. The tears began to build, feeling overwhelmed by his words.

"You always will, and you'll take my final breath." His beautiful words were my downfall and a tear slowly trickled down my face.

He gently brushed it away with his thumb. "Hey, I didn't mean to make you cry." He pulled me close. His face looked anxious as he kissed away my tears.

"These are happy tears. I'm just so glad you're here with me." I pressed my lips hard against his needing to know he really was here.

He responded just as eagerly like we were both convincing each other our happiness was real.

"There is nowhere else I'd rather be. You, me, forever, remember?"

"I remember. I have those words imprinted on my heart." They were the words I had desperately longed to hear for so long.

"Mine too. My heart beats only for you, Iz. I was so hollow and empty before, just existing, never knowing what it felt like to be loved. You'll never know how much you saved me. Thank you for being here, guiding me back into the light. You are my angel, my saviour, and I'm never letting you go." His beautiful words brought extra tears, which he lovingly kissed away.0000

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