Lustful Hearts

Chapter 65: Birthday Surрrіѕе- P3

I rested my forehead against his. "Joel, you have me for life. You'll never be alone in the dark again, not while there's still breath left in my body."

He smiled, looking contented as my words appeased all of his fears. I gently stroked and placed tiny, soft kisses over every inch of his face.

He closed his eyes, absorbing each and every sensation of comfort my lips provided.

I nuzzled my face into his hair and his heavenly scent filled me, overpowering me, until I was almost drunk.

We sat in silence, wrapped in each other's arms; no more words were needed. We just needed a moment to absorb it all, to take it all in, to reflect on the intense and overwhelming love we both felt inside.

"Do you feel better?" I whispered, hesitant to break the perfect moment, but I needed reassurance he was okay.

"Yeah-much better, sorry for losing it a little there."

He was still reserved with his feelings. It was going to take a lot more to break down the walls he had built.

To get him to talk about his past, the torture of losing his mother so young, and the horrific childhood he endured through the actions of his dad.

"Don't ever apologise for showing any emotion. I want to know what you're thinking all the time, please don't ever lock me out." I could see the inner struggle he was fighting inside to free himself from the prison of inner turmoil he was trapped in.

He closed his eyes and a frown crossed over his face. "It's just hard at times, expressing how I feel. I've locked away my feelings for so long, I don't know if I can," he whispered, his voice barely audible. The dark cloud once again loomed over us, and I wondered if he would ever truly share all of his dark secrets with me.

I cupped his face, and he trembled beneath my touch. His eyes opened, revealing the fear deep inside. "I know, but I need for you to share everything with me, please. I can't bear for you to bottle things up, you've been alone for too long, let me be here for you."

The tortured expression told me he was burying a lot of demons. I wanted so badly for him to release them, to feel some inner peace. But I knew he would only do so when he was ready.

"I'll try."

The words were enough to give me hope, maybe one day he'd fully trust me enough to let me in. I could be there for him, to help him deal with all the suffering and abuse he had endured over the years. "Promise?" I asked, needing reassurance he would.

He nodded his head softly, but the fear was still evident in his eyes. I knew there was a long road ahead for him, but I would be beside him all the way.

I sighed, realising his birthday had taken such a serious detour. I wanted him to have the best birthday, to be happy and celebrate his special day.

Looking around my eyes rested on the final parcel, a smile touched my lips at the gift inside. It was the perfect way to detract from the seriousness and get his birthday back on track.

"Do you want your last present?" I asked smiling. I was hoping he'd see the humour that went into it.

"There's another present." His raised his eyebrows, and a smile returned to his face.

I chewed nervously on my lip, feeling slightly awkward. "Yeah... but this one is more for me." I buried my face into his hair to stifle a laugh and hide my own blushes.

He pulled me back and smiled. "Now I'm intrigued, what is it?"

I bit my lip and handed it over to him. I blushed again at the delicious thought of actually seeing him wearing them.

Jeez, I needed to calm down.

'Why are you blushing?" He stroked my inflamed cheek. My mind was lost in a minefield of dirty thoughts. I really didn't want him knowing what I was thinking, I'd never live it down.

I pulled away from his hand, not wanting to digress anymore. "I'm not-can you just open it," I said dismissively, placing the parcel into his hands. I had to try to detract from the fact my face was probably now beetroot red.

He continued to watch me closely. "You are totally blushing." He laughed taking it, this time ripping open the paper fast, more than eager to see the contents.

He immediately started laughing the moment his eyes rested on the box containing the David Beckham boxer shorts.

"Why did you get me these?" He looked slightly confused by it all, at the half naked shot of David wearing his.

I giggled at his face.

It was priceless.

"Because I knew you would look hot in them." My cheeks heated further at the thought of seeing him in just those tiny white shorts.

His eyes flicked back up to mine. "Hotter than Beckham?" he asked grinning. His eyes scrutinised my face, waiting for an answer.

I smiled, but I wanted to tease him just a little bit longer. "Well, you need to try them on first for me to compare.”

He chuckled, shaking his head, looking highly amused. He stood up, ripping off his T-shirt and slid down his current black boxers. I watched in delight when they fell to the floor, my eyes quickly snapped up, zoning in on his tight bottom.

Holy shit.

I didn't even make an attempt to look away. I sat there and leisurely watched him pull up the tight white shorts.

Wow, boy were they snug.

He turned around, and I gasped, biting my lip. My body almost melted at the sight of him.

"Well?" he asked, holding out his hands in a 'what do you think' gesture.

I literally couldn't speak, my eyes were out on stalks. I couldn't look away, they were firmly planted on his perfect package, the shorts only heightened my arousal.

I wanted to leap on him.

"Huh?" I asked lost for words. The only thing leaving my mouth was drool.

He chuckled at my face. I knew it was getting borderline embarrassing, but I really didn't care.

"Well, am I better than Beckham?" He placed his hands on his hips in a modelling pose.

Oh hell, now I wanted to jump him even more.

"Turn around," I ordered. I needed to take in the full effects of his perfection, front and back.

A disgruntled look crossed his face. "Seriously?"

I could tell he wasn't happy by my demands, but right now I didn't care. I needed to take my time and enjoy every single inch of him.

Front and back.

"Well, if you want me to judge then I've got to see the whole package." I motioned with my hand, signalling for him to turn around. He narrowed his eyes, almost grimacing when he started to do so.

I bit my lip as my eyes greedily feasted over his hard, ripped body. The tight white shorts looked perfect from all angles, clinging to him in all the right places.

"Well..." he asked, looking a little unsure.

I pulled a face pretending to scrutinise him, to tease him even more, but I already had my answer. "You look way hotter."


His look of doubt made me smile.

"Oh god, yeah," I breathed, walking over to him, my hands were itching to touch him. I glided my fingers down his chest stopping to rest on his perfect package. "I particularly like the snug fit in the groin area."

I began stroking him from the outside as he let out a soft moan of approval. He pushed his hips further into my hand, trembling at my touch.

I slowly slid my hand underneath the material, coming to rest on his throbbing erection. "You never fail to disappoint.” I kissed his chest, and my fingers wrapped around him, squeezing him lightly, hearing his breath hitch.

"Well, you said you like me hard, so I've got to keep my girl happy." His chest lightly heaved with the applied pressure. I squeezed him again, and his eyes locked on mine, waiting for the pleasure he so desperately needed.

"Believe me, I'm more than happy."

He grinned at my look of satisfaction. He knew what he did to me, he could undo me without even touching me. I smiled when he pulled me close, capturing my mouth with his.

I started stroking him, hearing his breath become more erratic when I took the kiss deeper as my hand began to work him faster.

His hand grabbed mine, stopping me mid-stroke. He moved away panting, his forehead resting against mine. "You said since today is my birthday I can do whatever I want . . . well, this is what I want to do."

I squealed when he grabbed me, pressing me up tight against him. My legs wrapped around his waist, and my hands grabbed his hair. Our mouths instantly locked together as he slowly walked me over to the bed.

I groaned when he lowered me down, not wanting to lose the connection.

"Oh god, Joel . . ." I moaned the moment he slid deep inside.

He chuckled in my ear, beginning his delicious steady rhythm. "I know, baby, best birthday ever."00

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