Lustful Hearts

Chapter 63: Birthday Surрrіѕе- P1

I smiled the moment my alarm began beeping, reminding me it was the start of a very important day.

I kissed Joel's chest, pushing myself away from his warm, tight embrace to switch off the phone. It was midnight and officially Joel's birthday.

"Happy birthday, Joel," I said smiling, reaching up to stroke his face, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

He smiled back sighing in contentment. "Thanks, Iz, it's already the best birthday having you here." His smile grew even wider when I kissed him once again.

This time I took it further, feeling his need for more. His face soon dropped in disappointment the moment I moved away.

I chuckled, running my finger along his frown line. "Time for your first present of the day." I sat up, whipping off my top, much to Joel's delight, and tossed it down onto the floor.

He grabbed me, pulling me down flat against the mattress, his hand quickly dispensed of my pyjama bottoms.

Joel's eyes hungrily took in the sight of my naked body, drawing him towards me. His mouth quickly captured mine as our bodies wrapped around each other.

"This is all I need, you, me, forever." He brushed his nose lightly against mine, staring deep into my eyes.

I knew I would always feel the same. He had become my world so quickly and living with him had only strengthened my love for him further. My heart would only ever beat for him alone. "Sounds like a plan," I replied grinning, my fingers curled around his hair, holding him in place so I could kiss him.

"A very good plan." He grinned, leaning in slipping his tongue inside. I groaned when mine willingly welcomed his into my mouth, the light flick of his tongue sent shivers down my spine.

I pulled away from him slightly. "Does it involve never leaving this bed?"

I never wanted to leave this bed ever.

Despite the fact hygiene and cooking would be a problem, as long as I was clamped next to his naked body, I would always be one happy girl.

"It can involve anything we want." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively as a small smile tugged on my lips.

I sucked in my bottom lip, chewing on it, deep in thought. "Ooh, so could I incorporate Maltesers into this plan?"

He threw his head back laughing. He knew those honeycomb chocolate balls of deliciousness were my one weakness. "Depends, are you willing to share?" He narrowed his eyes and his lips twitched, waiting for a reply.

"Hmmm, can I think about it?" I asked. I didn't just share my Maltesers willingly with anyone, but for Joel I suppose I could make the exception.

His eyes widened in surprise at my lack of generosity. "Oh right, that's it now... you greedy girl."

I squealed when his fingers grabbed my ribs. My legs and arms thrashed around on the bed as he carried on his relentless torture.

I hated how he resorted to this form of torment to punish me for my teasing, but his look of delight told me he was enjoying every single moment.

I panted hard to draw breath back through my lungs. "Okay... okay, you win, I will even feed them to you myself."

He pulled away smiling, and I breathed a sigh of relief when his fingers slipped away from my side. "I like the sound of you being my slave."

I liked the sound of it myself.

I would gladly be at his beck and call for all things bedroom related, but I needed to make some conditions of my own before I verbally agreed to anything.

"Only on one condition." I watched him bite back the grin about to spread across his face.

"Which is?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

My eyes flicked up and down the length of him. "As long as you let me have free reign of this gorgeous body." I rolled him over onto his back, dropping down to press my lips against his abs.

I ran my tongue teasingly along the grooves of each muscle. His body shivered underneath me, enjoying every moment of my teasing.

"Ahh, so you're only with me for my body?" he asked. I smiled, hearing the amusement in his voice. He was enjoying every single moment of my teasing.

I looked up and rested my chin on his firm stomach, and my eyes locked with his. "Of course," I said with the most deadpan expression I could muster. My hand slid along his glorious torso, my fingers trailing along every perfect muscle.

"So what happens if I develop a pot belly, you know after eating all these Maltesers?"

I instantly hitched myself up onto my elbows. "Well, I'd have to leave you."

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh yeah... just like that?"

I teased him further and slowly crawled up his body, kissing every inch of hard muscle only stopping when his face was barely inches away from mine.

"Well yeah. You see, I prefer my men hard."

He lightly gasped when my hand slowly glided down his warm, firm body. My fingers reached inside his shorts instantly wrapping around his ever-present erection. He blew out a soft whistle between his teeth in surprise.

I waited a few moments for him to settle before my hand began working his length. He let out a few mumbled expletives as his eyes rolled back, his head pushing deeper into the pillow.

I eased up almost to a standstill. He popped open an eye with curiosity, catching me smile with great delight at the power I wielded over him.

"I see... so you're basically saying I need to be hard at all times. Anything else do I have to do to fulfil your requirements?" he asked, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

I bit my lip, pacing myself to make my next move. "Well, I do like a man who has balls." I smile wickedly when I grabbed his tight, the air left his lungs as he arched his back into the mattress. "Fuuuuuck."

I laughed at the look on his face.

Oh yeah, I was in control.

I brushed my lips against his ear. "Are you ready for your birthday surprise?" I watched as his eyes filled with lust, feeling him twitch in my hand.

A huge smile crossed his face when I kissed my way back down his body. "Well, that's the best way to start any birthday," he replied, lying back down welcoming his first present of the day.

I woke early the next morning and smiled over at Joel. The sunlight streaming through the curtains was gently caressing his face. He lay looking so peaceful, almost angelic. Though the flashbacks from the night before told me something different.

I sighed, taking in every single detail of his beautiful, serene face before resting on those perfect lips that were my complete and utter downfall. My fingers twitched itching to touch him, but my need to spoil him was far greater than my desire to wake him.

I wanted to make him feel special, to more than make up for every past birthday.

After scooping up the scrambled eggs from the pan, I lifted the bacon from the grill and buttered the toast. I placed the coffee and orange juice onto the tray, adding two jelly pots.

Those were his absolute favorite, I made sure supplies never dwindled to keep him happy.

I was pretty sure we were labelled the jelly freaks couple in our local supermarket with the copious amounts we bought on each shopping trip, but it was a tag I'd happily wear if it kept Joel happy.

I crept back in and he was still lying in the same position, but he was beginning to stir. He grinned in delight the moment I began softly singing happy birthday, walking over with his birthday breakfast.

He sat up and his hands rubbed over his gorgeous sleepy face. His hair was all mussed up and out of control, but he still looked gorgeous as usual. "Is that for me?" he asked yawning, his eyes fixated on the tray.

"Of course, nothing but the best for the birthday boy." I set the tray down and kissed him gently on the lips.

He smiled, pulling me in closer, intentionally making the kiss last longer. He frowned when I leaned back, but his pout only turned me on even more.

I soothingly stroked his face. "The eggs will get cold," I said reassuringly. I knew food would be enough to placate him. He chuckled grabbing the plate, beginning to eagerly tuck in.

I sipped on my coffee watching in awe as he demolished the breakfast within minutes. He was the equivalent of a human vacuum; he literally inhaled his food.

I doubt it even touched the sides, but his groans of delight told me he appreciated every bite.000000☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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