Lustful Hearts

Chapter 117: Spa Day - P2

"How did you know?" I asked, my eyes were now scanning the room for any hidden cameras.

"Because I know every face you pull without looking." He chuckled, and I blushed at his words, he did know me so well.

"Am I that predictable?"

He sighed softly down the line. "I love that I know all those little details."

"Too well," I replied, blushing even more.

"I'll know you even better when you get that sexy little bum of yours home."

Oh my.

"Why, do you have something planned?"

I couldn't wait.

"Trust me, I'll be more than staking my claim the moment you walk through the door," he breathed, and I felt a rush of goose bumps over every part of my body. "Looking forward to it, and Joel . . ." I whispered seductively.

"Yes, Iz?"

"Try to cover Ruby's ears during the swearing part, don't be yippy ky yaying in front of her," I warned.

He groaned at my change in conversation. "Yes, dear," he replied playfully, and I scowled at his tone, he wasn't taking this seriously.

"Joel, I mean it."

"Iz, just hurry home to me, okay?" There was an urgency to his voice that he more than missed me too.

"Oh my god, I want the purple sparkly one, Izzy. We have to get our feet done the same, so we're toe twins."

I almost jumped with fright at Elijah's voice, now overly high in excitement.

Joel chuckled extra loudly down the line, rubbing it in even more. "Oh my god, that sounds like pure torture, I'm glad I'm here with Bruce." "Yeah, you enjoy your afternoon, we still have manicures and facials left."

Somebody save me from all this torture.

"Stay strong, baby, I'll make you relax the moment you get home." He soothed and I smiled. He would certainly do just that.

"Will you do that thing with your tongue?" I asked, blushing slightly.

"You like that, huh?"

"More than like," I breathed, overwhelmed by my steamy thoughts right now.

"Then yes of course, any more requests before I get back to Bruce?"

I sighed at the thought of him ending the call. "Just give Ruby a kiss and tell her I'll be home soon."

"I will, baby, but I'll have to wait till Bruce leaves the screen, wouldn't want to interrupt her mid crush."

I shook my head in amusement, but I was soon thrown by a screeching noise in the background.

"Izzy, Izzy, come over here, they have every colour under the sun."

I huffed loudly down the phone. "Think that's my cue to leave."

"Just remember what's waiting for you when you return home."

"It's the only thing pushing me through." I groaned. It really was.

"I love you, baby." His voice sent a shiver through me, and I just wanted to be home already, but I knew I wouldn't be let off that easily with Elijah. "I love you more."

"Not possible, bye, beautiful," he said, and I smiled at his words. I sighed when he hung up. His voice was the only thing keeping me sane.

I looked over to be faced with Elijah's over enthusiastic face staring at me as I walked over to choose a colour.


We went with the purple for our toes and then chose a French polish for our nails. Elijah scrutinised his from all angles to make sure they were perfect, he finally smiled giving his approval.

We moved on to our next treatment as they began our facials, it felt so relaxing. After finishing we laid there with cucumbers placed over our eyes to which they left us in peace to unwind and relax in silence. It was complete bliss.

Well, until Elijah opened his mouth.

I suppose he didn't get the memo that this was supposed to be a relaxing time.

"Hey, Iz."

I would have totally rolled my eyes if I hadn't had cucumbers placed on them.

"What, Elijah?" I was supposed to be relaxing here, note to self the word relaxing and Elijah did not go together.

"If you had to, who would you kiss, marry or throw off a cliff?"

I sighed, it was far easier just to play along. "What are my options?"

"Ryan, Channing and Jake."

Wow, tough one.

"Seriously?" I asked.

I wanted all three.

"Yes, you have to choose," he chuckled.

"I hate this game." I groaned. "It's too hard making those kind of decisions."

"That's the whole point."

"Can I marry both, kiss the other and kill none of them?" I asked, feeling hopeful, but I knew his reply before the words even left my mouth.

"No, you have to abide by the rules, so hurry up and decide."

"Jeez, okay a girl can't rush these things. Err, well Ryan is my number one of course."

"Well naturally," Elijah replied, and I smiled at his response.

"So I'd marry Ryan because well, he's Ryan Gosling and who would pass that up?"

"Well no one with a pulse." Elijah chuckled.

"So I'd marry Ryan, kiss Channing and make it extra long so I'd get my money's worth." I was hoping there would be no boundaries on how long the kiss could be. "Oh, good one."

"And then I guess I'm killing Jake." I felt bad, but those were the rules.

Elijah sighed, probably at the thought of his death. "Poor Jake, but who would marry him with that surname? I can't even spell it."

"Me either... G-Y-L... oh I give up." The whole thing was making my head hurt. "How about you?"

"I'd do the exact same, this is why we're soul mates, Iz. We have this strong connection. We love the same things, it's destiny we would be friends."

Well, maybe not Lady Gaga.

"Oh Iz, I've loved our day together, we need to come here and relax more," he said sighing, and I prickled at his words.

Relax? I was more stressed than ever.

"Hmmmm," was all I could manage to get out, I didn't trust myself to say anymore.

He must have taken that as a sign of sadness. "Aww, don't worry, Iz, there will be many more times I promise."

Kill me now.

I was thankful when I was rescued by the lady who removed our facials, some of the cucumber had gotten into my eye, probably when my eyes sprang open at the many more visits part.

Elijah took that to be me being emotional, I didn't bother correcting him, I didn't have the energy.

I returned home thirty minutes later, feeling more bedraggled than when I went. Joel and Ruby were flat out on the sofa with Rocky playing in the background. I quickly switched it off and joined them both. Joel stirred when I snuggled up against him. "Hey, you're home finally, are you okay? Have you been crying? Your eyes are all red."

"Well, let's see... sex noises, cucumber eye burn, Lady Gaga over and over and not one single moment of peace and quiet."

"I thought that these spa days were meant to be relaxing?" Joel asked frowning.

"They are until you add Elijah." I swear he was like a Duracell bunny, never ending in the energy department.

"Awww, is there anything I can do for you?" Joel soothed, snuggling me in tighter.

"Just hold me and stay quiet, I need some time to just relax before I combust."

"That I can do, baby. We'll have peace and quiet now, and then I'll make you scream later.

Perfect. I'd finally found my moment of bliss for the first time today.00000000000

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