Lustful Hearts

Chapter 116: Spa Day - P1

"Iz don't you dare change that!" Elijah warned.

I flopped back into my seat, it had been thirty minutes of Lady Gaga, and I'd had enough. I needed some decent music before I totally lost it.

That was the perfect thing about Joel and why he made such a great travelling partner, we had the same tastes, and of course, he was amazing to look at.

Elijah scowled at me so I turned and stared out the window. If I had to hear Bad Romance one more time I would be leaping out it.

A short while later we pulled up outside the spa, it was a good job as I was ready for a day of de-stressing. I was grateful to my dad for paying for a whole day of pampering, I really needed it right now. "Ooh very stylish," Elijah remarked. He was right, it all looked very modern, in neutral tones and very minimalistic.

The soothing aromas of a combination of different oils filled the air. I was already beginning to unwind, and we'd barely walked through the door.

We were shown straight into the changing rooms, and I quickly discarded my clothes. I put on a bikini and then pulled the soft towelling robe around me, it felt so snugly and warm.

After locking my things away, I headed off in search of Elijah.

He appeared moments later, flirting with a fit guy.

How did he do it? We'd barely been here minutes.

He smiled when he noticed me waiting and said a quick goodbye before strolling over.

"He seems..."

"Hot, I know, he's going to be my masseuse later." He grinned in a wicked way that slightly unnerved me.

"Is he?"

His eyes flashed to mine. "No, he's married, but doesn't mean I can't enjoy his fingers working their way through my tense body."

I rolled my eyes at his attempt to add some innuendo at any available opportunity. "Please try to keep other things from, err, tensing up," I remarked dryly.

He smirked at my words. "I'll try, but I'm only human. I need to get a picture later to show Sam."

Oh dear god.

"Do not mention the fantasy threesome," I warned. It was one conversation I would happily avoid, and he knew it.

"What? We took Joel out, what more do you want? Speaking of Joel, did I mention that I had another dream?"

Kill me now.

I scowled at his overly eager face. “Elijah, I'm warning you."

"Not even a little curious," he retorted, sticking his tongue out.

He had to be kidding?


"Well, if I had to give him a score it would be a ten maybe even an eleven."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "For the love of god, quit while you're ahead." He really did like to push me till I was teetering on the edge. "Talking about head... Joel is the best."

And now I was completely over it.

I stormed off towards the massage room before I was no longer responsible for my actions and wrapped my fingers around his pretty neck.

"Izzy, come back, was it something I said?"

I didn't bother with a reply, the glare I shot him was enough.

"Oh sweet mother of Mary that is good, oh god, yes, right there."

I tensed up at his words only imaging them to be something similar for a totally different act. I really didn't need that in my head.

"Izzy, can you try to not tense your shoulders?" Max the masseuse asked. It was easier said than done with Elijah almost having an orgasm beside me. It was his genius idea to have a double massage together.

I'd tried to go it alone, but he insisted it would be fun together. What he failed to tell me was that he made lots of sex noises from the moment his skin was touched.

"Oh god, Tom, just there. Oh, you have the most magic fingers." He groaned, as my toes curled in disgust, I cringed with each moan.

"How about that, is that deep enough?” Tom asked.

Oh, dear god.

I screwed my eyes tighter, if only I could block my ears.

"Harder Tom, I need you to really push yourself in deep." Elijah groaned.

Sweet Jesus I was blushing.

"Oh god, Tom, I am taking you home with me and never letting you go."

"I think my wife might have something to say about that, Elijah." Tom chuckled, but I didn't think that would be enough to get him off the hook.

"I swear, Tom, if I can't kidnap you, then I might have to make several return visits. What do you say, Iz?"

Not a chance in hell.

I blatantly ignored him, but he didn't seem to notice. I wouldn't be heard over the sex noises anyway.

"Oh yeah, Tom, that's amazing. Left a bit, just a little more, oh yeah, just there, oh god, oh god yeah."

Oh god, I wanted to cry, or cut off my ears so I never had to hear these noises ever again. I flinched slightly when a warm breath tickled against my ear. "I'm so glad you're not as vocal," Max whispered, and I giggled at his words.

"Don't worry I won't be making any sex noises," I said reassuringly, the embarrassment would kill me.

"Good, I don't think I could handle it." He flashed me a smile and a cheeky wink, and I instantly blushed.

Now I really needed to get out of here.

I tried not to stiffen my body to give away my shocked response. I screwed my eyes shut, imaging it as Joel's soft hands massaging my skin.

I avoided Max's eyes for the rest of the session and also looking south, I did not want any confirmation.

After the massage, we headed to the healthy drinks bar where we were persuaded into sampling a wheatgrass shot, by an overly smiling lady called Penelope. The only way to describe it was like something had died on my tongue.

We cringed, baulked and eventually gulped them down. Elijah's face was a picture, though you would think he'd be a natural when it came to swallowing down funky liquids.

After a very healthy lunch, we hit the manicure

edicure bar and enjoyed just relaxing with our feet soaking amongst the bubbles. Elijah had everyone laughing with his many stories. I gave Joel a quick call to check on Ruby. He answered on the third ring. "Hey Iz, you enjoying your pampering session?" His voice just gave me shivers every damn time.

"Mmmm, it's been good, well apart from the sex noises," I whispered, groaning at the flashback that was now going through my head.

"Let me guess... Elijah?" He chuckled, and I groaned again in response.

My eyes flicked over to Elijah, but he was too busy entertaining the crowd to even hear me bitch about him.

"Yeah, I may be scarred for life. I don't know whether it was for the poor guy's benefit, I think he's determined to try and change every straight guy. This guy was married, but he was still giving it a go. Just like he's determined to change you." I sniggered at the last part, though I was pretty sure Joel's face at the other end would be a right picture.

"That guy is relentless, do I give off some kind of vibe?" Joel asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

Sexy hot vibe.

I smiled to myself. "No, you're just a fine piece of ass he wants to tap."

"Oh don't." He groaned in horror, he was always mortified whenever the subject was brought up.

"It's okay, baby, I remind him often enough just who you truly belong to."

Mine. All mine.

"Damn straight, I'm yours baby, now just rewind a moment and tell me was it a man who gave you a massage too?"

Oh god.

"Errr." Should I lie to keep the peace?

"Izzy..." he asked again, growing impatient for a reply.

"I wasn't remotely into him at all. Sorry, baby, but all the ladies were booked, and Elijah wanted us to do a couple's massage."

"Oh, it gets worse," he grumbled.

I could just imagine his face.

"Well yeah, when you add in the sex noises, far worse." I cringed again at the sheer thought of it.

"Did he massage you all over?" His tone changed slightly, now having more of an edge to it. I knew he wouldn't be happy by my response.

"Joel, it was a massage." I failed to mention the cheeky wink and flirting, it would send him over the edge.

"I just don't like anyone putting their hands on you in that intimate way."

"Baby, I thought of you the whole time."

I truly did.

"Really?" he asked, and his voice immediately brightened at my words.

"Yes, it was the only way I could relax, imagining your hands on me."

"So was I good?" he asked cheekily, and I smiled at the fact I'd won him over. He shouldn't be sulking over something so trivial.

"I think I might need more reminding when I come home," I breathed, knowing for a fact that would be a certainty.

"Well, that can definitely be arranged."

I felt myself flush at his suggestive tone, and I knew I had to diffuse the conversation before I actually combusted in the chair.

"How's Ruby?"

"Well, we went to the park and had a good run around, then we picked up some snacks on the way home, and now we're watching Die Hard.”

I scowled at his choice of film. "Joel, that isn't suitable for a puppy, all the gunfire will scare her."

He chuckled at my overreaction. "She's loving it, I think she might be crushing on Bruce, her eyes never leave the screen whenever he comes on."

"Elijah won't be happy," I scoffed, imagining his reaction would be the complete opposite.

"Shush, don't you be telling him. I can't have her crushing on Ryan Gosling, one girl in this house is too much. I've got to have one person to watch all my action films with, you have Elijah for your chick flicks,

so I need Rubes to be in my corner. We're going to watch Rocky next. I think she'll love Sylvester."

I groaned just hearing the films he had lined up. "Please don't turn my sweet dog into a bad ass."

"Don't pout, baby."

What the hell?

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