Lustful Hearts

Chapter 115: Shорріng Trір

I rolled my eyes for what felt like the millionth time that day. We had been in the pet accessories store for an hour, yet Elijah was still stood debating on what shade of pink he wanted Ruby's collar to be. I was just happy Joel wasn't here, he'd have had a meltdown by now. Shopping really wasn't his thing or mine either, but I had come to the conclusion it was far easier to just go with it than to protest. "I don't know, Iz, what do you think, the dark or lighter pink?"

I really didn't care.

"The dark pink."

Just pick one for the love of God.

"No, I think the lighter one."

Then why ask?

"Right now we have the collar and lead..."

"We can go?" I asked hopefully.

"Good one, Iz, but we still need a lot more."

Oh, give me strength.

"Oh my god, I've just died and gone to heaven." Elijah squealed, taking off into a completely different direction. I stood mystified by what had caught his eye until he picked up the offending article.

I grimaced at the sight of it, quickly changing to a smile when he looked my way, holding it aloft. It was indeed the tiara that Joel and I had sat laughing about. I guess he was about to actually buy and make it a reality.

Poor Ruby, rather her than me.

"Oh my god, Princess Ruby is going to look so cute in this." He grinned, and I could already see the pictures plastered all over Facebook.

Joel was not going to like this, but once Elijah got something into his head, he pretty much ran with it. There would be no changing of minds, we just had to grit our teeth and bear it.

"Check it out, Iz." He balanced the dainty tiara on his head as I performed my best surprised and happy face.

"Oh wow," was all I managed to get out, anymore and the sarcasm would take over, and I didn't want that ruining the moment.

Elijah grabbed a few more accessories, each one pink. I was glad we had another shopping trip planned, one that didn't include pink or diamante.

Joel was going to be horrified when I reported back, I would maybe need to bend the truth slightly.

"I think that's about it. Let's get to the checkout. I have a double chocolate mocha with extra sprinkles with my name on it."

He didn't have to ask me twice, I was in need of a sugar hit after the long morning we'd had. Elijah passed the accessories to an overly enthusiastic checkout girl.

"Oh so cute, what kind of dog do you have?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but Elijah got in ahead of me. "She's a golden Labrador puppy called Princess Ruby." He grinned, while I bit my tongue against the long list of expletives I was about to unleash.

"Oh how old is she?"

"Eight weeks. Oh here's a picture of her, if you want to see?"

"Of course," she chimed.

What the hell?

I stood there looking like chopped liver while he scrolled through endless photos of my dog, never once referring to Ruby as mine. The last one was of Elijah, Sam and Ruby.

"Oh you make such a sweet couple with your little princess," she crooned.

"Yeah, we think so too."

The cheek!

"Elijah," I warned

He turned to face me. "Oh sorry, Iz, forgot you were still here."


The girl quickly packed away all the accessories in the large bag that screamed dog accessories.

I could feel my mood dropping at the fact Elijah had just claimed Ruby as his own. I was about to confront him when a picture message came through.

Clicking it open my screen filled with the beautiful sight of Ruby snuggled in with Joel.

Joel: Miss you x

I instantly smiled seeing my two favourite people, my anger quickly subsided as I texted back.

Me: Thank you, I really needed that.

Joel: I thought you would come home soon we miss you.

Me: We're stopping off at Starbucks first and then I'll be home. Thanks for helping to soothe my rage, I was just about to strangle Elijah with Ruby's lead.

Joel: Wow, that bad huh? No wait it is Elijah we're talking about, so I can't say I'm shocked ;)

Me: Yep, I'll tell you all about it when I get home.

Joel: Looking forward to that, maybe I need to find ways to make you unwind?

Me: Ooh what do you have in mind?

Joel: I can't divulge my secrets here, I'll show you later ;)

Me: Wow, I've now went from angry to frustrated grrr.

Joel: Oh I'll be sure to help you with that later.

Me: Not helping!!!

Joel: Oh baby I'm going to rock your world later ;)

Me: Can't wait :D

Joel: Hurry home to me.

Me: I'll make sure I do. Now leave me alone before I completely combust!!

Joel: Haha, I love how I work you up so bad, have you gone all red?

Me: Like a tomato :/

Joel: That's my girl, I love your sexy blush, it turns me on so bad.

Me: Stop it now!!!

Joel: Okay baby, but just know you're mine later.

Me: Looking forward to it ;)

Joel: Bye baby.

Me: Bye.

"Who's got you all flustered? Ahh, let me guess, Joel."

I flushed even more.


"Has he been sexting you?"

Oh god!

"He has, let me see." He moved to grab my phone, but I quickly shoved it down into my jean pocket.

"Err, no chance."

"You know, Iz, I'm not afraid to go there, especially if there's a cock shot involved."


"He didn't send me a cock shot, alright." Jeez, his obsession with seeing Joel's cock was slightly worrying.

"Ahh, see I bet it's burnt into your brain, you won't need a picture, but getting one for your best friend would be amazing, call it an early Christmas present.

He grinned, raising his eyebrows, looking hopeful. Did he really think I was going to do that? He had more chance of flying to the moon.

"Yeah not happening... Ever." I put the emphasis on the last word just to make my point. I didn't want him under any impression that there would ever be a chance.

"I'll find a way." He smirked, shooting me an 'I always get my way look,' but this time that was not even a possibility.

"Dream on," I snapped back at him.

"Oh I do, great dreams involving Joel and Sam," he retorted.

"I don't want to know, thank you."

"Not even a tiny bit curious?" he teased.

I snorted at his question. "Nope, I never want to hear another word on the matter."

"Well then you're missing out on some great sex dreams."

"La la la, not listening. I get to enjoy the real thing." I stuck out my tongue, knowing that would shut him up.

Ha! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

"Lucky bitch," he muttered, grabbing my arm and yanking me away. "Come on, I need a sugar hit, and maybe we'll find some eye candy while we're there."

I pursed my lips in a non-amused way, watching him roll his eyes at my face.

"Jeez Izzy, it's okay to window shop, it's not like I'm sampling the goods." He winked, half dragging me down the street.

"And maybe we'll find some more eligible guys for our fantasy threesome."

Honestly this guy never missed a beat.


I returned home to find Joel flat out on the sofa with Ruby wrapped in his arms. I smiled, quickly taking out my phone, snapping a few pictures to make into the cutest screensaver. After hanging up my jacket, I joined them both, snuggling in close, hearing Joel slowly begin to stir.

"Hey," he croaked in his sleepy voice.

My lips brushed against his cheek. "Hey you."

His arm encircled me, drawing me in tighter as I nuzzled into his chest. I was more than happy to be home. "We missed you."

Ruby quickly peeped open an eye, her tail wagged for a few moments before she quickly fell back to sleep.

"Yeah I missed you both too, what a day."

"Dare I ask?"

"Let's just say my day has been filled with too much pink, diamante and talk of your cock."


"Yep, your cock," I confirmed.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "That guy is obsessed."

"Trust me, he'd be even more obsessed if he saw it." I could feel my heart beat quicken at the thought, feeling the jealousy begin to stir inside me.

Joel's eyes widened in alarm. "Trust me, he isn't ever going to see it."

I smiled at Joel's words, and the wave of jealousy slowly subsided. "I've told him it's for my eyes only."

"Oh I love when you get all territorial on me, baby." He grinned, gently kissing me on the nose.

I frowned in frustration. "Well you're mine, and can you blame me?"

"I'm all yours," he soothed, sensing the annoyance in my tone.

"Not like that's going to stop him. I've got to give it to Elijah, he's persistent.”

"Yeah, persistently annoying." Joel snorted.

I laughed and then became consumed by guilt. "Now I feel bad."

"Do you want me to make you feel better?" he asked teasingly.

I didn't have the energy. "Not right now, but you can make up for it later."

"That I will."

"For now this is all I need." I snuggled into them both deeper. Ruby let out a small contented sigh as Joel's lips brushed up against my hair. Yeah, right here was where I needed to be.0000

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