Lustful Hearts

Chapter 114: Puрру Lоvе

"Hey, there you both are. I wondered where you'd gone?" Joel remarked, walking through, his face was all crinkled as he rubbed his eyes. I gazed up at him sleepily from the sofa I was curled up on with Ruby fast asleep in my arms.

I'd woken up just after four to hear her scratching against her basket, pining for her mother. Within seconds of contact, she'd curled up tight in my arms, lulled to sleep by the sound of my heartbeat.

I was now sat feeling zombiefied from lack of sleep, watching re-runs of Friends. I pulled back the cover so Joel could join us.

He bent down softly placing a kiss on Ruby's head. She opened her eyes for a brief moment before snuggling back down within seconds. Joel's lips brushed against my hair

"How long have you been awake?" he asked, looking concerned before yawning only making me do so in turn.

"An hour or so." It was all I managed to get out, I was barely functioning. I shifted over slightly so he could climb onto the sofa as I nestled into his chest.

He pulled me in tighter, his arms around me. He gave out a contented sigh, and Ruby followed suit before we all fell into a blissful sleep.


I awoke several hours later alone on the sofa, my hands instinctively reached out for Ruby to find her gone. I sat up in complete panic, but hearing Joel's voice filtering through told me they hadn't gone far. Walking to the back door that was stood open, I smiled at the sight of Joel sat in the middle of the grass while Ruby ran around softly yapping and chasing butterflies.

He was sat in just a pair of jeans, naked from the waist up, showing off his amazing collection of tattoos, inked with the finest intricate designs. I could have stood and stared all day, but I needed to be closer, much closer.

Dressed in only a T-shirt I moved forward, my fingers itching to touch him, to feel him. They quickly weaved through his hair, and he instinctively looked backwards, scrunching his eyes against the sun. "Hey baby, hope we didn't wake you?"

I bent over giving him an upside down morning kiss. "No, you didn't. I just needed to know where my two favourite people were hiding." Joel's hands quickly manoeuvred me around until I was eventually sat on his knee.

"That's better, now I have better access to these lips." He gave me the kind of smile that always left me melting like butter before his sweet lips brushed up against mine.

Within seconds we were lost in the kiss, my fingers teasing and winding around the strands of his hair. He moaned, pulling me in tighter until we became aware of an intruder trying to join in the fun.

I giggled, moving away to watch Ruby try to attempt to climb up. Joel chuckled, lifting her up where he received a thank you lick in return.

"Now I have my two favourite girls." He smiled, and Ruby barked her approval flopping down onto my chest, obviously exhausted from all of the butterfly chasing. "Oh she's worn out, but happy to see her mama."

I smiled at Joel's choice of name, I guess I was. She was my little baby girl. She snuggled into me, and I knew she'd already worked her way deep into my heart.

"Thank you," I whispered, my fingers stroking along the curve of her back as she sighed contentedly.

"It's my pleasure, just seeing your face light up was all the thanks I needed, last night was just an added bonus."

Ahh, last night.

No wonder my throat felt tight. I was almost hoarse. "Yep, thank you for that too." I was certainly one lucky girl.

His fingers stroked along the length of my leg, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake. My body felt ready for him again.


"No thanks needed, you more than told me loud enough your feelings on the matter." His eyes sparkled with a level of mischief that I instantly wondered what else he had in store. "Hmmm, I was pretty vocal." I cringed slightly, hoping no one had heard my cries of delight. "But then I blame your mouth and all the delicious things you do to me."

Joel's face broke out into a humongous smile. I was pretty sure I was inflating his ego by the minute. "Ahh well, I am a man of many talents."

I rolled my eyes, he was full of it. But I had to admit he was very gifted in that department.

"I know and what great talents you have."

"Well, I don't like to brag . . ."

Pffttt, who was he kidding?

"That's one thing I love about you, Joel, your modesty."

"And my mouth." He cheekily winked.

"Well that too," I admitted, slightly blushing.

"You ready for more action? You think you can handle it?"

Was this guy a machine? "Yeah, not right now, I'm far too exhausted for those kind of activities."

I patted his face in a playful way, Joel's phone began ringing, breaking our playful moment. He dug it out of his pocket to answer, then frowned looking at the screen. "Why is Elijah ringing me?" I shrugged as he answered. I was none the wiser.

"Hello," Joel answered, looking slightly confused. He soon rolled his eyes, passing the phone to me. "He wants you."

"Hey, Elijah."

"Hey Sweetie, I was wondering if you'd like to go shopping later for Ruby's pet stuff? To get a collar, a lead you know that sort of thing. I've been having a look online, and they have some great sparkly ones. I might see if they have any tiaras too."

Oh dear god.

I shivered just thinking about it. "Errrr, I suppose we could shop for Ruby some dog accessories."

Joel's eyes immediately widened, and he started mouthing words to me as Elijah continued with the conversation.

"Pick you up at one o'clock, sweetie, we can shop and then stop off at that fab cupcake place on the way back."

Oh, he knew my weakness.


Especially cupcakes.

"Sounds good." I avoided Joel's glare that was burning into me.

"I know you well, sweetie, laters." He hung up before I had chance to reply.

I turned to see a pissed looking Joel. Yeah, this was not good. "Hey, what's wrong?" I stroked his face, but he pulled away looking slightly hurt.

"I thought we'd do all that together." His eyes dropped down, and I could tell he was feeling left out.

"We will."

His eyes snapped up to mine. "You've just arranged it all with Elijah."

"Do you really think I'm going to walk Ruby with a pink, diamante encrusted lead?"

Joel snorted, instantly smiling. "Yeah, I take your point."

"This shopping trip is for Elijah, not me. We'll go together, I'm thinking red accessories to match her name."

He smiled in approval. "Sounds good, I wouldn't be seen dead walking with a pink sparkly lead."

"Really? I think it would go well with your outfit," I teased. Before I had time to finish laughing, Joel grabbed my ribs tickling me hard. I jolted in surprise, instantly wakening Ruby.

"Oh sorry, baby," I soothed, kissing her lightly on the head. She yawned staring at us both in wonder.

"Yeah sorry, Rubes," Joel said, lightly scratching her head. "So is there anything else you're shopping for?"

My eyes flicked back up to Joel's, within moments they would be filled with amusement. "Well he's thinking about buying a tiara." I cringed waiting for his response.

His eyes widened, but Ruby yapped totally throwing us off. I was guessing by her response even she was not too thrilled at the prospect of wearing one either. We both looked at her smiling. "Yep, my thoughts exactly, Rube."

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