Lustful Hearts

Chapter 113: Intrudеr - P2

"Then try me, tell me."

"Ryan has a side to him he keeps hidden, I saw glimpses of it. It's probably down to me he's even more closed off. He needs someone stable in his life, Brianne will not provide that." She was the complete opposite.

He really needed to give her a wide berth for his own sanity.

"You are slightly biased in the fact you don't like her."

My eyes flashed to his. "She's the one who doesn't like me." I had tried on many occasions to be civil, but I always got the same reaction.

It had gotten to the point where I could no longer bite my tongue, so now I was giving just as good as I got.

"It's only because she's slightly jealous of what we have." He rubbed his face, and his agitation was clear to see. I could tell it was hard on him being torn between the two of us.

But jealous?

Hmm, that was putting it mildly.

I snorted at his words. "Err slightly, try a lot."

Elijah's face dropped, turning to face me again. "Growing up she was my best friend, we used to share everything but then she moved away. I guess now that she's back, she isn't so happy to see me close to someone else."

"Elijah, she hates me, even you have to agree with that." He surely wasn't that blind to notice all the constant barrage of catty remarks that were regularly thrown my way.

"She does not." He shook his head and chuckled at my words.

What the hell was so funny?

"Hello, you were there that night."

What a cheek.

He saw it in front of his own eyes, yet he still defended her actions.

"She was putting on a floor show. I agree she is a little catty. I need to try to have a word so it won't happen again."

"You need to put her on a leash," I retorted. She was like a pit bull when she got going, no one could stop her.

"Izzy, she is my cousin, I'll try and rein her in. I can't promise on the whole Joel thing though, as you know I have a slight obsession of my own going on there." He smiled at my face as I rolled my eyes. "Slight? That's an exaggeration."

He smiled even harder. "Trust me, that's me toning it down."

"Jeez, what's full scale you humping Joel's leg?"

On second thought, I really didn't want to know.

"Probably, but there's more than Joel's leg I want to mount."

"Good god, Elijah. Like what the fuck?" Did he ever engage his brain before he spoke? He was far too direct at times. His words had the intended impact, and he smirked at the look of horror on my face. "See I told you I normally tone it down, do you want me to go on?" His face held a level of smugness, he was thoroughly enjoying shocking me.

"No, let's never go to full scale again."

Good lord, I just couldn't handle it.

"I'm not promising anything, but I'll try and keep a lid on it." Elijah's phone went off as a text came through, he pulled a face before turning to me.

"Well, looks like things are getting more serious with Ryan. She's taking him to meet my auntie and uncle. She does not know the meaning of taking things slow, that girl."

"I would have thought once the beer goggles had vanished then so would he."


But I couldn't help it, it just sort of slipped out.

"I think they are both what each other needs right now," he added, trying to be the peacemaker. I knew he hated to see us bitching, but I was on a roll.

"Trust me no one needs Brianne in their life."

"Izzy, please," he pleaded, his eyes stared into mine, trying to get me to tone it down. I began to feel the guilt creep over me, she was his family at the end of the day. "Okay, but I don't want to hear another word on the matter. Any gossip you have keep to yourself. After the way Ryan reacted last time, he can stay away too." "Wow, you really have got your big old bear head on today. How about I nip to the shops and get you some Maltesers, see if those will sweeten your mood?" "It might help," I grumbled. Chocolate always had the ability to do that.

"Are you coming, Ruby?" Elijah asked grinning. She bounded over to him, only too willing to go, leaving me all alone with my thoughts.

I heard the door slam shut, and I closed my eyes enjoying the deathly silence for a short while. Until my phone sprang to life and Ryan's name flashed up on screen. "Hey Iz, I'm just ringing to see if you had a good birthday. I would have liked to have been there, but I got the feeling it wouldn't go down well."

I sighed at his words. "It was probably for the best considering your present situation, but thanks for the card."

"What do you mean present situation?" His voice now had a hard edge to it that rubbed me up the wrong way.

Did I really have to spell it out?

"Well, your new girlfriend wouldn't have been welcome, and as you can't seem to put a lid on it either, it was probably for the best," I retorted, if he wanted to be a bitch then so could I. "Ahh, so looks like Elijah has got you up to speed then," he remarked bitterly.

"Yep." I made sure I popped the P just to annoy him more.

"Nothing else to add? I'm sure you want to say far more on the matter."

Oh, I had plenty, but I was not about to regale everything I was feeling to him. "I'm pretty sure Brianne will have told you all you need to know."

"She hasn't said a word. I take it you're not best buds?"

I snorted. "That would be an understatement."

Probably the understatement of the year.

"Look Iz, who I see is nothing to do with you. I don't want to get into an argument with you, but she's what I need right now."

"Did you hook up with her because of me?" I knew I shouldn't be asking but there was a part of me that needed to know.

"No," he instantly snapped back.

Meaning he did.

"Well, Elijah said you were pretty wasted and that it was to do with what happened with Joel," I offered as an explanation to my question.

"I just... I don't know, Iz, but it's more than that, at first it was just sex."

My eye widened in horror. "Oh god, spare me the details."

"Iz, please," he pleaded, but I was over it all. If he wanted to go down that path then so be it, it was out of my control.

"All I can say is good luck with that one, she'll be more than a handful, but it might just keep you occupied with keeping your nose out of other people's business."

He sighed deeply down the phone. "Iz, I'm sorry, I really am. I'd had a bit to drink and I saw you together, and I just couldn't help it."

"I don't want to hear it, Ryan." His actions that night told me more than I needed to know.

"Are you jealous?" he asked, and my breath hitched at his words.


"Excuse me?" I snapped, his question totally throwing me off guard.

"Well, what's with all the cattiness? I thought you'd be happy with me moving on. You'd made it quite clear we were a non starter."

I scoffed at his remark. "I think you're getting my concern mixed up with something totally different. I'm warning you now, I know that girl's history and she will play you, she's not the settling down type. I just thought you should know what you're getting yourself in to."

"I don't think that's your concern anymore," he murmured, and my heart sunk at his words.

"Wow, well I've just been put in my place then."

"I just meant "

"Yeah, I know what you meant, Ryan. Take this call as my final say on the matter. Good luck because you'll definitely need it." I punched the end call as a tear rolled down my cheek; I had just lost a good friend.

I guess trying to help someone would always be regarded in the wrong way, being misconstrued and that definitely was not the case. It was up to him, it was his life after all.

I would just have to look on and watch him make the mistakes I knew were ahead.

I heard a scurrying of feet and Ruby soon appeared running over to greet me. I lifted her up, snuggling into her, needing her comfort right now.

She licked away the last of my tears, and I smiled at what a blessing she was.

Elijah came around the corner several moments later with a bag of goodies, smiling and holding them aloft. "Ready to enjoy the rest of the afternoon, I trust Ruby will stay awake for Ryan Gosling." Ruby barked at his words, and Elijah smiled looking proud as punch.

"Looks like our girl just became part of our fan club." He smiled giving me a wink, and I faked a smile back. I was not about to retell my conversation to Elijah, he'd only have a go, I would keep it to myself for


I just needed to concentrate on the film, hoping Ryan Gosling would make me forget my own sadness. That or eating my bodyweight in Maltesers would maybe do the trick.

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