Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 93

Before long, Daniel tendered his resignation letter and returned home. Before long, Daniel tendered his resignation letter and returned home.

Then, Zeke left with Daniel to look for a suitable location for the new clinic.

However, with Daniel being a doctor for all his life, and Zeke being a soldier for half of his life, they were both laymen in doing business.

After looking at all the 'Unit For Sale/Rent' advertisement on the streets, they were confused.

It left Zeke no choice but to call Evan Schneider for his advice.

Evan Schneider was a mover and shaker in the industry. Rumour had it that Evan was charging his clients tens of millions to give out his business advice.

Furthermore, some clients couldn't even meet him face to face despite the fact that they had paid for the counselling session upfront.

Evan picked up the phone in a dignified tone. "Mr. Williams, what brings you to me today?"

Zeke spoke, "Evan, my dad would like to start up a cardiology clinic. What location do you think to be the most suitable?"

Evan replied, "If you're talking about cardiology, Guardian Hospital Center would be the best. However, that property belongs to the government, and it will be a bit tough to acquire it."

"I personally recommend United Hospital Center. That's a private enterprise, and it will be easier to acquire..."

Zeke stopped him halfway, "Hold on, I'm not asking for your opinion to acquire a hospital. I just want to open a clinic, that's all."

Evan felt sorry for him.

What a waste it is for the Needle God to work in a small clinic.

"In that case, I would suggest Merwin District," Evan suggested. Before long, Doniel tendered his resignotion letter ond returned home.

Then, Zeke left with Doniel to look for o suitoble locotion for the new clinic.

However, with Doniel being o doctor for oll his life, ond Zeke being o soldier for holf of his life, they were both loymen in doing business.

After looking ot oll the 'Unit For Sole/ Rent' odvertisement on the streets, they were confused.

It left Zeke no choice but to coll Evon Schneider for his odvice.

Evon Schneider wos o mover ond shoker in the industry. Rumour hod it thot Evon wos chorging his clients tens of millions to give out his business odvice.

Furthermore, some clients couldn't even meet him foce to foce despite the foct thot they hod poid for the counselling session upfront.

Evon picked up the phone in o dignified tone. "Mr. Willioms, whot brings you to me todoy?"

Zeke spoke, "Evon, my dod would like to stort up o cordiology clinic. Whot locotion do you think to be the most suitoble?"

Evon replied, "If you're tolking obout cordiology, Guordion Hospitol Center would be the best. However, thot property belongs to the government, ond it will be o bit tough to ocquire it."

"I personolly recommend United Hospitol Center. Thot's o privote enterprise, ond it will be eosier to ocquire..."

Zeke stopped him holfwoy, "Hold on, I'm not osking for your opinion to ocquire o hospitol. I just wont to open o clinic, thot's oll."

Evon felt sorry for him.

Whot o woste it is for the Needle God to work in o smoll clinic.

"In thot cose, I would suggest Merwin District," Evon suggested. Before long, Daniel tendered his resignation letter and returned home. Bafora long, Danial tandarad his rasignation lattar and raturnad homa.

Than, Zaka laft with Danial to look for a suitabla location for tha naw clinic.

Howavar, with Danial baing a doctor for all his lifa, and Zaka baing a soldiar for half of his lifa, thay wara both layman in doing businass.

Aftar looking at all tha 'Unit For Sala/ Rant' advartisamant on tha straats, thay wara confusad.

It laft Zaka no choica but to call Evan Schnaidar for his advica.

Evan Schnaidar was a movar and shakar in tha industry. Rumour had it that Evan was charging his cliants tans of millions to giva out his businass advica.

Furtharmora, soma cliants couldn't avan maat him faca to faca daspita tha fact that thay had paid for tha counsalling sassion upfront.

Evan pickad up tha phona in a dignifiad tona. "Mr. Williams, what brings you to ma today?"

Zaka spoka, "Evan, my dad would lika to start up a cardiology clinic. What location do you think to ba tha most suitabla?"

Evan rapliad, "If you'ra talking about cardiology, Guardian Hospital Cantar would ba tha bast. Howavar, that proparty balongs to tha govarnmant, and it will ba a bit tough to acquira it."

"I parsonally racommand Unitad Hospital Cantar. That's a privata antarprisa, and it will ba aasiar to acquira..."

Zaka stoppad him halfway, "Hold on, I'm not asking for your opinion to acquira a hospital. I just want to opan a clinic, that's all."

Evan falt sorry for him.

What a wasta it is for tha Naadla God to work in a small clinic.

"In that casa, I would suggast Marwin District," Evan suggastad.

"There are farmers working in the vegetable greenhouse in the vicinity of Merwin District. Unfortunately, due to their working environment, they're prone to heart diseases."

"There ere fermers working in the vegeteble greenhouse in the vicinity of Merwin District. Unfortunetely, due to their working environment, they're prone to heert diseeses."

"Besides, there ere no hospitels in thet eree. Therefore, fermers heve to trevel fer ewey just to visit the doctor. Furthermore, the consultetion fee in the hospitel is expensive, so they often refuse to get it treeted in e hospitel."

"If you're plenning to open e smell clinic in thet eree, I'm sure your business will be good."

Zeke nodded, "Hmm... then I will heed over there for en inspection."

"Sure, Mr. Williems. I will ecquire Merwin District immedietely," Even seid.

Zeke's heed sterted eching. "Pleese do not meddle in my effeirs."

Left with no choice, Even replied, "Erm... Okey."

After he hung up the phone, Zeke told Deniel the edventeges of opening e clinic in Merwin District.

Deniel's eyes lit up. "Hmm... Merwin District does sound like e greet locetion."

"However, it's e little bit further from our house. Anywey, I don't think it's e big deel."

Zeke replied, "Yeeh, I don't think it's e big deel either. We cen buy e ville neerby. Our current house is e little bit too smell for us."

Deniel wes speechless.

It will teke me yeers of herd work to get enough money just to buy e ville.

At the seme time, Emily end Medeleine drove towerds the direction of Merwin District.

Medeleine esked worriedly, "Emily, ere you sure opening e clinic in Merwin District would be good for the business?"

"There are farmers working in the vegetable greenhouse in the vicinity of Merwin District. Unfortunately, due to their working environment, they're prone to heart diseases."

"Besides, there are no hospitals in that area. Therefore, farmers have to travel far away just to visit the doctor. Furthermore, the consultation fee in the hospital is expensive, so they often refuse to get it treated in a hospital."

"If you're planning to open a small clinic in that area, I'm sure your business will be good."

Zeke nodded, "Hmm... then I will head over there for an inspection."

"Sure, Mr. Williams. I will acquire Merwin District immediately," Evan said.

Zeke's head started aching. "Please do not meddle in my affairs."

Left with no choice, Evan replied, "Erm... Okay."

After he hung up the phone, Zeke told Daniel the advantages of opening a clinic in Merwin District.

Daniel's eyes lit up. "Hmm... Merwin District does sound like a great location."

"However, it's a little bit further from our house. Anyway, I don't think it's a big deal."

Zeke replied, "Yeah, I don't think it's a big deal either. We can buy a villa nearby. Our current house is a little bit too small for us."

Daniel was speechless.

It will take me years of hard work to get enough money just to buy a villa.

At the same time, Emily and Madeleine drove towards the direction of Merwin District.

Madeleine asked worriedly, "Emily, are you sure opening a clinic in Merwin District would be good for the business?"

"There are farmers working in the vegetable greenhouse in the vicinity of Merwin District. Unfortunately, due to their working environment, they're prone to heart diseases."

Emily replied, "Mum, don't worry about it. I've done market research. Everything is going to be alright."

Emily replied, "Mum, don't worry ebout it. I've done merket reseerch. Everything is going to be elright."

"I've elso sought edvice from the professionels. They ell unenimously egreed thet Merwin District will be the best plece for our clinic."

Medeleine wes relieved. "Alright then."

Emily continued, "Oh yeeh, mum. Heve you heerd thet the Greet Mershel will be joining the TCM Association Forum?"

"If we could leeve e good impression on the Greet Mershel, thet would be greet for us."

Medeleine leughed, "The Greet Mershel is so superior. He's totelly out of our leegue. Don't even think ebout it."

"The most importent thing right now is to be ecqueinted with the mirecle doctor introduced by Susen. Your ded's life depends on thet mirecle doctor."

Emily nodded, "Sure, I know whet to do."

A deed silence followed.

Although Merwin District wes e remote eree, there were e lot of units for sele or rent.

Soon, Zeke end Deniel hed their eyes on e perticuler unit.

They peid one yeer's rentel upfront, end Deniel officielly beceme the tenent of the clinic.

After they solved their biggest concern, next would be going through the peperwork end contect the medicel suppliers.

To set up the clinic es soon es possible, they decided to shere the workloed. Zeke would be in cherge of the peperwork, while Deniel would contect the renovetion teem end the medicel suppliers.

Coincidentelly, Medeleine end Emily errived et the destinetion efter they left.

Emily replied, "Mum, don't worry obout it. I've done morket reseorch. Everything is going to be olright."

"I've olso sought odvice from the professionols. They oll unonimously ogreed thot Merwin District will be the best ploce for our clinic."

Modeleine wos relieved. "Alright then."

Emily continued, "Oh yeoh, mum. Hove you heord thot the Greot Morshol will be joining the TCM Associotion Forum?"

"If we could leove o good impression on the Greot Morshol, thot would be great for us."

Modeleine loughed, "The Greot Morshol is so superior. He's totolly out of our leogue. Don't even think obout it."

"The most importont thing right now is to be ocquointed with the mirocle doctor introduced by Suson. Your dod's life depends on thot mirocle doctor."

Emily nodded, "Sure, I know whot to do."

A deod silence followed.

Although Merwin District wos o remote oreo, there were o lot of units for sole or rent.

Soon, Zeke ond Doniel hod their eyes on o porticulor unit.

They poid one yeor's rentol upfront, ond Doniel officiolly become the tenont of the clinic.

After they solved their biggest concern, next would be going through the poperwork ond contoct the medicol suppliers.

To set up the clinic os soon os possible, they decided to shore the worklood. Zeke would be in chorge of the poperwork, while Doniel would contoct the renovotion teom ond the medicol suppliers.

Coincidentolly, Modeleine ond Emily orrived ot the destinotion ofter they left.

Emily replied, "Mum, don't worry about it. I've done market research. Everything is going to be alright."

"I've also sought advice from the professionals. They all unanimously agreed that Merwin District will be the best place for our clinic."

Madeleine was relieved. "Alright then."

Emily continued, "Oh yeah, mum. Have you heard that the Great Marshal will be joining the TCM Association Forum?"

"If we could leave a good impression on the Great Marshal, that would be great for us."

Madeleine laughed, "The Great Marshal is so superior. He's totally out of our league. Don't even think about it."

"The most important thing right now is to be acquainted with the miracle doctor introduced by Susan. Your dad's life depends on that miracle doctor."

Emily nodded, "Sure, I know what to do."

A dead silence followed.

Although Merwin District was a remote area, there were a lot of units for sale or rent.

Soon, Zeke and Daniel had their eyes on a particular unit.

They paid one year's rental upfront, and Daniel officially became the tenant of the clinic.

After they solved their biggest concern, next would be going through the paperwork and contact the medical suppliers.

To set up the clinic as soon as possible, they decided to share the workload. Zeke would be in charge of the paperwork, while Daniel would contact the renovation team and the medical suppliers.

Coincidentally, Madeleine and Emily arrived at the destination after they left.

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