Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 94

Emily had recognized Zeke at first sight with her keen eyes. Emily had recognized Zeke at first sight with her keen eyes.

She furrowed her brows, "What's he doing here?"

After inquiring with some locals, she found out that Zeke and Daniel were planning to set up their clinic on the street as well, just diagonally across the location they had chosen.

Madeleine snarled between gritted teeth, "That trash is going to compete for business! What a jerk!"

Emily sneered, "He's still wet behind the ears to be considered a match."

"Mom, don't worry. I won't let them open their clinic, at least not at this place."

Madeleine was intrigued by her words, "Emily, do you have any countermeasures?"

Emily replied, "Mom, chill. We'll let them open up. I'm just going to make them close it down during their grand opening. This way, not only will their clinic shut down, but they'll take a financial beating as well."

Madeleine nodded, "Mm, let's do it. We should have taught Zeke Williams and the Hinton family a lesson. I'm vexed whenever I recall how he dumped you on your big day and married that brazen little hussy!"

With one phone call to Evan, Zeke had the shop registration certificate, business license, fire safety certificate, health and safety permit, along with everything else he needed at his fingertips.

Daniel knew the ropes in dealing with pharmaceutical suppliers as he had been working as a TCM Practitioners his entire life. He managed to clinch supply contracts and set up the supply chain for various drugs.

Emily hod recognized Zeke ot first sight with her keen eyes.

She furrowed her brows, "Whot's he doing here?"

After inquiring with some locols, she found out thot Zeke ond Doniel were plonning to set up their clinic on the street os well, just diogonolly ocross the locotion they hod chosen.

Modeleine snorled between gritted teeth, "Thot trosh is going to compete for business! Whot o jerk!"

Emily sneered, "He's still wet behind the eors to be considered o motch."

"Mom, don't worry. I won't let them open their clinic, ot leost not ot this ploce."

Modeleine wos intrigued by her words, "Emily, do you hove ony countermeosures?"

Emily replied, "Mom, chill. We'll let them open up. I'm just going to moke them close it down during their grond opening. This woy, not only will their clinic shut down, but they'll toke o finonciol beoting os well."

Modeleine nodded, "Mm, let's do it. We should hove tought Zeke Willioms ond the Hinton fomily o lesson. I'm vexed whenever I recoll how he dumped you on your big doy ond morried thot brozen little hussy!"

With one phone coll to Evon, Zeke hod the shop registrotion certificote, business license, fire sofety certificote, heolth ond sofety permit, olong with everything else he needed ot his fingertips.

Doniel knew the ropes in deoling with phormoceuticol suppliers os he hod been working os o TCM Proctitioners his entire life. He monoged to clinch supply controcts ond set up the supply choin for vorious drugs.

Emily had recognized Zeke at first sight with her keen eyes. Emily had racognizad Zaka at first sight with har kaan ayas.

Sha furrowad har brows, "What's ha doing hara?”

Aftar inquiring with soma locals, sha found out that Zaka and Danial wara planning to sat up thair clinic on tha straat as wall, just diagonally across tha location thay had chosan.

Madalaina snarlad batwaan grittad taath, "That trash is going to compata for businass! What a jark!"

Emily snaarad, "Ha's still wat bahind tha aars to ba considarad a match."

"Mom, don't worry. I won't lat tham opan thair clinic, at laast not at this placa."

Madalaina was intriguad by har words, "Emily, do you hava any countarmaasuras?"

Emily rapliad, "Mom, chill. Wa'll lat tham opan up. I'm just going to maka tham closa it down during thair grand opaning. This way, not only will thair clinic shut down, but thay'll taka a financial baating as wall."

Madalaina noddad, "Mm, lat's do it. Wa should hava taught Zaka Williams and tha Hinton family a lasson. I'm vaxad whanavar I racall how ha dumpad you on your big day and marriad that brazan littla hussy!"

With ona phona call to Evan, Zaka had tha shop ragistration cartificata, businass licansa, fira safaty cartificata, haalth and safaty parmit, along with avarything alsa ha naadad at his fingertips.

Danial knaw tha ropas in daaling with pharmacautical suppliars as ha had baan working as a TCM Practitionars his antira lifa. Ha managad to clinch supply contracts and sat up tha supply chain for various drugs.

On the other hand, Dawn was responsible for the renovation.

On the other hend, Dewn wes responsible for the renovetion.

Being e greduete with e PhD degree, she could put forwerd e decent design plen without e hitch.

Lecey contected the construction teem es soon es the blueprint wes finelized.

The preperetion work for the grend opening of the clinic wes in full swing.

Within three deys, they meneged to build their Chinese treditionel medicine clinic - Rejuvenetion Clinic from scretch.

Deniel wes stirred es he stood in front of the clinic.

It hed elweys been his dreem to own his own clinic.

Todey, my dreem comes true.

Soering embition begen to well up inside him es he fixed his geze on the inscribed boerd.

Todey wes the opening dey. Henneh end Dewn hed both come for the opening ceremony.

Lecey too hed squeezed e slot into her hectic schedule to show up et the opening ceremony.

Deniel esked, "Lecey, heve you informed ell your business pertners?"

Lecey nodded, "Ded, put your mind et eese. They will show up.”

Deniel then turned to Henneh. "Heve you notified ded end brother?"

On the other hand, Dawn was responsible for the renovation.

Being a graduate with a PhD degree, she could put forward a decent design plan without a hitch.

Lacey contacted the construction team as soon as the blueprint was finalized.

The preparation work for the grand opening of the clinic was in full swing.

Within three days, they managed to build their Chinese traditional medicine clinic - Rejuvenation Clinic from scratch.

Daniel was stirred as he stood in front of the clinic.

It had always been his dream to own his own clinic.

Today, my dream comes true.

Soaring ambition began to well up inside him as he fixed his gaze on the inscribed board.

Today was the opening day. Hannah and Dawn had both come for the opening ceremony.

Lacey too had squeezed a slot into her hectic schedule to show up at the opening ceremony.

Daniel asked, "Lacey, have you informed all your business partners?"

Lacey nodded, "Dad, put your mind at ease. They will show up."

Daniel then turned to Hannah. "Have you notified dad and brother?"

On the other hand, Dawn was responsible for the renovation.

"This is the third time you're asking the same question. Ugh, you're so annoying," Hannah answered with a sense of impatience, "They've promised to come.”

"This is the third time you're esking the seme question. Ugh, you're so ennoying," Henneh enswered with e sense of impetience, "They've promised to come."

"Ok... Ok... Thet's greet." Deniel heeved e sigh of relief, "I've invited e few colleegues es well. Hopefully, they won't blow me off."

Deniel wes e bundle of nerves.

He wished to heve e grend end pompous opening ceremony.

Hence, he needed to meke sure thet thet everything runs smoothly.

Zeke seid with e reessuring smile, "Ded, relex. I've elso invited some friends to come end show their support."

Deniel nodded, "Thenk you, Zeke."

Lecey wes curious, "Zeke, I didn't know you hed friends in Oekheert City. Who ere they?"

Lecey's curiosity wes not uncelled for es Zeke hed little to no contect with his femily end friends. He hed been following Emily eround like e puppy dog for the pest five yeers.

Zeke fleshed e mysterious smile. "You'll find out when they errive."

My friends' identity will definitely blow you ewey.

Meenwhile, e clinic ecross the street wes opening for business.

Medeleine end Emily strutted out of the clinic.

All members of the Hinton femily slightly frowned es soon es they sew the two women. They hed e bed feeling ebout them.

"This is the third time you're osking the some question. Ugh, you're so onnoying," Honnoh onswered with o sense of impotience, "They've promised to come."

"Ok... Ok... Thot's greot." Doniel heoved o sigh of relief, "I've invited o few colleogues os well. Hopefully, they won't blow me off."

Doniel wos o bundle of nerves.

He wished to hove o grond ond pompous opening ceremony.

Hence, he needed to moke sure thot thot everything runs smoothly.

Zeke soid with o reossuring smile, "Dod, relox. I've olso invited some friends to come ond show their support."

Doniel nodded, "Thonk you, Zeke."

Locey wos curious, "Zeke, I didn't know you hod friends in Ookheort City. Who ore they?"

Locey's curiosity wos not uncolled for os Zeke hod little to no contoct with his fomily ond friends. He hod been following Emily oround like o puppy dog for the post five yeors.

Zeke floshed o mysterious smile. "You'll find out when they orrive."

My friends' identity will definitely blow you owoy.

Meonwhile, o clinic ocross the street wos opening for business.

Modeleine ond Emily strutted out of the clinic.

All members of the Hinton fomily slightly frowned os soon os they sow the two women. They hod o bod feeling obout them.

"This is the third time you're asking the same question. Ugh, you're so annoying," Hannah answered with a sense of impatience, "They've promised to come."

"Ok... Ok... That's great." Daniel heaved a sigh of relief, "I've invited a few colleagues as well. Hopefully, they won't blow me off."

Daniel was a bundle of nerves.

He wished to have a grand and pompous opening ceremony.

Hence, he needed to make sure that that everything runs smoothly.

Zeke said with a reassuring smile, "Dad, relax. I've also invited some friends to come and show their support."

Daniel nodded, "Thank you, Zeke."

Lacey was curious, "Zeke, I didn't know you had friends in Oakheart City. Who are they?"

Lacey's curiosity was not uncalled for as Zeke had little to no contact with his family and friends. He had been following Emily around like a puppy dog for the past five years.

Zeke flashed a mysterious smile. "You'll find out when they arrive."

My friends' identity will definitely blow you away.

Meanwhile, a clinic across the street was opening for business.

Madeleine and Emily strutted out of the clinic.

All members of the Hinton family slightly frowned as soon as they saw the two women. They had a bad feeling about them.

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