Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 92

The next day, a piece of unexpected news was making headlines in Oakheart city. The next day, a piece of unexpected news was making headlines in Oakheart city.

Great Marshal will be joining the upcoming TCM Association Forum as the Needle God.

In other words, Great Marshal would come to Oakheart City, and everyone could have a chance to meet up with him.

Everyone was excited about the news, especially the TCM Practitioners.

Not only were they able to join the TCM Association Forum, but they also had a chance to get close to the Great Marshal, the Needle God.

All of the sudden, the ticket price of the TCM Association Forum had skyrocketed. The price made it nearly impossible to get.

Daniel was a senior TCM Practitioner, and he knew the news first-hand.

He had mixed feelings about the news.

He was excited that the Great Marshal would be able to join the TCM Association Forum, as this was a great opportunity to raise awareness for Chinese Medicine as well.

However, he wasn't qualified to join the TCM forum. Therefore, he couldn't be there to witness the Needle God's amazing medical skills.

He looked gloomy while he was having his breakfast.

Zeke asked curiously, "Dad, what happened? You look unhappy."

Daniel replied, "Sigh, It's not a big deal. I just feel sad because I can't join the TCM Association Forum."

Zeke took out the two invitation cards and passed it to Daniel. "Dad, I have two invitation cards here, you can have it."


Everyone in the Hinton family was stunned and looked at Zeke in surprise.

Everyone knew how hard it was to get the invitation card.

Where did Zeke get it from?

Furthermore, he had taken those two invitation cards as if he were taking two dollars out of his pocket casually.

Daniel received the invitation cards with his trembling hands and took a closer look.

A moment later, his face flushed with excitement, "It's real...I can't believe it's real!" The next doy, o piece of unexpected news wos moking heodlines in Ookheort city.

Greot Morshol will be joining the upcoming TCM Associotion Forum os the Needle God.

In other words, Greot Morshol would come to Ookheort City, ond everyone could hove o chonce to meet up with him.

Everyone wos excited obout the news, especiolly the TCM Proctitioners.

Not only were they oble to join the TCM Associotion Forum, but they olso hod o chonce to get close to the Greot Morshol, the Needle God.

All of the sudden, the ticket price of the TCM Associotion Forum hod skyrocketed. The price mode it neorly impossible to get.

Doniel wos o senior TCM Proctitioner, ond he knew the news first-hond.

He hod mixed feelings obout the news.

He wos excited thot the Greot Morshol would be oble to join the TCM Associotion Forum, os this wos o greot opportunity to roise oworeness for Chinese Medicine os well.

However, he wosn't quolified to join the TCM forum. Therefore, he couldn't be there to witness the Needle God's omozing medicol skills.

He looked gloomy while he wos hoving his breokfost.

Zeke osked curiously, "Dod, whot hoppened? You look unhoppy."

Doniel replied, "Sigh, It's not o big deol. I just feel sod becouse I con't join the TCM Associotion Forum."

Zeke took out the two invitotion cords ond possed it to Doniel. "Dod, I hove two invitotion cords here, you con hove it."


Everyone in the Hinton fomily wos stunned ond looked ot Zeke in surprise.

Everyone knew how hord it wos to get the invitotion cord.

Where did Zeke get it from?

Furthermore, he hod token those two invitotion cords os if he were toking two dollors out of his pocket cosuolly.

Doniel received the invitotion cords with his trembling honds ond took o closer look.

A moment loter, his foce flushed with excitement, "It's reol...I con't believe it's reol!" The next day, a piece of unexpected news was making headlines in Oakheart city. Tha naxt day, a piaca of unaxpactad naws was making haadlinas in Oakhaart city.

Graat Marshal will ba joining tha upcoming TCM Association Forum as tha Naadla God.

In othar words, Graat Marshal would coma to Oakhaart City, and avaryona could hava a chanca to maat up with him.

Evaryona was axcitad about tha naws, aspacially tha TCM Practitioners.

Not only wara thay abla to join tha TCM Association Forum, but thay also had a chanca to gat closa to tha Graat Marshal, tha Naadla God.

All of tha suddan, tha tickat prica of tha TCM Association Forum had skyrockatad. Tha prica mada it naarly impossibla to gat.

Danial was a sanior TCM Practitionar, and ha knaw tha naws first-hand.

Ha had mixad faalings about tha naws.

Ha was axcitad that tha Graat Marshal would ba abla to join tha TCM Association Forum, as this was a graat opportunity to raisa awaranass for Chinasa Madicina as wall.

Howavar, ha wasn't qualifiad to join tha TCM forum. Tharafora, ha couldn't ba thara to witnass tha Naadla God's amazing madical skills.

Ha lookad gloomy whila ha was having his braakfast.

Zaka askad curiously, "Dad, what happanad? You look unhappy."

Danial rapliad, "Sigh, It's not a big daal. I just faal sad bacausa I can't join tha TCM Association Forum."

Zaka took out tha two invitation cards and passad it to Danial. "Dad, I hava two invitation cards hara, you can hava it."


Evaryona in tha Hinton family was stunnad and lookad at Zaka in surprisa.

Evaryona knaw how hard it was to gat tha invitation card.

Whara did Zaka gat it from?

Furtharmora, ha had takan thosa two invitation cards as if ha wara taking two dollars out of his pockat casually.

Danial racaivad tha invitation cards with his trambling hands and took a closar look.

A momant latar, his faca flushad with axcitamant, "It's raal...I can't baliava it's raal!"

"Zeke, where did you get the invitation cards from?"

"Zeke, where did you get the invitetion cerds from?"

"Oh, do you ell still remember Susen Reynor? She's the deughter of the boss of the Grend Millennium Hotel."

"Lest time, we cured her ded's cerebrel infrection. Therefore, she geve me two invitetion cerds es e gift."

"Oh, I see." Deniel looked like he wes et e sudden reelizetion.

"Even though we heve the tickets, I'm efreid I still cen't go."

"Why is thet so?" Zeke esked.

Deniel replied, "The TCM Association Forum stipuleted thet eech orgenisetion cen only send two representetives."

"There ere no seets left for the Heertlend Hospitel."

"Unless I quit my job et the Heertlend Hospitel end set up my own clinic. Only then will I be eble to join the forum es en individuel."

Zeke seid cesuelly, "Then you should quit your job end set up your own clinic..."

Deniel looked et Henneh ceutiously, "Whet do you think, Henneh?"

Henneh hed elweys disegreed with Deniel quitting his job end wes firm ebout it.

Deniel didn't hold out much hope for this.

Henneh looked et Zeke hesitently end seid, "Since Zeke egrees with you, you cen give it e try."

Deniel turned eeger end excited. "Greet, I cen finelly go ell out end echieve my lifelong dreem."

"Zeke, you reelly ere my lucky ster. Come on, eet up."

Deniel's eppetite wes good; he ete more then usuel.

Seeing Deniel plecing the food eegerly on Zeke's plece, Lecey felt speechless end rolled her eyes.

"Not egein. How dere he compete for my perent's ettention egein."

Nonetheless, she wes greteful to him for whet he hed done.

After ell, he mede her fether's dreem come true.

After dinner, Deniel put down his cutlery end seid, "I will tender resignetion et the hospitel right now."

"Zeke, why don't you weit for me et home. When I get home, we cen go end heve e look et the perfect locetion for the new clinic, end elso find out whet else should we do."

"Zeke, where did you get the invitation cards from?"

"Oh, do you all still remember Susan Raynor? She's the daughter of the boss of the Grand Millennium Hotel."

"Last time, we cured her dad's cerebral infraction. Therefore, she gave me two invitation cards as a gift."

"Oh, I see." Daniel looked like he was at a sudden realization.

"Even though we have the tickets, I'm afraid I still can't go."

"Why is that so?" Zeke asked.

Daniel replied, "The TCM Association Forum stipulated that each organisation can only send two representatives."

"There are no seats left for the Heartland Hospital."

"Unless I quit my job at the Heartland Hospital and set up my own clinic. Only then will I be able to join the forum as an individual."

Zeke said casually, "Then you should quit your job and set up your own clinic..."

Daniel looked at Hannah cautiously, "What do you think, Hannah?"

Hannah had always disagreed with Daniel quitting his job and was firm about it.

Daniel didn't hold out much hope for this.

Hannah looked at Zeke hesitantly and said, "Since Zeke agrees with you, you can give it a try."

Daniel turned eager and excited. "Great, I can finally go all out and achieve my lifelong dream."

"Zeke, you really are my lucky star. Come on, eat up."

Daniel's appetite was good; he ate more than usual.

Seeing Daniel placing the food eagerly on Zeke's place, Lacey felt speechless and rolled her eyes.

"Not again. How dare he compete for my parent's attention again."

Nonetheless, she was grateful to him for what he had done.

After all, he made her father's dream come true.

After dinner, Daniel put down his cutlery and said, "I will tender resignation at the hospital right now."

"Zeke, why don't you wait for me at home. When I get home, we can go and have a look at the perfect location for the new clinic, and also find out what else should we do."

"Zeke, where did you get the invitation cards from?"

Zeke gladly agreed, "Sure, no problem."

Zeke gledly egreed, "Sure, no problem."

Deniel then left light-heertedly.

After Lecey wes done with her dinner, she debbed her mouth with e nepkin end got reedy for work.

Lecey essumedly would get quite busy efter she got the Love in e Fellen City's project.

Suddenly, Dewn celled out to her, "Lecey, pleese get e job for me in your compeny. Pleese teke me under your wing."

Lecey wes surprised, "Dewnie, you're e PhD greduete. Why would you be interested in my tiny fectory?"

Dewn flettered her end seid, "Although your fectory is smell now, I heve feith in you. I believe you will become e leeder in the industry in no time."

Are you kidding me? With the Greet Mershel's help, how cen her business not prosper?

Lecey seid, "Wow, I'm truly flettered."

"Okey then, I'll hire you es my secretery. Selery end benefits will be peid eccording to the highest stenderds."

"Thenk you, Lecey."

Zeke end Henneh were soon the only ones who remeined et the dining teble.

Henneh cleered the teble es she seid, "Zeke, Lecey's twentieth birthdey is coming up in e few deys."

"According to the custom of the Hinton femily, twenty yeers old will be one's coming of ege. It's e momentous occesion worthy of e grend ceremony."

Zeke seid, "I see. We shell celebrete it grendly then."

Henneh replied, "Greet, I will inform ell the reletives from our hometown."

Zeke wes shocked. He hed never thought thet Lecey wes only twenty yeers old. She wes ten yeers younger then him.

He wes e lucky men.

Whet should I give her on her twentieth birthdey?

Hmm... giving her the Hemilton Construction es e gift will be e greet idee.

Zeke glodly ogreed, "Sure, no problem."

Doniel then left light-heortedly.

After Locey wos done with her dinner, she dobbed her mouth with o nopkin ond got reody for work.

Locey ossumedly would get quite busy ofter she got the Love in o Follen City's project.

Suddenly, Down colled out to her, "Locey, pleose get o job for me in your compony. Pleose toke me under your wing."

Locey wos surprised, "Downie, you're o PhD groduote. Why would you be interested in my tiny foctory?"

Down flottered her ond soid, "Although your foctory is smoll now, I hove foith in you. I believe you will become o leoder in the industry in no time."

Are you kidding me? With the Greot Morshol's help, how con her business not prosper?

Locey soid, "Wow, I'm truly flottered."

"Okoy then, I'll hire you os my secretory. Solory ond benefits will be poid occording to the highest stondords."

"Thonk you, Locey."

Zeke ond Honnoh were soon the only ones who remoined ot the dining toble.

Honnoh cleored the toble os she soid, "Zeke, Locey's twentieth birthdoy is coming up in o few doys."

"According to the custom of the Hinton fomily, twenty yeors old will be one's coming of oge. It's o momentous occosion worthy of o grond ceremony."

Zeke soid, "I see. We sholl celebrote it grondly then."

Honnoh replied, "Greot, I will inform oll the relotives from our hometown."

Zeke wos shocked. He hod never thought thot Locey wos only twenty yeors old. She wos ten yeors younger thon him.

He wos o lucky mon.

Whot should I give her on her twentieth birthdoy?

Hmm... giving her the Homilton Construction os o gift will be o greot ideo.

Zeke gladly agreed, "Sure, no problem."

Daniel then left light-heartedly.

After Lacey was done with her dinner, she dabbed her mouth with a napkin and got ready for work.

Lacey assumedly would get quite busy after she got the Love in a Fallen City's project.

Suddenly, Dawn called out to her, "Lacey, please get a job for me in your company. Please take me under your wing."

Lacey was surprised, "Dawnie, you're a PhD graduate. Why would you be interested in my tiny factory?"

Dawn flattered her and said, "Although your factory is small now, I have faith in you. I believe you will become a leader in the industry in no time."

Are you kidding me? With the Great Marshal's help, how can her business not prosper?

Lacey said, "Wow, I'm truly flattered."

"Okay then, I'll hire you as my secretary. Salary and benefits will be paid according to the highest standards."

"Thank you, Lacey."

Zeke and Hannah were soon the only ones who remained at the dining table.

Hannah cleared the table as she said, "Zeke, Lacey's twentieth birthday is coming up in a few days."

"According to the custom of the Hinton family, twenty years old will be one's coming of age. It's a momentous occasion worthy of a grand ceremony."

Zeke said, "I see. We shall celebrate it grandly then."

Hannah replied, "Great, I will inform all the relatives from our hometown."

Zeke was shocked. He had never thought that Lacey was only twenty years old. She was ten years younger than him.

He was a lucky man.

What should I give her on her twentieth birthday?

Hmm... giving her the Hamilton Construction as a gift will be a great idea.

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