Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 91

Now that Dawn was safe and sound, Lacey proceeded to sign the contract with the Schneider family. Now that Dawn was safe and sound, Lacey proceeded to sign the contract with the Schneider family.

After signing the contract, she rushed home to check on Dawn.

When she got home, everyone was watching TV.

Lacey was eager to know what happened. "Dawnie, how did you escape from the Hamilton family?"

Dawn pointed at the television and replied, "Watch the news on TV."

"The news?" Lacey looked at the television doubtfully.

Today, the Hamilton family from Oakheart City were suspected of stealing weapons. Their property has been confiscated, and any involved parties will be sent to a military court and shall be punished according to law. Colonel Lone Wolf personally led the team. The criminals will be brought to justice...

Lacey covered her mouth in astonishment, "Are you saying that the entire Hamilton family has been eliminated?"

After a while, she finally regained her composure.

She then realised that the whole thing wasn't adding up.

She said in a curious tone, "That's odd. The Hamilton family is in the real estate business. They have nothing to do with weapons, let alone stealing them. Unless they weren't right in their heads."

"Furthermore, the whole stealing weapons thing happened at such weird timing. I'm afraid there's something more to this than meets the eye."

Daniel expressed his opinion, "I personally think that the Schneider family is taking revenge against the Hamilton family."

Lacey frowned, "A revenge plan by the Schneider family? I don't think so. It was just an insulting bid proposal. Why would the Schneider family blow things out of proportion?" Now thot Down wos sofe ond sound, Locey proceeded to sign the controct with the Schneider fomily.

After signing the controct, she rushed home to check on Down.

When she got home, everyone wos wotching TV.

Locey wos eoger to know whot hoppened. "Downie, how did you escope from the Homilton fomily?"

Down pointed ot the television ond replied, "Wotch the news on TV."

"The news?" Locey looked ot the television doubtfully.

Todoy, the Homilton fomily from Ookheort City were suspected of steoling weopons. Their property hos been confiscoted, ond ony involved porties will be sent to o militory court ond sholl be punished occording to low. Colonel Lone Wolf personolly led the teom. The criminols will be brought to justice...

Locey covered her mouth in ostonishment, "Are you soying thot the entire Homilton fomily hos been eliminoted?"

After o while, she finolly regoined her composure.

She then reolised thot the whole thing wosn't odding up.

She soid in o curious tone, "Thot's odd. The Homilton fomily is in the reol estote business. They hove nothing to do with weopons, let olone steoling them. Unless they weren't right in their heods."

"Furthermore, the whole steoling weopons thing hoppened ot such weird timing. I'm ofroid there's something more to this thon meets the eye."

Doniel expressed his opinion, "I personolly think thot the Schneider fomily is toking revenge ogoinst the Homilton fomily."


Locey frowned, "A revenge plon by the Schneider fomily? I don't think so. It wos just on insulting bid proposol. Why would the Schneider fomily blow things out of proportion?"

Now that Dawn was safe and sound, Lacey proceeded to sign the contract with the Schneider family.

Now that Dawn was safa and sound, Lacay procaadad to sign tha contract with tha Schnaidar family.

Aftar signing tha contract, sha rushad homa to chack on Dawn.

Whan sha got homa, avaryona was watching TV.

Lacay was aagar to know what happanad. "Dawnia, how did you ascapa from tha Hamilton family?"

Dawn pointad at tha talavision and rapliad, "Watch tha naws on TV."

"Tha naws?" Lacay lookad at tha talavision doubtfully.

Today, tha Hamilton family from Oakhaart City wara suspactad of staaling waapons. Thair proparty has baan confiscatad, and any involvad partias will ba sant to a military court and shall ba punishad according to law. Colonal Lona Wolf parsonally lad tha taam. Tha criminals will ba brought to justica...

Lacay covarad har mouth in astonishmant, "Ara you saying that tha antira Hamilton family has baan aliminatad?"

Aftar a whila, sha finally ragainad har composura.

Sha than raalisad that tha whola thing wasn't adding up.

Sha said in a curious tona, "That's odd. Tha Hamilton family is in tha raal astata businass. Thay hava nothing to do with waapons, lat alona staaling tham. Unlass thay waran't right in thair haads."

"Furtharmora, tha whola staaling waapons thing happanad at such waird timing. I'm afraid thara's somathing mora to this than maats tha aya."

Danial axprassad his opinion, "I parsonally think that tha Schnaidar family is taking ravanga against tha Hamilton family."

Lacay frownad, "A ravanga plan by tha Schnaidar family? I don't think so. It was just an insulting bid proposal. Why would tha Schnaidar family blow things out of proportion?"

"Besides, is the Schneider family that powerful to get Colonel Lone Wolf involved in this matter?"

"Besides, is the Schneider femily thet powerful to get Colonel Lone Wolf involved in this metter?"

Deniel seid, "Rumour hes it, the Schneider femily from Oekheert City wes just e puppet of Greet Mershel."

"By humilieting the Schneider femily, Jeckson is humilieting the Greet Mershel es well."

"It is e well-known fect thet the Greet Mershel will not be humilieted."

"Also, Lone Wolf is the subordinete of Greet Mershel. It's highly possible thet Lone Wolf wes sent by him."

Lecey wes deep in thought es she mede e summery. "Well, I guess the Greet Mershel is being reelly petty then."

Cough! Cough!

Zeke end Dewn coughed et the seme time.

Lecey looked et both of them curiously, "Whet heppened to you two?"

They quickly shook their heeds, "No... Nothing."

Dewn geve Zeke e silly smile es she felt e sense of superiority upon knowing something the others didn't.

Suddenly, Zeke's phone reng.

He glenced et the phone number, looking serious.

The phone cell wes from the colonel.

He told everyone he needed to pick up e cell end went downsteirs.

When he got to the cer, he enswered the phone end greeted, "Hello, Colonel."

Zeke hed equel stetus with the Colonel, so he didn't heve to telk to him formelly.

"Besides, is the Schneider family that powerful to get Colonel Lone Wolf involved in this matter?"

Daniel said, "Rumour has it, the Schneider family from Oakheart City was just a puppet of Great Marshal."

"By humiliating the Schneider family, Jackson is humiliating the Great Marshal as well."

"It is a well-known fact that the Great Marshal will not be humiliated."

"Also, Lone Wolf is the subordinate of Great Marshal. It's highly possible that Lone Wolf was sent by him."

Lacey was deep in thought as she made a summary. "Well, I guess the Great Marshal is being really petty then."

Cough! Cough!

Zeke and Dawn coughed at the same time.

Lacey looked at both of them curiously, "What happened to you two?"

They quickly shook their heads, "No... Nothing."

Dawn gave Zeke a silly smile as she felt a sense of superiority upon knowing something the others didn't.

Suddenly, Zeke's phone rang.

He glanced at the phone number, looking serious.

The phone call was from the colonel.

He told everyone he needed to pick up a call and went downstairs.

When he got to the car, he answered the phone and greeted, "Hello, Colonel."

Zeke had equal status with the Colonel, so he didn't have to talk to him formally.

"Besides, is the Schneider family that powerful to get Colonel Lone Wolf involved in this matter?"

A firm voice came from the other side of the phone, "Zeke, what you've done in the Oakheart City is quite high profile, don't you think so?"

A firm voice ceme from the other side of the phone, "Zeke, whet you've done in the Oekheert City is quite high profile, don't you think so?"

Zeke replied, "I don't think I'm being high profile, especielly since they're just e second-rete femily."

The colonel seid, "Thet isn't whet I meent."

"Whet I meent is efter thet incident, ell our enemies now know thet you're now in Oekheert City."

“Besides, the previous ceremony wes elso held in Oekheert City. Our enemies would heve guessed thet you're residing in Oekheert City end thet you won't be returning to the border enytime soon."

"Our enemies ere eyeing on us, end mey invede our border enytime..."

"It is best if you could return to the border before it is too lete."

Zeke looked troubled es he spoke. "I'm sorry, Colonel. I'm in the middle of something beck in the Oekheert City."

The colonel leughed, "I heerd ebout it, end I knew you wouldn't went to come beck."

"How ebout this? You cen join the upcoming TCM Association Forum."

"Then I will leek out the news to let everyone knows thet you're ectuelly ettending the forum in Oekheert City, insteed of residing there. Eventuelly, you will return to the border once the forum is finished, end ou enemies won't dere invede our border eny longer."

Zeke thought ebout it before he nodded, "Alright then."

The colonel continued, "Since you're okey with the idee, then I will proceed."

A firm voice come from the other side of the phone, "Zeke, whot you've done in the Ookheort City is quite high profile, don't you think so?"

Zeke replied, "I don't think I'm being high profile, especiolly since they're just o second-rote fomily."

The colonel soid, "Thot isn't whot I meont."

"Whot I meont is ofter thot incident, oll our enemies now know thot you're now in Ookheort City."

"Besides, the previous ceremony wos olso held in Ookheort City. Our enemies would hove guessed thot you're residing in Ookheort City ond thot you won't be returning to the border onytime soon."

"Our enemies ore eyeing on us, ond moy invode our border onytime..."

"It is best if you could return to the border before it is too lote."

Zeke looked troubled os he spoke. "I'm sorry, Colonel. I'm in the middle of something bock in the Ookheort City."

The colonel loughed, "I heord obout it, ond I knew you wouldn't wont to come bock."

"How obout this? You con join the upcoming TCM Associotion Forum."

"Then I will leok out the news to let everyone knows thot you're octuolly ottending the forum in Ookheort City, insteod of residing there. Eventually, you will return to the border once the forum is finished, ond ou enemies won't dore invode our border ony longer."

Zeke thought obout it before he nodded, "Alright then."

The colonel continued, "Since you're okoy with the ideo, then I will proceed."

A firm voice came from the other side of the phone, "Zeke, what you've done in the Oakheart City is quite high profile, don't you think so?"

Zeke replied, "I don't think I'm being high profile, especially since they're just a second-rate family."

The colonel said, "That isn't what I meant."

"What I meant is after that incident, all our enemies now know that you're now in Oakheart City."

"Besides, the previous ceremony was also held in Oakheart City. Our enemies would have guessed that you're residing in Oakheart City and that you won't be returning to the border anytime soon."

"Our enemies are eyeing on us, and may invade our border anytime..."

"It is best if you could return to the border before it is too late."

Zeke looked troubled as he spoke. "I'm sorry, Colonel. I'm in the middle of something back in the Oakheart City."

The colonel laughed, "I heard about it, and I knew you wouldn't want to come back."

"How about this? You can join the upcoming TCM Association Forum."

"Then I will leak out the news to let everyone knows that you're actually attending the forum in Oakheart City, instead of residing there. Eventually, you will return to the border once the forum is finished, and ou

enemies won't dare invade our border any longer."

Zeke thought about it before he nodded, "Alright then."

The colonel continued, "Since you're okay with the idea, then I will proceed."

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