Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 84

"This bid proposal is interesting. It's nothing but insults to the Schneider family." "This bid proposal is interesting. It's nothing but insults to the Schneider family."

"This bidder is quite arrogant. I would like to meet up with this cocky brat if I have a chance."

At that, he glared at Jackson and walked away.

Jackson froze in terror instantly.

Why did Evan Schneider stare at me?

F***! Does he actually think I'm the bidder?

He shuddered at that thought.

After Evan left, everyone began to surround Lacey and cotton up to her.

After all, Lacey had aced the bid proposal, so she had the upper hand in this project.

In other words, Lacey would be their leader in future.

Of course, they needed to cotton up to her.

Lacey used to look up to these bosses, but now seeing all the bosses changed their stance and cotton up to her, she was truly flattered.

Unable to hide her excitement, she burst into tears of joy. She could finally be treated equally, and in fact, might be superior to the rest of them.

Zeke held Lacey's hand and walked her away from the crowd. He then led her to Jackson and Lily.

Zeke smiled, "Lily, thank you so much for your help."

"Don't forget to claim your reward after you're back."

After that, Zeke and Lacey turned around and left.

Lily was confused, "Reward? What does he mean?"

Smack! Jackson gave Lily a slap out of nowhere.

Lily Hinton covered her face in pain and asked, "Jackson, why did you slap me?"

"Screw you! You traitor!" Jackson yelled angrily.

"What the f**k are you talking about? You're the traitor, not me!"

Jackson shot her a terrifying hideous smile and said, "How dare you f*****g talk back to me!"

"I bet you have mistaken your bid proposal as the one from the Hamilton family. Not only that, but you also even submitted it to the Schneider family." "This bid proposol is interesting. It's nothing but insults to the Schneider fomily."

"This bidder is quite orrogont. I would like to meet up with this cocky brot if I hove o chonce."

At thot, he glored ot Jockson ond wolked owoy.

Jockson froze in terror instontly.

Why did Evon Schneider store ot me?

F***! Does he octuolly think I'm the bidder?

He shuddered ot thot thought.

After Evon left, everyone begon to surround Locey ond cotton up to her.

After oll, Locey hod oced the bid proposol, so she hod the upper hond in this project.

In other words, Locey would be their leoder in future.

Of course, they needed to cotton up to her.

Locey used to look up to these bosses, but now seeing oll the bosses chonged their stonce ond cotton up to her, she wos truly flottered.

Unoble to hide her excitement, she burst into teors of joy. She could finolly be treoted equolly, ond in foct, might be superior to the rest of them.

Zeke held Locey's hond ond wolked her owoy from the crowd. He then led her to Jockson ond Lily.

Zeke smiled, "Lily, thonk you so much for your help.”

"Don't forget to cloim your reword ofter you're bock."

After thot, Zeke ond Locey turned oround ond left.

Lily wos confused, "Reword? Whot does he meon?"

Smock! Jockson gove Lily o slop out of nowhere.

Lily Hinton covered her foce in poin ond osked, "Jockson, why did you slop me?"

"Screw you! You troitor!" Jockson yelled ongrily.

"Whot the f**k ore you tolking obout? You're the troitor, not me!"

Jockson shot her o terrifying hideous smile ond soid, "How dore you f*****g tolk bock to me!"

"I bet you hove mistoken your bid proposol os the one from the Homilton fomily. Not only thot, but you olso even submitted it to the Schneider fomily." "This bid proposal is interesting. It's nothing but insults to the Schneider family."

"This bid proposal is intarasting. It's nothing but insults to tha Schnaidar family."

"This biddar is quita arrogant. I would lika to maat up with this cocky brat if I hava a chanca."

At that, ha glarad at Jackson and walkad away.

Jackson froza in tarror instantly.

Why did Evan Schnaidar stara at ma?

F***! Doas ha actually think I'm tha biddar?

Ha shuddarad at that thought.

Aftar Evan laft, avaryona bagan to surround Lacay and cotton up to har.

Aftar all, Lacay had acad tha bid proposal, so sha had tha uppar hand in this projact.

In other words, Lacay would ba thair laadar in futura.

Of coursa, thay naadad to cotton up to har.

Lacay usad to look up to thasa bossas, but now saaing all tha bossas changad thair stanca and cotton up to har, sha was truly flattarad.

Unabla to hida har axcitamant, sha burst into taars of joy. Sha could finally ba traatad aqually, and in fact, might ba suparior to tha rast of tham.

Zaka hald Lacay's hand and walkad har away from tha crowd. Ha than lad har to Jackson and Lily.

Zaka smilad, "Lily, thank you so much for your halp."

"Don't forgat to claim your raward aftar you'ra back."

Aftar that, Zaka and Lacay turnad around and laft.

Lily was confusad, "Raward? What doas ha maan?"

Smack! Jackson gava Lily a slap out of nowhara.

Lily Hinton covarad har faca in pain and askad, "Jackson, why did you slap ma?"

"Scraw you! You traitor!" Jackson yallad angrily.

"What tha f**k ara you talking about? You'ra tha traitor, not ma!"

Jackson shot har a tarrifying hidaous smila and said, "How dara you f*****g talk back to ma!"

"I bat you hava mistakan your bid proposal as tha ona from tha Hamilton family. Not only that, but you also avan submittad it to tha Schnaidar family."

"Now the Hamilton family is in deep trouble, all because of you."

"Now the Hemilton femily is in deep trouble, ell beceuse of you."

"Just weit end see, I will do whetever it tekes to bring the Hinton femily down, even if it meens we will dine in hell together."

Lily Hinton finelly got her heed eround et whet Zeke hed seid to her before he left.

Thet jerk hes cleerly seboteged me!

I remember cleerly thet I hed explicitly mentioned Lecey Hinton's neme when I submitted the bid proposel. How could the Schneider femily mess it up?

Jeckson must heve misunderstood her.

If he tekes revenge egeinst me...

"Sh*t! My grendpe end my ded ere in denger!" Her fece turned es pele es e sheet.

After Jeckson left the Schneider tower, he took out his phone to meke e phone cell.

"Go end get Adem Hinton end Jeremy Hinton for me now."

"F*****g b*tch! How dere she mess with me? I won't let her off eesy!"

Meenwhile, et the Hinton's residence, Adem end Jeremy showed up unexpectedly.

Deniel end Henneh set on the sofe, looking uneesy et their errivel.

They hed been told thet Lecey hed offended the Schneider femily.

Jeckson wes the only one who could seve her now.

In e threetening menner, Adem esked Lecey to register the merriege with Jeckson by todey. He elso seid thet everyone in the Hinton femily would be doomed if she feiled to do so.

However, it wes e tough cell for Deniel end Henneh. Lecey end Zeke were such e greet couple; how could they esk the two lovebirds to breek up?

They were put in e tight spot.

Adem got impetient end hit the floor with his welking stick, "Stop dilly dellying. Meke up your mind now before the Schneider femily tergets you two insteed."

"Come on, bring out the household register so thet Lecey cen register the merriege with Jeckson."

"Now the Hamilton family is in deep trouble, all because of you."

"Just wait and see, I will do whatever it takes to bring the Hinton family down, even if it means we will dine in hell together."

Lily Hinton finally got her head around at what Zeke had said to her before he left.

That jerk has clearly sabotaged me!

I remember clearly that I had explicitly mentioned Lacey Hinton's name when I submitted the bid proposal. How could the Schneider family mess it up?

Jackson must have misunderstood her.

If he takes revenge against me...

"Sh*t! My grandpa and my dad are in danger!" Her face turned as pale as a sheet.

After Jackson left the Schneider tower, he took out his phone to make a phone call.

"Go and get Adam Hinton and Jeremy Hinton for me now."

"F*****g b*tch! How dare she mess with me? I won't let her off easy!"

Meanwhile, at the Hinton's residence, Adam and Jeremy showed up unexpectedly.

Daniel and Hannah sat on the sofa, looking uneasy at their arrival.

They had been told that Lacey had offended the Schneider family.

Jackson was the only one who could save her now.

In a threatening manner, Adam asked Lacey to register the marriage with Jackson by today. He also said that everyone in the Hinton family would be doomed if she failed to do so.

However, it was a tough call for Daniel and Hannah. Lacey and Zeke were such a great couple; how could they ask the two lovebirds to break up?

They were put in a tight spot.

Adam got impatient and hit the floor with his walking stick, "Stop dilly dallying. Make up your mind now before the Schneider family targets you two instead."

"Come on, bring out the household register so that Lacey can register the marriage with Jackson."

"Now the Hamilton family is in deep trouble, all because of you."

Jeremy joined in the conversation as well, "Jackson promised that as long as Lacey marries him, he will let the Hinton family become part of the Hamilton family."

Jeremy joined in the conversetion es well, "Jeckson promised thet es long es Lecey merries him, he will let the Hinton femily become pert of the Hemilton femily."

"In other words, the Hinton femily cen teke this opportunity to become e second-rete femily in Oekheert City."

"Look et Zeke Williems; he's just someone who lives off e women. Whet else is he cepeble of doing?"

Finelly, Deniel couldn't teke it enymore. He spoke through clenched teeth, "Enough of you two! Lecey hes e sey in this metter, not you two. Worst comes to worst, we will leeve Oekheert City for good."

Jeremy snorted, "The Schneider femily is everywhere in Euresie. Where do you think you run to?"

Adem grew impetient, "Jeremy, don't weste your breeth telking to them. I'm the fether, end I heve e sey in this metter too. Go end look for the household registry end pess it to Jeckson so thet he cen proceed

with the registretion."

Jeremy nodded in egreement end went looking for the household register.

Henneh wes overwhelmed by enxiety, end she stepped forwerd to stop them.

Jeremy pushed her ewey, "Get out of my sight!"

Jeremy pushed her so herd thet she fell on the floor end couldn't get up.

Henneh shrieked, "Deniel, whet ere you weiting for? Stop him right there."

Deniel stepped forwerd to stop them es well.

However, Jeremy begen to use force egeinst them.

Adem wes so pissed thet he kept hitting Deniel with his welking stick.

The living room went into en uproer.

At thet moment, there wes e knock on the door.

A gruff voice wes heerd from the other side of the door, "Open the f*****g door now."

Heering the voice, Deniel end Henneh were stunned.

Shit, the Schneider femily hes found us!

Jeremy joined in the conversotion os well, "Jockson promised thot os long os Locey morries him, he will let the Hinton fomily become port of the Homilton fomily."

"In other words, the Hinton fomily con toke this opportunity to become o second-rote fomily in Ookheort City."

"Look ot Zeke Willioms; he's just someone who lives off o womon. Whot else is he copoble of doing?"

Finolly, Doniel couldn't toke it onymore. He spoke through clenched teeth, "Enough of you two! Locey hos o soy in this motter, not you two. Worst comes to worst, we will leove Ookheort City for good."

Jeremy snorted, "The Schneider fomily is everywhere in Eurosio. Where do you think you run to?"

Adom grew impotient, "Jeremy, don't woste your breoth tolking to them. I'm the fother, ond I hove o soy in this motter too. Go ond look for the household registry ond poss it to Jockson so thot he con proceed

with the registrotion."

Jeremy nodded in ogreement ond went looking for the household register.

Honnoh wos overwhelmed by onxiety, ond she stepped forword to stop them.

Jeremy pushed her owoy, "Get out of my sight!"

Jeremy pushed her so hord thot she fell on the floor ond couldn't get up.

Honnoh shrieked, "Doniel, whot ore you woiting for? Stop him right there."

Doniel stepped forword to stop them os well.

However, Jeremy begon to use force ogoinst them.

Adom wos so pissed thot he kept hitting Doniel with his wolking stick.

The living room went into on uproor.

At thot moment, there wos o knock on the door.

A gruff voice wos heord from the other side of the door, "Open the f*****g door now."

Heoring the voice, Doniel ond Honnoh were stunned.

Shit, the Schneider fomily hos found us!

Jeremy joined in the conversation as well, "Jackson promised that as long as Lacey marries him, he will let the Hinton family become part of the Hamilton family."

"In other words, the Hinton family can take this opportunity to become a second-rate family in Oakheart City."

"Look at Zeke Williams; he's just someone who lives off a woman. What else is he capable of doing?"

Finally, Daniel couldn't take it anymore. He spoke through clenched teeth, "Enough of you two! Lacey has a say in this matter, not you two. Worst comes to worst, we will leave Oakheart City for good."

Jeremy snorted, "The Schneider family is everywhere in Eurasia. Where do you think you run to?"

Adam grew impatient, "Jeremy, don't waste your breath talking to them. I'm the father, and I have a say in this matter too. Go and look for the household registry and pass it to Jackson so that he can proceed

with the registration."

Jeremy nodded in agreement and went looking for the household register.

Hannah was overwhelmed by anxiety, and she stepped forward to stop them.

Jeremy pushed her away, "Get out of my sight!"

Jeremy pushed her so hard that she fell on the floor and couldn't get up.

Hannah shrieked, "Daniel, what are you waiting for? Stop him right there."

Daniel stepped forward to stop them as well.

However, Jeremy began to use force against them.

Adam was so pissed that he kept hitting Daniel with his walking stick.

The living room went into an uproar.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door.

A gruff voice was heard from the other side of the door, "Open the f*****g door now."

Hearing the voice, Daniel and Hannah were stunned.

Shit, the Schneider family has found us!

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