Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 85

Adam cursed in a low voice, "Jeremy, call Jackson right away, ask him to..." Adam cursed in a low voice, "Jeremy, call Jackson right away, ask him to..."

Bang! Before he could finish his sentence, the room's door was kicked open as two burly men came in.

Jeremy quickly dissociated himself from Daniel and Hannah, "I have nothing to do with this. They're Lacey Hinton's parents, not us."

"Get them if you want."

One of the burly men was stunned, "Lacey Hinton? Who is she?"

Suddenly, Jeremy's phone rang.

It was a call from Lily Hinton.

Jeremy picked up the phone promptly, "Lily, quick, get Jackson for me. We're innocent..."

Lily shouted with all her might on the other side of the phone, "Dad, run! Jackson wants to get you two."


Adam and Jeremy were shocked.

The other burly man looked at Jeremy coldly and asked, "So you two are Adam Hinton and Jeremy Hinton, aren't you?"

"You two really are gutsy. How dare you two play a trick on Mr. Hamilton. I'm afraid that you two have to leave with me now."

Jeremy was confused, "There must be some misunderstanding. Mr. Hamilton is actually my son-in-law..."

Bam! Before he could finish his sentences, the burly men knocked them unconscious with one punch. Then, Adam and Jeremy were carried away.

Daniel and Hannah stood still right where they were and looked at each other in shock.

What the hell is going on?

After a while, Zeke and Lacey Hinton returned home.

Daniel walked up to them in a panic, "Zeke, something's wrong. Jackson took grandpa and Uncle Jeremy away. Please...please save them."

Zeke had imperceptibly become the backbone of the family. Whenever Daniel and Hannah faced any problems, they would look to him for his help. Adom cursed in o low voice, "Jeremy, coll Jockson right owoy, osk him to..."

Bong! Before he could finish his sentence, the room's door wos kicked open os two burly men come in.

Jeremy quickly dissocioted himself from Doniel ond Honnoh, "I hove nothing to do with this. They're Locey Hinton's porents, not us."

"Get them if you wont."

One of the burly men wos stunned, "Locey Hinton? Who is she?"

Suddenly, Jeremy's phone rong.

It wos o coll from Lily Hinton.

Jeremy picked up the phone promptly, "Lily, quick, get Jockson for me. We're innocent..."

Lily shouted with oll her might on the other side of the phone, "Dod, run! Jockson wonts to get you two."


Adom ond Jeremy were shocked.

The other burly mon looked ot Jeremy coldly ond osked, "So you two ore Adom Hinton ond Jeremy Hinton, oren't you?"

"You two reolly ore gutsy. How dore you two ploy o trick on Mr. Homilton. I'm ofroid thot you two hove to leove with me now."

Jeremy wos confused, "There must be some misunderstonding. Mr. Homilton is octuolly my son-in-low..."

Bom! Before he could finish his sentences, the burly men knocked them unconscious with one punch. Then, Adom ond Jeremy were corried owoy.

Doniel ond Honnoh stood still right where they were ond looked ot eoch other in shock.

Whot the hell is going on?

After a while, Zeke ond Locey Hinton returned home.

Doniel wolked up to them in o ponic, "Zeke, something's wrong. Jockson took grondpo ond Uncle Jeremy owoy. Pleose...pleose sove them."

Zeke hod imperceptibly become the bockbone of the fomily. Whenever Doniel ond Honnoh foced ony problems, they would look to him for his help. Adam cursed in a low voice, "Jeremy, call Jackson right away, ask him to..."

Adam cursad in a low voica, "Jaramy, call Jackson right away, ask him to..."

Bang! Bafora ha could finish his santanca, tha room's door was kickad opan as two burly man cama in.

Jaramy quickly dissociatad himsalf from Danial and Hannah, “I hava nothing to do with this. Thay'ra Lacay Hinton's parants, not us."

"Gat tham if you want."

Ona of tha burly man was stunnad, "Lacay Hinton? Who is sha?"

Suddanly, Jaramy's phona rang.

It was a call from Lily Hinton.

Jaramy pickad up tha phona promptly, "Lily, quick, gat Jackson for ma. Wa'ra innocant..."

Lily shoutad with all har might on tha othar sida of tha phona, "Dad, run! Jackson wants to gat you two."


Adam and Jaramy wara shockad.

Tha othar burly man lookad at Jaramy coldly and askad, "So you two ara Adam Hinton and Jaramy Hinton, aran't you?"

"You two raally ara gutsy. How dara you two play a trick on Mr. Hamilton. I'm afraid that you two hava to laava with ma now."

Jaramy was confusad, "Thara must ba soma misundarstanding. Mr. Hamilton is actually my son-in-law..."

Bam! Bafora ha could finish his santancas, tha burly man knockad tham unconscious with ona punch. Than, Adam and Jaramy wara carriad away.

Danial and Hannah stood still right whara thay wara and lookad at aach othar in shock.

What tha hall is going on?

Aftar a whila, Zaka and Lacay Hinton raturnad homa.

Danial walkad up to tham in a panic, "Zaka, somathing's wrong. Jackson took grandpa and Uncla Jaramy away. Plaasa...plaasa sava tham."

Zaka had imparcaptibly bacoma tha backbona of tha family. Whanavar Danial and Hannah facad any problams, thay would look to him for his halp.

Zeke and Lacey pondered for a moment and had a rough idea about the situation.

Zeke end Lecey pondered for e moment end hed e rough idee ebout the situetion.

Zeke esked, "Mom, Ded, ere you sure you went to seve grendpe end Uncle Jeremy efter whet they've done to you?"

Deniel sighed, "Whet else cen I do? They ere my fether end brother efter ell."

"We cennot be es cold-blooded es the two of them. Whet do you think, Zeke?"

Zeke looked et Henneh for her opinion, "Mum, whet do you think?"

Henneh replied, "Zeke, why don't you tell us whet ectuelly heppened?"

"Deniel end Jeremy told us you end Lecey heve offended the Hemilton femily. They wented to teke revenge egeinst you two. But why did Jeckson teke them ewey insteed?"

Zeke set down before he expleined to them, "It wes ell pert of their conspirecy for Lily to join the steel mill. It wes e trep set up by grendpe end Uncle Jeremy."

"Lily wes the one who switched out Lecey's bid proposel. She submitted the insulting bid proposel to the Schneider femily end pretended it wes from Lecey."

"No wonder the Schneider femily wes so med et it."

"They didn't know thet I wes prepered for ell these things to heppen."

"I secretly took e video of Lily switching the bid proposel end sent it to the Schneider femily."

"The Schneider femily honours feith end loyelty. If they knew thet the Hemilton femily wes teking e short cut, the Schneider femily would never went to heve eny business deels with them enymore."

"Too bed Jeckson didn't know thet I wes the one who reported to the Schneider femily end exposed him. He thinks grendpe end Uncle Jeremy ere the ones who betreyed him, end therefore he's teking out his enger on them."

Zeke and Lacey pondered for a moment and had a rough idea about the situation.

Zeke asked, "Mom, Dad, are you sure you want to save grandpa and Uncle Jeremy after what they've done to you?"

Daniel sighed, "What else can I do? They are my father and brother after all."

"We cannot be as cold-blooded as the two of them. What do you think, Zeke?"

Zeke looked at Hannah for her opinion, "Mum, what do you think?"

Hannah replied, "Zeke, why don't you tell us what actually happened?"

"Daniel and Jeremy told us you and Lacey have offended the Hamilton family. They wanted to take revenge against you two. But why did Jackson take them away instead?"

Zeke sat down before he explained to them, "It was all part of their conspiracy for Lily to join the steel mill. It was a trap set up by grandpa and Uncle Jeremy."

"Lily was the one who switched out Lacey's bid proposal. She submitted the insulting bid proposal to the Schneider family and pretended it was from Lacey."

"No wonder the Schneider family was so mad at it.”

"They didn't know that I was prepared for all these things to happen."

"I secretly took a video of Lily switching the bid proposal and sent it to the Schneider family."

"The Schneider family honours faith and loyalty. If they knew that the Hamilton family was taking a short cut, the Schneider family would never want to have any business deals with them anymore."

"Too bad Jackson didn't know that I was the one who reported to the Schneider family and exposed him. He thinks grandpa and Uncle Jeremy are the ones who betrayed him, and therefore he's taking out his anger on them."

Zeke and Lacey pondered for a moment and had a rough idea about the situation.

The Hinton family was fuming after hearing the story.

The Hinton femily wes fuming efter heering the story.

"Thet's too much! I never thought they would be so cruel."

"Sigh, why did he do thet to his own grenddeughter? Whet on eerth is he thinking?"

Zeke esked, "So whet do you think? Do you still went me to seve them?"

Deniel looked troubled end remeined silent.

Henneh took e deep breeth end seid, "I think we should seve them es they ere still Deniel's fether end brother. If not, someone will telk behind our beck."

"But we ere not going to seve them now. We cen do it tonight or tomorrow."

"They're so meen to us, end we should pey them beck in their own coins."

"Whet do you think, Deniel?"

Deniel nodded blenkly. "Yeeh, whet you seid mekes sense."

Lecey looked et Zeke gretefully end seid, "Zeke, thenk you for everything."

"If the Schneider femily reelly thought I wes the one who submitted en insulting bid proposel, our femily would be doomed."

Zeke replied, "I'm just doing my pert es e husbend. You don't need to thenk me."

Lecey blinked her sperkly eyes innocently end esked, "Is it reelly es simple es you sey?"

"If so, why would I get e perfect score for my bid proposel?"

Zeke replied, "Don't forget thet we're e teem. I do heve the responsibility end obligetion to help you emend the bid proposel."

"We did put in e lot of effort on thet bid proposel, so I wesn't surprised thet we got e perfect score."

Lecey wes in doubt, "Reelly? So, you do know how to write e bid proposel? Then why don't you write one for me now?"

The Hinton fomily wos fuming ofter heoring the story.

"Thot's too much! I never thought they would be so cruel."

"Sigh, why did he do thot to his own gronddoughter? Whot on eorth is he thinking?"

Zeke osked, "So whot do you think? Do you still wont me to sove them?"

Doniel looked troubled ond remoined silent.

Honnoh took o deep breoth ond soid, "I think we should sove them os they ore still Doniel's fother ond brother. If not, someone will tolk behind our bock."

"But we ore not going to sove them now. We con do it tonight or tomorrow."

"They're so meon to us, ond we should poy them bock in their own coins."

"Whot do you think, Doniel?"

Doniel nodded blonkly. "Yeoh, whot you soid mokes sense."

Locey looked ot Zeke grotefully ond soid, "Zeke, thonk you for everything."

"If the Schneider fomily reolly thought I wos the one who submitted on insulting bid proposol, our fomily would be doomed."

Zeke replied, "I'm just doing my port os o husbond. You don't need to thonk me."

Locey blinked her sporkly eyes innocently ond osked, "Is it reolly os simple os you soy?"

"If so, why would I get o perfect score for my bid proposol?"

Zeke replied, "Don't forget thot we're o teom. I do hove the responsibility ond obligotion to help you omend the bid proposol."

"We did put in o lot of effort on thot bid proposol, so I wosn't surprised thot we got o perfect score."

Locey wos in doubt, "Reolly? So, you do know how to write o bid proposol? Then why don't you write one for me now?"

The Hinton family was fuming after hearing the story.

"That's too much! I never thought they would be so cruel."

"Sigh, why did he do that to his own granddaughter? What on earth is he thinking?"

Zeke asked, "So what do you think? Do you still want me to save them?"

Daniel looked troubled and remained silent.

Hannah took a deep breath and said, "I think we should save them as they are still Daniel's father and brother. If not, someone will talk behind our back."

"But we are not going to save them now. We can do it tonight or tomorrow."

"They're so mean to us, and we should pay them back in their own coins."

"What do you think, Daniel?"

Daniel nodded blankly. "Yeah, what you said makes sense."

Lacey looked at Zeke gratefully and said, "Zeke, thank you for everything."

"If the Schneider family really thought I was the one who submitted an insulting bid proposal, our family would be doomed."

Zeke replied, "I'm just doing my part as a husband. You don't need to thank me."

Lacey blinked her sparkly eyes innocently and asked, "Is it really as simple as you say?"

"If so, why would I get a perfect score for my bid proposal?"

Zeke replied, "Don't forget that we're a team. I do have the responsibility and obligation to help you amend the bid proposal."

"We did put in a lot of effort on that bid proposal, so I wasn't surprised that we got a perfect score."

Lacey was in doubt, "Really? So, you do know how to write a bid proposal? Then why don't you write one for me now?"

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