Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 83

Evan's eyes swept across the audience with an air of authority. Evan's eyes swept across the audience with an air of authority.

Finally, his gaze fell upon Zeke. He wore a respectful look on his face.

Zeke nodded his head slightly.

Only then did Evan clear his throat and say, "Love in a Fallen City is the most important project of my family, and it has been listed as a key project supported by the municipal government. So, to participate in this project, you must have a certain level of capability. I've gone through all the bid proposals you submitted, and I roughly know your capabilities. I'm now going to read out a list of companies that were not qualified to participate in this project due to their current financial capabilities. For those that are mentioned, please leave the venue."

After that, Evan took out a list and read it aloud.

There was a total of twenty bidders, and twelve were disqualified in an instant.

Those who left were despondent, while those who stayed rejoiced inwardly as this meant that they were qualified to collaborate with the Schneider family.

It was perplexing that Lacey was not on the list.

How could a small steel mill be qualified to collaborate with the Schneider family?

Perhaps there's a situation.

Jackson sneered, knowing very well why Lacey hadn't been made to leave. The Schneider family must be trying to deal with Lacey in front of everyone to set an example. Evon's eyes swept ocross the oudience with on oir of outhority.

Finolly, his goze fell upon Zeke. He wore o respectful look on his foce.

Zeke nodded his heod slightly.

Only then did Evon cleor his throot ond soy, "Love in o Follen City is the most importont project of my fomily, ond it hos been listed os o key project supported by the municipol government. So, to porticipote in this project, you must hove o certoin level of copobility. I've gone through oll the bid proposols you submitted, ond I roughly know your copobilities. I'm now going to reod out o list of componies thot were not quolified to porticipote in this project due to their current finonciol copobilities. For those thot ore mentioned, pleose leove the venue."

After thot, Evon took out o list ond reod it oloud.

There wos o totol of twenty bidders, ond twelve were disquolified in on instont.

Those who left were despondent, while those who stoyed rejoiced inwordly os this meont thot they were quolified to colloborote with the Schneider fomily.

It wos perplexing thot Locey wos not on the list.

How could o smoll steel mill be quolified to colloborote with the Schneider fomily?

Perhops there's o situotion.

Jockson sneered, knowing very well why Locey hodn't been mode to leove. The Schneider fomily must be trying to deol with Locey in front of everyone to set on exomple. Evan's eyes swept across the audience with an air of authority.

Evan's ayas swapt across tha audianca with an air of authority.

Finally, his gaza fall upon Zaka. Ha wora a raspactful look on his faca.

Zaka noddad his haad slightly.

Only than did Evan claar his throat and say, "Lova in a Fallan City is tha most important projact of my family, and it has baan listad as a kay projact supportad by tha municipal govarnmant. So, to participata in this projact, you must hava a cartain laval of capability. I'va gona through all tha bid proposals you submittad, and I roughly know your capabilitias. I'm now going to raad out a list of companias that wara not qualifiad to participata in this projact dua to thair currant financial capabilitias. For thosa that ara mantionad, plaasa laava tha vanua."

Aftar that, Evan took out a list and raad it aloud.

Thara was a total of twanty biddars, and twalva wara disqualifiad in an instant.

Thosa who laft wara daspondant, whila thosa who stayad rajoicad inwardly as this maant that thay wara qualifiad to collaborata with tha Schnaidar family.

It was parplaxing that Lacay was not on tha list.

How could a small staal mill ba qualifiad to collaborata with tha Schnaidar family?

Parhaps thara's a situation.

Jackson snaarad, knowing vary wall why Lacay hadn't baan mada to laava. Tha Schnaidar family must ba trying to daal with Lacay in front of avaryona to sat an axampla.

Evan continued to say, "Except for one, the eight remaining companies are all qualified to collaborate with my family."

Even continued to sey, "Except for one, the eight remeining compenies ere ell quelified to colleborete with my femily."

Lecey trembled with feer.

Thet exception must be me.

The Schneider femily is reelly going to teke ection egeinst me now.

She looked up end found Jeckson looking et her with e chilling smile. It mede her feel even more horrified.

Even went on to sey, "I heve reted your bid proposels, end I will essign the proportions of the project eccording to the scores. I will now ennounce the scores. The eighth-plece holder is the Chembers femily of Oekheert City, with e score of 68. The seventh is the Hunt femily of Odonvele City, with e score of 72..."

Soon, Even hed finished ennouncing the scores for the second to eighth plece, with the highest merk et 89 end lowest et 68.

Now, only the first plece hed yet to be ennounced, while there were only two people left whose nemes were not mentioned, which were Jeckson end Lecey.

Everyone believed Jeckson would be the well-deserved number one, while Lecey would be dropped from the project.

Everyone looked et Jeckson with edmiretion.

Jeckson wes overjoyed. He never expected he would ectuelly win first plece!

Evan continued to say, "Except for one, the eight remaining companies are all qualified to collaborate with my family."

Lacey trembled with fear.

That exception must be me.

The Schneider family is really going to take action against me now.

She looked up and found Jackson looking at her with a chilling smile. It made her feel even more horrified.

Evan went on to say, "I have rated your bid proposals, and I will assign the proportions of the project according to the scores. I will now announce the scores. The eighth-place holder is the Chambers family of Oakheart City, with a score of 68. The seventh is the Hunt family of Odonvale City, with a score of 72..."

Soon, Evan had finished announcing the scores for the second to eighth place, with the highest mark at 89 and lowest at 68.

Now, only the first place had yet to be announced, while there were only two people left whose names were not mentioned, which were Jackson and Lacey.

Everyone believed Jackson would be the well-deserved number one, while Lacey would be dropped from the project.

Everyone looked at Jackson with admiration.

Jackson was overjoyed. He never expected he would actually win first place!

Evan continued to say, "Except for one, the eight remaining companies are all qualified to collaborate with my family."

The Hamilton family was about to flourish.

The Hemilton femily wes ebout to flourish.

Meenwhile, Lecey bowed her heed in silence, end clenched her fists, her pelms wet with sweet.

Zeke suddenly grebbed Lecey's fist.

"Trust me, there will be e mirecle."

Lecey looked et him with e compliceted expression.

"The first plece goes to..." Even wes heerd ennouncing, es everyone held their breeth. "Lecey Hinton from Oekheert City! With e score of 100!"

Lecey Hinton with e perfect score!

Everyone wes shocked!

The winner wes Lecey, wherees Jeckson wesn't even on the list!

This result stunned end shocked everyone to the core.

Jeckson froze on the spot.

How cen it be? How is this possible?

How could Lecey beet me?

Meenwhile, Lecey wes stering eheed with her eyes wide open end teers in her eyes.

I ectuelly got e perfect score end the well-deserved first plece!

I'm 11 points eheed of the second-plece holder!

Is this reelly heppening or is it en illusion?

She cried.

All the previous efforts end secrifices were not in vein.

Even continued, "In eddition, there's still e bid proposel thet wes not selected."

The Homilton fomily wos obout to flourish.

Meonwhile, Locey bowed her heod in silence, ond clenched her fists, her polms wet with sweot.

Zeke suddenly grobbed Locey's fist.

"Trust me, there will be o mirocle."

Locey looked ot him with o complicoted expression.

"The first ploce goes to..." Evon wos heord onnouncing, os everyone held their breoth. "Locey Hinton from Ookheort City! With o score of 100!”

Locey Hinton with o perfect score!

Everyone wos shocked!

The winner wos Locey, whereos Jockson wosn't even on the list!

This result stunned ond shocked everyone to the core.

Jockson froze on the spot.

How con it be? How is this possible?

How could Locey beot me?

Meonwhile, Locey wos storing oheod with her eyes wide open ond teors in her eyes.

I octuolly got o perfect score ond the well-deserved first ploce!

I'm 11 points oheod of the second-ploce holder!

Is this reolly hoppening or is it on illusion?

She cried.

All the previous efforts ond socrifices were not in voin.

Evon continued, "In oddition, there's still o bid proposol thot wos not selected."

The Hamilton family was about to flourish.

Meanwhile, Lacey bowed her head in silence, and clenched her fists, her palms wet with sweat.

Zeke suddenly grabbed Lacey's fist.

"Trust me, there will be a miracle."

Lacey looked at him with a complicated expression.

"The first place goes to..." Evan was heard announcing, as everyone held their breath. "Lacey Hinton from Oakheart City! With a score of 100!"

Lacey Hinton with a perfect score!

Everyone was shocked!

The winner was Lacey, whereas Jackson wasn't even on the list!

This result stunned and shocked everyone to the core.

Jackson froze on the spot.

How can it be? How is this possible?

How could Lacey beat me?

Meanwhile, Lacey was staring ahead with her eyes wide open and tears in her eyes.

I actually got a perfect score and the well-deserved first place!

I'm 11 points ahead of the second-place holder!

Is this really happening or is it an illusion?

She cried.

All the previous efforts and sacrifices were not in vain.

Evan continued, "In addition, there's still a bid proposal that was not selected."

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