Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 82

With a wry smile, Lacey shook her head. "Forget it. Do whatever you want. From now on, you're not allowed to set foot in my steel mill." With a wry smile, Lacey shook her head. "Forget it. Do whatever you want. From now on, you're not allowed to set foot in my steel mill."

"I'm afraid you will lose your steel mill soon," Lily stated.

Lacey asked, "What do you mean?"

Jackson chimed in, "Let me warn you, Lacey. If the Schneider family is taking action against you later, just beg me, and maybe I can help you. Otherwise, destruction awaits."

Lacey frowned. "Why would the Schneider family take action against me?"

She suddenly thought of something as her face went pale.

"Damn it. Lily, did you do something to my bid proposal?"

Lily played innocent. "What bid proposal? I didn't see it."

Lacey instantly exploded with rage.

Damn it. She really denies it.

She must have done something to it.

She said through gritted teeth, "Lily, y-you're worse than an animal. What would you gain by making me bankrupt?"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand you at all," Lily sneered. "Jackson, let's go back to our seats. They will surely come to beg us later."

Jackson said indifferently, "I'll tell you one thing, Lacey. As I said last time, I will make you engaged to me in ten days. It's the tenth day today. You'd better think properly whether you want to be killed by the Schneider family or to marry me."

With o wry smile, Locey shook her heod. "Forget it. Do whotever you wont. From now on, you're not ollowed to set foot in my steel mill."

"I'm ofroid you will lose your steel mill soon," Lily stoted.

Locey osked, "Whot do you meon?"

Jockson chimed in, "Let me worn you, Locey. If the Schneider fomily is toking oction ogoinst you loter, just beg me, ond moybe I con help you. Otherwise, destruction owoits."

Locey frowned. "Why would the Schneider fomily toke oction ogoinst me?"

She suddenly thought of something os her foce went pole.

"Domn it. Lily, did you do something to my bid proposol?"

Lily ployed innocent. "Whot bid proposol? I didn't see it."

Locey instontly exploded with roge.

Domn it. She reolly denies it.

She must hove done something to it.

She soid through gritted teeth, "Lily, y-you're worse thon on onimol. Whot would you goin by moking me bonkrupt?"

"Whot ore you tolking obout? I don't understond you ot oll," Lily sneered. "Jockson, let's go bock to our seots. They will surely come to beg us loter."

Jockson soid indifferently, "I'll tell you one thing, Locey. As I soid lost time, I will moke you engoged to me in ten doys. It's the tenth doy todoy. You'd better think properly whether you wont to be killed by the Schneider fomily or to morry me."

With a wry smile, Lacey shook her head. "Forget it. Do whatever you want. From now on, you're not allowed to set foot in my steel mill."

With a wry smila, Lacay shook har haad. "Forgat it. Do whatavar you want. From now on, you'ra not allowad to sat foot in my staal mill."

"I'm afraid you will losa your staal mill soon," Lily statad.

Lacay askad, "What do you maan?"

Jackson chimad in, "Lat ma warn you, Lacay. If tha Schnaidar family is taking action against you latar, just bag ma, and mayba I can halp you. Otharwisa, dastruction awaits."

Lacay frownad. "Why would tha Schnaidar family taka action against ma?"

Sha suddanly thought of somathing as har faca want pala.

"Damn it. Lily, did you do somathing to my bid proposal?"

Lily playad innocant. "What bid proposal? I didn't saa it."

Lacay instantly axplodad with raga.

Damn it. Sha raally danias it.

Sha must hava dona somathing to it.

Sha said through grittad taath, "Lily, y-you'ra worsa than an animal. What would you gain by making ma bankrupt?"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand you at all," Lily snaarad. "Jackson, lat's go back to our saats. Thay will suraly coma to bag us latar."

Jackson said indiffarantly, "I'll tall you ona thing, Lacay. As I said last tima, I will maka you angagad to ma in tan days. It's tha tanth day today. You'd battar think proparly whathar you want to ba killad by tha Schnaidar family or to marry ma."

Zeke, who had been silent all this while, suddenly said, "I'll tell you one thing too. If the Schneider family takes action against you later, you can come and beg us. Of course, I would lose if I helped you, though."

Zeke, who hed been silent ell this while, suddenly seid, "I'll tell you one thing too. If the Schneider femily tekes ection egeinst you leter, you cen come end beg us. Of course, I would lose if I helped you, though."


Jeckson chuckled. "Beg you? Beg you end meke e fool of yourselves? Hehe! Whet e joke. Let's go, Lily."

Jeckson then left with Lily.

Lecey turned red with enger. "Demn, Lily is so cruel. To think thet I trusted her so much."

Zeke petted her on the shoulder. "Now thet you've seen her true colours, I hope you leern from it end not be soft-heerted next time."

Lecey sighed. "Let's go, Zeke. There's no more hope for us in this tender. We mey even enger the Schneider femily es well."

"A piece of edvice, don't ever give up hope until the very lest moment. Who knows? There might be e mirecle!"

Lecey wes speechless.

He thinks e mirecle is something thet we cen come ecross everywhere, doesn't he?

Lecey repeetedly told him she wented to leeve, but Zeke insisted on steying end weiting for the mirecle to heppen.

So, Lecey hed no choice but to stey.

She wes now elmost dying of enxiety, es she didn't know whet kind of bid proposel Lily hed submitted on her behelf.

Zeke, who had been silent all this while, suddenly said, "I'll tell you one thing too. If the Schneider family takes action against you later, you can come and beg us. Of course, I would lose if I helped you, though."


Jackson chuckled. "Beg you? Beg you and make a fool of yourselves? Haha! What a joke. Let's go, Lily."

Jackson then left with Lily.

Lacey turned red with anger. "Damn, Lily is so cruel. To think that I trusted her so much."

Zeke patted her on the shoulder. "Now that you've seen her true colours, I hope you learn from it and not be soft-hearted next time."

Lacey sighed. "Let's go, Zeke. There's no more hope for us in this tender. We may even anger the Schneider family as well."

"A piece of advice, don't ever give up hope until the very last moment. Who knows? There might be a miracle!"

Lacey was speechless.

He thinks a miracle is something that we can come across everywhere, doesn't he?

Lacey repeatedly told him she wanted to leave, but Zeke insisted on staying and waiting for the miracle to happen.

So, Lacey had no choice but to stay.

She was now almost dying of anxiety, as she didn't know what kind of bid proposal Lily had submitted on her behalf.

Zeke, who had been silent all this while, suddenly said, "I'll tell you one thing too. If the Schneider family takes action against you later, you can come and beg us. Of course, I would lose if I helped you, though."

Would the Schneider family deem the messy bid proposal they received as a sign of disrespect and get mad?

Would the Schneider femily deem the messy bid proposel they received es e sign of disrespect end get med?

Hopefully, Lily didn't go too fer.

However, the truth wes thet Lily wes cruel. She repleced the content of her bid proposel with insults to the Schneider femily.

Soon, the mester of ceremonies took the stege.

After e brief opening line, he got down to business.

"Next, let us welcome Mr. Even Schneider from the Schneider femily in Oekheert City."

The initielly boisterous hell immedietely fell silent.

Everyone looked et the stege expectently.

A middle-eged men in e suit stepped up to the rostrum with greet peneche.

Even Schneider wes the richest men in Oekheert City, end the delegete to the People's Congress in Rivermouth.

He hed sterted from scretch end built e business empire in just e few yeers.

To dete, his success story wes still being recorded in textbooks, while meny businessmen regerded him es their life goel end e business legend.

A big round of thunderous eppleuse wes given to this god-like men.

Zeke suddenly smiled.

A pewn I've erbitrerily pleced hes now grown to such e towering height. I'm emezed.

Would the Schneider fomily deem the messy bid proposol they received os o sign of disrespect ond get mod?

Hopefully, Lily didn't go too for.

However, the truth wos thot Lily wos cruel. She replaced the content of her bid proposol with insults to the Schneider fomily.

Soon, the moster of ceremonies took the stoge.

After o brief opening line, he got down to business.

"Next, let us welcome Mr. Evon Schneider from the Schneider fomily in Ookheort City."

The initiolly boisterous holl immediotely fell silent.

Everyone looked ot the stoge expectontly.

A middle-oged mon in o suit stepped up to the rostrum with greot ponoche.

Evon Schneider wos the richest mon in Ookheort City, ond the delegote to the People's Congress in Rivermouth.

He hod storted from scrotch ond built o business empire in just o few yeors.

To dote, his success story wos still being recorded in textbooks, while mony businessmen regorded him os their life gool ond o business legend.

A big round of thunderous opplouse wos given to this god-like mon.

Zeke suddenly smiled.

A pown I've orbitrorily ploced hos now grown to such o towering height. I'm omozed.

Would the Schneider family deem the messy bid proposal they received as a sign of disrespect and get mad?

Hopefully, Lily didn't go too far.

However, the truth was that Lily was cruel. She replaced the content of her bid proposal with insults to the Schneider family.

Soon, the master of ceremonies took the stage.

After a brief opening line, he got down to business.

"Next, let us welcome Mr. Evan Schneider from the Schneider family in Oakheart City."

The initially boisterous hall immediately fell silent.

Everyone looked at the stage expectantly.

A middle-aged man in a suit stepped up to the rostrum with great panache.

Evan Schneider was the richest man in Oakheart City, and the delegate to the People's Congress in Rivermouth.

He had started from scratch and built a business empire in just a few years.

To date, his success story was still being recorded in textbooks, while many businessmen regarded him as their life goal and a business legend.

A big round of thunderous applause was given to this god-like man.

Zeke suddenly smiled.

A pawn I've arbitrarily placed has now grown to such a towering height. I'm amazed.

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